Fallen Phoenix

Slowly as the Burnt Chicken fell, the grappling gun pulled it closer to their backyard. Ron was getting more and more excited to see the size of this thing.

' What a gigantic Chicken legs! ' Ron didn't see anything but the Gigantic legs the burnt chicken had.

" Hey Mom! I want Chicken legs! Please let me eat that chicken legs! "

Ron excitedly pointed at the falling chicken and asked Daisy, after all everything Ron ate must come to Daisy first and then the chef before going to Ron.

" Hey Mr Chef, is that thing edible? " Daisy asked the Chef who also ran in here when he heard a loud explosion.

The Chef tried to look hard at the burnt chicken that was falling. He was not able to see it clearly as it was still too far away.

" I don't know Madam, I need to get closer to it to know what it is. But it's body would break if it fall down from that height. "

" Noooo! I don't want that! What if the Chicken Legs get broken? " Ron really wanted that chicken legs.

" My Baby wants that Burnt Chicken, someone get it for him. " Daisy also wanted to taste Gigantic Chicken Wings but she was too embarrass to say it.

" Yes Ma'am! " Everyone was excited as they also wanted to taste that Chicken.

The poor former phoenix was now being looked as a food. If it was alive then it would cry tears of flame.

Someone jumped out of the window and rushed towards the falling chicken. Ron was only able to worriedly watch the chicken fall quickly.

After a while, its speed got slower. It seemed that someone was able to catch it. And finally it fell to the ground.

" Now let's go see what kind of animal it is. " The Chef said carrying with him his butchering tools.

Since everyone here was strong except for Ron and someone had already jumped out from the window first, they also used the window to jump down. Daisy was carrying Ron as he was still to weak to jump down from this height.

Everyone ran towards where the chicken fell and when they got there they were surprised.

" Wow! That's so big! "

They saw the headless corpse of the giant chicken. It was so big that it was bigger than an elephant. It was twice as big as an elephant!

" Yehey! The legs are mine! " Ron excitedly ran towards the legs of the chicken to hug it.

" Wait Young Master! It might still be alive! "

Everyone was worried when Ron just suddenly ran towards it.

" Nahh, I checked it and its totally dead. Just let Young Master do it. " The one who caught the Chicken fall checked its vitality first.

If this thing was still alive then it might be dangerous. But seeing that it did not move and its heart was not beating anymore, he was finally sure it was dead.

Ron was able to hug his chicken legs, it was very rough and his body turned black from the charred feathers of the chicken.

" Hmmm, it's feather is charred, something might have burned it and it ran away. " The chef checked the corpse.

" Wait a minute, Giant Chicken? Burnt? Flame? Holy shit is this a Fallen Phoenix? " The chef excitedly said.

" Fallen Phoenix? What is that? " Daisy had never heard of Fallen Phoenix.

" Hehe, you know that Phoenix regenerates very fast that it is said to be immortal. A fallen Phoenix happens when a Phoenix use almost all of its energy that its fire that is covering its whole body would burn the phoenix itself. The Phoenix would be forced to turn its fire off so it would not kill itself from its flames, this is why they are called Fallen Phoenix. Let me see the heart, if it is really a Phoenix then it would have a heart filled with mana. "

The chef brought out his knife and started to open its chest.

" Wow, this thing is very hard. "

The chef was having a hard time cutting through the body.

" Someone, lend me some help here. "

It was so hard that the chef needed some help.

After a while he was finally able to take out the heart.

" Haha! It really is a Fallen Phoenix! And it's heart is full of mana too! This is perfect for Ron! I can't believe I get to eat a phoenix in my life time! "

The only way you can eat a phoenix was to wait for it to become a fallen phoenix, its flame would keep burning until it turns into ashes when it's fire is not out when you kill it.

To see a phoenix was rare, but to see a fallen phoenix was much more!

Ron that was hugging the legs of the Fallen Phoenix suddenly felt a movements in it.

" Huh? Is this thing still alive? Why is its legs moving? "

Everyone became guarded when Ron said that and Daisy quickly picked Ron up.

Someone bravely came out and poked the leg with a stick. After some poking, the legs moved once again.

The guy thought it was weird so he lifted the legs. Then he saw a white furball covered in the charred feather of the phoenix.

The man picked it up and showed it to everyone.

" This thing is the one moving, I think the phoenix was meant to eat it. "

The furball unfurled itself and it looked like an Arctic fox that was colored pure white.

" What is this fox specie? It's so cute! Is it a baby? If it is then we're gonna keep it! Ron needs a friend too and a pet is fine too! " Daisy fell in love with the cuteness of the Fox.

" No, it's not an Arctic fox. It's in the middle of Spring so it shouldn't have white fur. Maybe it is that special variant of Firefox. Those foxes that can control the temperature of their flames, they can make their flames go colder or hotter. I forgot what they are called. " The Chef was experts in both plants and animals.

" Maybe the Fallen Phoenix wanted to eat it to reignite its flame. Phoenix can't ignite the flames on its body on their own, someone must ignite it and mostly it is their parents who ignite it when they are just born. If it was gonna use this fox then it would be a powerful phoenix when it has that unique flame. "

Thinking about a phoenix that can make its flame go colder made the chef salivate. It can use its flame to cook and at the same time make his dishes go colder! It was a chef's dream pet!

" Mom! Can I keep it? " Ron also fell in love with its cuteness.

" Of course my baby. You can keep it. " Daisy also wanted Ron to someone to play. There were very little amount of children living in this island, there was Eve in their neighbourhood but she was a special case.

" Yey! Now I have Chicken Legs and a pet! "

Ron felt very lucky today.

' But I still want some cookies. '

Ron had been unable to get the cookies he wanted.