After eating the heart, Ron looked like a wild animal eating a fresh raw meat of the prey they hunted.
His hands and face were full of blood. If he wandered in the night then everyone would've shouted when they see him.
Even his clothes were full of blood, that heart produced like infinite amount of blood that just never ends. Everytime he bit into the heart, blood would spill all over him.
But this was not the thing that Ron realized that was important.
Ron had just noticed that...
He was too full to eat some cookies!
His mother tricked him into eating the heart!
" Mom! You Liar! I'm too full to eat cookies! " The bloody Ron complained to his mother.
" Oh Dear really? Then you should wait until you are not full! The cookies can wait. " Daisy just brushed it off.
" Anyway! Take a bath! You look so dirty after eating that heart. "
Blood was still dropping down Ron's face and hand. He really looked so bloody that it would scare anyone who didn't know what happened.
" Take that cute little thing with you too. " Daisy looked at the side, there was a dirty little fluffball that was ravaging a piece of phoenix meat.
It was such a fierce way of eating that Daisy was scared of letting Ron hold it.
" Hey, does that thing have Rabies or something? Should we take it to the veterinarian first to give it some vaccine? "
Daisy was really worried about it biting Ron.
" Don't worry Madam, I searched in the Poogle and it says that it is a special variant of the Firefox family. It won't get sick with a lowly illness like that. " The chef who was also an animal expert said.
" Really? Then why is it like that? So fierce... It looks like it would bite you when you try to touch it. "
" Haha Don't worry Madam Daisy, it doesn't have rabies. "
" Then you go touch it! See if it bites you. "
At this time, the fox had finished its food and it was looking for more, the chef slowly approached it and when he looked closely it looked really fierce looking for food.
The Chef gulped some saliva because of nervousness, he slowly put his hands on top on his head and rubbed it.
" Haha, see Madam Daisy. It won't bite Agghhhh! " The fox suddenly bit him.
" I knew it! That thing would bite anyone! Ron I don't think we should keep it! "
" Gahhhhh! Help me Madam! It's breathing fire! It's trying to cook my hands! "
The Fox was not letting the chef's hands go as it bit really hard. The chef waved it around but not smashing it into something afraid of hurting the little pup.
The chef was really sweating hard now as he felt that his hand that was bitten was slowly starting to smell cooked.
" Mom! That thing is just hungry! Look! " Ron suddenly took Daisy's food.
" Ah! My wings! Hey what are you doing Ron. "
Ron bravely approached the Fox that was being waved around by the chef, something started to smell good right now.
The chef, seeing Ron was going to help him gritted his teeth and put his hands down. The Fox was still stubbornly breathing fire and biting hard, hanging from the chef's hand. It was also slowly starting to chef.
" Look Snow! Food! Come here eat some. " Ron already decided the name of the little pup.
' What do you mean Snow! That thing breathes fire and you name it Snow! ' The Chef was slowly getting dizzy from the pain.
Ron waved the chicken wing in front of Snow and Snow let go of the Chef's hand to eat the wings that Ron waved.
" Haha! Look Mom! He was just looking for more food. " Ron patted the fox in the head as it ate the wings happily. It was waving its dirty tail!
The Chef happily took his hand back and blew on it. Thinking that it might alleviate his pain a little.
" Madam! That thing is a demon! Look how close my hand was from cooking! I need to see the Doctor fast! "
The Chef ran out hurriedly as he held his nearly cooked hand.
Ron was still happily watching the little fox eat.
" Ron, I think you should get away from that thing. It bit the hand of our chef! " Daisy was afraid of getting close to the fox. Who knew! It might bite her next.
Ron was dangerously close to the fox, he was rubbing its head like the Chef did. It might bite him next when it finishes its food.
And it was a perfect timing as it just finished the wings that it was eating!
" Ron! Get away from Snow quickly! " Daisy paled at the sight as she hurriedly warned Ron.
" Mom I think it is still hungry! Give it some food. "
Ron refused to get away from Snow as he rubbed its chin. Snow was making a satisfied face!
Its face looked like it would say ' Hooman! Rub that place more! '
Daisy quickly threw it a piece of meat. It was raw as the chef was unable to cook something with his hand nearly cooked.
The Fox smelled the raw meat and seeing that it was raw, it started breathing fire to cook it just like what it did to the chef.
" Oh Mom look! Snow is cooking! Look at him! "
Daisy was sweating nervously now as Ron tried to put his hands to the fire.
" Ron! Don't you dare put your hand to the fire! Or else I won't let you play games for a day! "
Ron quickly took his hand back, Ron and Daisy watched as the fox cooked the piece of meat.
" Hoo! I'm finally back, is that thing gone? " The Chef was back with a fully healed hand.
" No! It's still cooking some meat. "
The Chef looked at the fox that was cooking the meat.
" I did some researched and it turns out that this thing is a little gourmet! It won't eat pet food if it does not taste good! That was why it tried to cook my hand before eating it. "
Everyone watched as the fox cooked the meat and ate it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In hell there was a dog that was totally not a gourmet.
" Gahhhhhhh! Help me! I can't feel my hand! "
Adrian was captured and bitten by Alabama. He was being chewed by the giant dog along with Devin.
" Good for you! I can't feel both my legs! " Devin shouted back as they were being chewed by Alabama.
It was a good thing that their souls would turn back to normal in hell after a while.
Adrian noticed that Alabama was chasing after Richard next. He cheered Alabama.
" Haha! Go Alabama! Go get that bastard! Maul him to death! hahahaha! "
Alabama was excited after getting cheered by Adrian so he ran faster.
" Adrian you Son of a bitch! I'll kill you later! GAHHHHHH! My belly! " Richard shouted as Alabama's claw pierced his belly.
Anna was hiding somewhere hugging her knees and covering her ears. She was shaking from fear as her companions in hell got toyed by Alabama.
Satan just happily watched his dog play.