Change Of Plans

'God of Light and God of darkness, the maidens and Grimm are the creation of a god.', Naruto reviewed the stories in his head while laying down on the bed. 'Are the gods real or fake and if they are real, are they aware of about me dropping in on their world.' mulling over the possibility of a confrontation with gods of this world brought a headache.

That night Naruto did not get much sleep because of the myths and legends, he did not believe that the god of light created humanity. However, some parts of these legends could be true. Which brought another thing to his attention, where is the god if its creation is in trouble.

The next day, Naruto followed his set routine of waking up early and training but this time he trained away from the few observers all the while random thoughts of gods and demons revolved in his head. On the way to the inn, he decided to do some shopping because it was time to start the journey to look for answers.

Walking into a shop Naruto looked around for clothes common to shinobi but there were none. So he simply picked up cheap clothes similar to the ones he was wearing and went up to the counter. When he was paying for the clothes he spotted a red scarf which reminded him of his mother's hair and immediately bought it. A warm feeling flooded his chest but he also felt the loneliness that was similar to the one he felt as a kid. Naruto did not push his feelings down this time instead, he embraced them. After fighting his negative emotions he was not going to bury them in his subconsciousness, he promised that to himself.

Buying toiletries and an emergency medkit on his way back to the Inn, Naruto first ate breakfast and got back to studying on the computer. It was getting a lot easier to study and memorize everything, he had no idea that receiving powers from Sage of Six Paths had improved many things about himself. Even if he was not able to use chakra the effects remained.

A few hours later Naruto figured that he could take a break since he was done with basics of coding which seemed to him like a very easy form of fuinjutsu but again very very easy and he already knew how to make some basic tags which he learned on his training trip.

After a relaxing bath, his eyes traveled towards the storage seal on his bicep where everything owned by Jiraya was stored. The seal was so beautifully drawn that anyone would be captivated by its design.

'I'm sure I will find something useful in there' Naruto decided to finally give it a go and bit his thumb. Smearing some blood on the seal didn't do anything but, after five seconds a smoke cloud erupted from his arm and a big scroll landed on the bed.

He opened the scroll only to see more sub storage seals drawn on it. Each one listed by things it stored in the language of Elemental Nations. There were Jutsu, Taijutsu, fuinjutsu with supplies, books, seal tags, accessories, and even weapons.

The scroll was not that big but he remembered that grandma Tsunade told him that she had filled everything up for him including all of Jiraya's things since he was the sole inheritor.

'I can finally learn some cool jutsus!', in his hurry, Naruto forgot that he could not use chakra anymore. Once clean room was now filled with scrolls of jutsus from every element, some even of different bloodlines. Grabbing the scroll with wind Naruto opened it up and more scrolls poured out but he didn't stop and started reading one. Doing the hand signs at lightning speed Naruto waited for the action to happen but no dome of wind appeared.

He waited and waited and once again the reality of the situation hit him like a train. He dropped his head onto the pillow and yelled.


The sound was muted but his yell contained anguish. First of all, he made a mess out of everything and second he lost all his composure. Naruto was so sure that he had matured enough but still made such a big blunder.

What he didn't remember was that it just doesn't take a month to become wise and mature.

He looked at the mess one more time and sighed. After searching for the main scroll he stored it in his beg. Thanking his luck that no one had knocked his door after all the noise he made Naruto started thinking about what to do with all the scrolls. He can not learn them and there was no way for him travel with everything out in the open so the only option left was to dispose of them but destroying such a large collection will be great loss and surely these jutsu will come in handy once he was able to go back to his world.

With a sigh of resignation, Naruto made another difficult decision and that was to learn each jutsu by heart and then destroy the scrolls. Arranging everything by element Naruto started reading about wind first since he was most proficient using wind. He read every warning, performed hand signs till he was comfortable, learned how much chakra to use and even the name of the creator of a jutsu if there was a name written on the end. Many were from Suna and he thought they might be given by Gaara since last time pervy sage didn't know any wind jutsu.

Only when his stomach protested did he stop and look outside from the window to find it dark. Ordering his dinner Naruto got back to studying some more since only a few were left and even if he did not want to Naruto decided to sneak out of the village again to burn every scroll he had learned.


Two weeks, this was how much time he spent on learning everything. The plan was to stay a week and start traveling but now he was not so sure if he was ready. The pressure of learning everything he could in the shortest amount of time possible was weighing heavily on him. Right now, it felt as if he was wasting time and the road to home was filled with bumps and thorns. It was tiring and even after learning everything it did not help him get stronger just smarter.

In his entire life, he had never worked as much as he did in this one and a half months and even then there were three more sub storage seals with material that he needed to learn; fuinjutsu, taijutsu and an ominous "books" marked seal.

'If only I was a genius like that bastard Sasuke! or had the sharingan.' Naruto was pretty angry at himself but he was also quite happy since he could perfectly recall each and everything he learned after spending so much time on it. He was also regretting how he could have learned much more if he studied everything when he still had teachers that had time to teach him.

His relief was the computer in his room allowed him to find out meaning of words he didn't understand and all the information was readily available. He was even getting the hang of hacking slowly. This was a testament to his dedication and determination.

Another wrench in the road was Naruto did not have a steady income, the most he was able to get was by beating up small-time thugs who themselves didn't have much. Because of this, he was hunting in the surroundings mostly during lunch.


After giving himself some rest for a day and to think through everything just so he does not make another hasty plan it was decided that only when had learned everything from the scroll will he decide his next moves. Until then he would open the Taijutsu section and started learning it with the jutsus and hacking. One part physical and one part spiritual.

After opening the taijutsu labeled seal he stared disappointedly when only three scrolls popped out. Picking up one he stared at the Senju symbol and slowly opened it from which a letter fell out.

"Brat, if you are reading this then you probably have already opened the jutsu section and made a mess but I'm sure you are happy to learn some more flashy moves. Now, I don't know when the war will end but it usually takes months at a minimum to maximum two or three years. What's important is that I know you are not ready and you will definitely disobey the orders of all Kages just so you could fight beside your comrades. This is why everything you will need is in this scroll. I hope that you learn everything and yes! even the books. As motivation, I have a gift for you in the storage seal behind this letter. Good luck kid and come back home safely."

After reading the letter word by word tears welled up in his eyes and he started crying. Tsunade even gave him her family scroll just because of the war. The storage seal opened and a green crystal necklace popped out, carefully he tied it around his neck.

Putting thoughts of Tsunade and his friends in the back of his mind Naruto started following the instructions, in his room he performed the stances slowly and as close to the drawings as possible. He kept repeating until he was comfortable with them. From the scroll, he understood that he needed to dodge and hit hard with this style which meant practicing footwork out in the open.

The second scroll was all about fast movement and precise strikes to weak points of the body to take down multiple opponents, it also included a chart with all points for striking and advised to be used with kunais or daggers.

Lastly, another fast and deadly style to use with a katana or any other sword. This one also needed more movement practice since it was taught to anbu and they moved extremely quickly and silently.

All styles required conditioning. Like the second style wanted him to take a single step and get inside the enemy's defense which would make him look as if he teleported but he would need chakra to enhance the muscles for that kind of movement. There were already instructions written on the scrolls on how to train these styles so the only needed to follow them properly.

The one taught to anbu required quick reflexes and but in his eyes, only the Senju style seemed like a balanced style but, he rated Senju style the easiest since he was already practicing his own unpredictable style and integrating Senju style with his unpredictable move set will be easier because of its balanced moves he only had to work on his reaction time, anbu style will come second because it will prepare his body for the third style which if not used with chakra could permanently destroy his body but he was sure that if he worked hard enough he could take his body to a level where chakra usage will be unnecessary.

Each style had notes attached to it but only one was able to disable him for life. 'No matter how much advanced the medics of this world are I am not going to get my legs destroyed!' He shook his head at the strict requirements and got to practice.

Although only the Senju style stated that the moves be performed slowly to get to a comfortable level. Naruto decided to apply it to other styles as well since there was probably no harm in applying the advice from one place to another to get better results.

He made himself a temporary training ground and obstacle course a little further away from the village using his trapping skills where he would get pelted by rocks and logs of various sizes but he only needed to get proficient enough to use the style. If he really wanted to improve than sparring with a hunter or huntress was a must.

'I could also fight Grimm then slowly increase the numbers when I get better. Still, a partner would have been ideal', he thought sullenly but it wasn't his fault. In the eyes of the people of this world, Naruto was still a minor who should not even be traveling long distances on his own so fighting a hunter was out of the question.

With his mind up Naruto clutched the necklace and decided to once again turn his brain into mush by following Tsunade's advice.