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I shook off the depressing thoughts out of my head. Besides it's not like I could do anything about it anyway, in the world where I used to live... I'm considered dead already. I just hope the people who have lost me are able to live and move on with their lives, unlike me, who was stuck in a hellish limbo for more than 6 months because I've lost some of my own too. That was one of my biggest mistakes. I focused so much on the ones who have left me rather than spending time with the ones who are still beside me.

6 months is a long time to ignore the ones who actually care about you.

I guess, somehow, this second chance at living (although somebody else's life) is a blessing. Uh, I guess? Because I know for a fact my fate is an impending death, execution, actually. I think it's not wrong of me to try and change that, it'd be rather weird if I don't.

So...ugh. After my niece passed away, I just read it for the heck of it, to hold on to something that we both shared back then. I wasn't really in a state where I was invested in the whole story but I can recall some major events, such as the attack during Duke Bennett's party where the Saint got taken, Duke Godfrey's betrayal, Prince Moritz's grave injury that caused the Saint's actual activation of her Holy Powers.

Oh wait, during the attack at the party, didn't Lady Maxwell technically assisted the kidnapping...? And didn't that shit got her executed at the end of the story after the heroine couldn't take anymore of the villainess' shit? Well, there's my super major death flag right there. All I need to do is stop bullying the Saint.

I could also try to fix my reputation, but really, I couldn't care less. All I want is to avoid death, and if I could escape my title as a noble then maybe I could actually live this life to the fullest. Noble lives are always so rigid, I'm not that up for it. Besides, a hardened 34-year-old detective like me is too used to a life filled with hardships and I actually enjoy every trial and tribulations I've went through. It made me feel like a human, a proper human.

As I stood up, I stared into my reflection in the mirror. This girl is beautiful, I won't deny that, but it's weird to see myself like this. I had tan skin back then, my body was quite lean and I had some scars. The me right now was pale, frail and flawless. Wow, no wonder I had the reputation to steal other ladies' fiancés. I'm a killer beauty.

I stopped marveling at my own reflection due to my own embarrassment. I sounded narcissistic, really. I glanced at the clock above the vanity to see it was only 7 o'clock in the morning. I guess I should take a bath. That would freshen me up.

After finally picking the correct door that led into the bathroom, I treated myself some nice hot bath in the tub. Feeling cheeky, I added some rose oil and rose petals too. Hey, I disliked the rigidness in the social circle of nobles, but who am I to deny myself the perks that comes with the wealthy lifestyle? Ugh, this feels nice as all heck. I could stay in this bathtub for the whole day. I was really enjoying myself until...

"Where did the Young Mistress go? Her bed's all neat." A voice inquired outside the door.

What time is it? Oh, it's already 8 o'clock. Should I say that's late for a noble lady to get ready for the day? I guess it is. Even I used to wake up at 5:00 a.m on work days. Huh, I wanted to spend another hour in this tub. It feels good.

I was holding both sides of the tub and the water was around my thighs as I try to get out from the tub when the door slammed open, a maid that seemed to be in her late 40s staring at me with an ineffable expression. Is taking a bath at 8 o'clock in the morning blasphemous or something? Because I was just finishing it.

"Hey...I was really about to get out from this tub. Is there anything wrong?" I asked nicely although I tried very hard to hide the confusion in my question.

"Young Mistress... You're awake already?" Asked the kind looking maid cautiously, staring at me as I exit the tub and wear my bathrobe.

"Yes...? Is it too late for me to get ready at 8?" I asked her more after I took the towel she had offered me.

"No, it's just that you usually skip breakfast because you'd wake up when it's already the afternoon. I'm just quite surprised you woke up early. I'm sure the Marquis would be elated to have you join breakfast today." She explained it to me with a kind smile and I finally understood her confusion earlier.

Ugh, she used to be such a slob. Emilia, I mean. Oh well, a change in her sleep schedule isn't that big of a deal. If I stay consistent then maybe everyone would brush it off. The kind maid, who I later learned that her name was Amanda after I racked through my brain, helped me get ready for the day and helped me pick my dress for the day. With her help I chose a light lavender dress then let her put it on me.

Some other maids came in to do my hair and Amanda told me I'd usually wear something more vivid. Red especially was my favourite colour to wear. Huh, that explains the fact that 50 percent of my wardrobe were red dresses.

After some final touches, I was already walking down the hallway with Amanda guiding me to the dining room. When I entered, my two older brothers seemed to be shocked at the fact their slobby sister was actually early for once. Then, my father... he only smiled and asked me to sit at his right side. So I did, without any complaints. As we ate breakfast, all I feel was everyone's glare drilling holes into my body, but Amanda and my father were looking at me as if I was their whole world.

Here I thought my character had nobody that cared for her in this novel but I was wrong. It was simply some hated her, but there was also some that do care for her. At least I know I wasn't totally alone.