Major Death Flag One

Huh. Who knew that even though Lady Emilia D. Maxwell has such a tarnished reputation for a noble lady, she still gets invited to these silly tea parties. Can these ladies be considered as her friends? I don't know, but she did have an entourage. Are an entourage considered to be your circle of friends? You know what, let's just roll with it, because I am unable to care. Besides, we all know how fake noble ladies can be in this type of webnovels. As an undercover agent back in my past life, we shall use this as an advantage. Who knows how much information you could gain by listening to these ladies gossiping with one another.

"Lady Emilia, my, I see you're not wearing anything red today. Decided to give yourself a fashion evaluation this morning?" A blonde lady condescendingly said to me, doing the cliche 'fan to the lips' thingy.

Talk about yourself, blondie. The amount of lace on your dress is criminal, it makes you look childish. Even if I wore red a lot, at least I looked my age, you dingbat. And what's going on with your hair? Those rich girl's curls should be left in 90's shoujo manga. To add it all up, a bloody bonnet? Last time I checked, this empire was the most fashion forward place. Why do you look like you should be in an isolated village somewhere in the forest, churning butter?

"And I see you decided to steal your baby sister's dress design, Lady Goldilocks. Who decided for your attire today? A child?" I gave a blinding, angel-like smile. Even gave my voice a kind tone to top it all off.

"Goldilocks? My name is Jennifer Battle, Lady Emilia! And for your information, this dress was a gift from my fiancee, and he personally designed it for me." And she looked like she was seething in anger.

I should charge your fiancee for pedophilia, Lady Jennifer. He is obviously fetishizing the lolita culture and imposing it all on you.

"My, Lady Jennifer, I didn't say it didn't suit you. It's only fitting a dress made for an insufferable brat is worn by you. Your overall personality... completes the look that it's intended for." I chuckled and sipped my tea, didn't bother to look at her reaction because I already heard the gasps around us.

I was placing my teacup when all of a sudden, I heard laughter booming from all the way back. I turned my head to see who it was, and was thoroughly surprised to see it was Princess Sienna, doubled over at the entrance of the garden. I'm super positive that it's the princess of the empire judging by the fact she has the all too red hair that her mother was famous for. But the true indicator that she's related to the emperor is her fiery golden eyes, similar to those of a lion's.

Now, why is the beloved baby sister of Emperor Cain laughing so much, she looks like she could die of laughter?

"Princess Sienna, greetings." I stood up to give a decent curtsy.

"Oh, please, Lady Emilia. No need to be all polite, you are engaged to my twin brother, Prince Gerard." She held my shoulder and gave a wide smile.

Yeah, but the minute he sees the Saint, he's going to break off the engagement and fight his older brother for the Saint's heart like a blind lovesick fool. I pity you, bound to get caught up between your idiotic brothers' conflict. At least you have a sensible husband to run to. Besides, I can't blame you for hating the heroine, it really did seem like she was the root of your family conflict. Though, teaming up with me to assassinate the heroine then using me as a scapegoat is considered taking it too far. Because if it wasn't for you, Lady Emilia Maxwell wouldn't have died.

You, Princess Sienna Donatella Iz Catrionne, are one of my many major death flags.