Night Invasion

"Princess, I hope you don't take any offense but, seriously, I do understand how embarrassing it is to show up at a ball wearing a dress that doesn't match your fiancée... but at the end of the day, it's still a dress colour. I don't understand why you both are making a big deal out of it." I ranted, the lapdog persona from this afternoon not bothering to make a comeback. I was massaging my temples and leaned against the railings. Obviously, I was a little bit worn out with the both of them.

She only bit back a laugh and held her fan close to her chin. I proceeded to rest my elbow on the railing and waited for her to retort. I know how she is. She's probably seething in anger right now because of my statement, how condescending I was about her and her brother. I was already looking down on you and your two brothers, girlie, only now am I making it known.

"Lady Emilia, let's go somewhere private. I have some sensitive things to tell you." She managed to deliver it with a smile, and I had to give it to her. I can clearly see that her hand was shaking, but her smile was the sweetest one I've ever seen from a furious person.

She turned on her heels and proceeded to lead the way. At this point, I'm already tired for the day but I should follow her since–you know, she's a Princess and all. We both entered a dimly lit room filled with pointless decorations after walking around the estate for like, 15 minutes and more. We were pretty far away from the other guests.

The Princess locked the doors and I sat at the nearest chair, putting my elbow on the armrest and resting my chin on my palm. I look kinda standoffish, right?

"What's your deal, Emilia?" She sat across me, throwing her fan on the coffee table.

"Hmm? I'm just trying to avoid any sorts of public humiliation, that's all." I tilted my head, trying to avoid a vain popping up on my forehead.

"I get that, but what do you really want? I know that public humiliation is something you won't tolerate but there's another reason to the dress changing, yes?" She went straight to the point, which I really appreciate.

"I'm just standing up for myself. How long did you think I was going to offer myself to be your lapdog? I admit I was a mere idiot back then, trying to solidify my place by appeasing you and your siblings, but I guess... I've reached my limit?" I held my chin, and wondered if she got my point.

"Why now? I guess your limit is when your soon-to-be sister-in-law wants to put you in your place?" She challenged.

With that question, I bursted out laughing. Put me in my place? What a joke. What a good fucking joke. Trying to keep me in check with a mere dress? And along with your half-ass scheme on attempting to humiliate me? I laughed harder and harder, suddenly finding myself wheezing. When I was about to calm down, taking one good look at her angry face sent me laughing again.

Before I bust my own lungs, I managed to contain it. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand and held the armrest tightly with the other. Seriously, this book really has some third-rate villains that has no common sense whatsoever. The Princess is one of them, unfortunately.

"May I ask what was so funny about my question?" I glanced at her only to focus on her right hand gripping her left hand down, as if she was holding herself back from hitting me.

Now, now, no need to get violent.

"Obviously, because of–"

Then, the lights suddenly went out. I quickly tried to be aware of my surroundings. The Princess was standing up, probably trying to check out what was happening but I quickly told her to stay in her place and don't move elsewhere. Thank god for the large windows, though, and for the full moon tonight. At least I could see the Princess and she could see me.

I walked towards the swords and daggers that were hanging above the fireplace. I sighed deeply, because I really liked this dress. I ripped my skirt, making Princess Sienna gasp at my actions. I got a bad feeling about this and my guts are telling me I should fear myself up for some trouble.

I took the sword and tied my ripped skirt piece around it tightly, then proceeded to tie it around my waist. I then took the only dagger from the mantel, deciding it was going to stay in my hand for tonight.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" Princess Sienna asked as she walked closer to me. I thought I told her to stay still. Brat.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you want a weapon too? I'm sorry but the daggers are all taken, and I'm pretty sure your scrawny hands couldn't even lift the remaining swords." I analyzed her figure, deciding that yeah, she probably didn't even know how heavy a sword could actually be.

"What do you mean by that?" Oh, I can tell she was getting frustrated with me. Good.

"The ball has some important attendees. Such as the Prince and Princess of the empire and the Saint of this world. The Count's estate is isolated and surrounded by the thick forest, also, it takes about an hour and a half to get to the castle in case we need the Castle's Knights. It would be the perfect time and place to wreck some havoc, don't you think?" I walked past her to get her the shield that a knight statue was holding.

She at least needed the shield to protect herself, and I checked that it wasn't so heavy for her to carry it. I also noticed it was holding a spear and it was alright for the Princess to carry. I just hoped she wouldn't do anything stupid and accidentally stab me with it. I made sure she was close to me when I spied out the door, to see if there were any obstacles.

And my guess was correct, this was an invasion. I was perplexed because this didn't happen in the webnovel. The night was supposed to be filled with glee as the Prince danced the night away with the Saint, making Emilia return to her home due to humiliation and heartbreak. The author didn't write anything about masked people entering the estate through windows.

I wonder what their motives are.

"Stay here, and don't make a sound. I'll take care of it, there's only two anyways." I told the Princess before I immediately headed out, not giving her the time to ask me any questions since it'll only waste time.

I hollered at the two and of course, they didn't see me as a threat. Only one came close and pointed his sword at my neck. Oh, heaven bless these stacks of bracelets on both of my wrists right now. I pushed away his sword with my wrist as quickly as I can to disorient him, and quickly kicked him in the head. Taekwondo was my bitch in my past life.

His head hit the wall hard enough that the wall cracked and I'm pretty sure his skull was also cracked because of the impact. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his partner swinging his sword to target my neck and quickly duck down, headbutting him in the ribs when I saw the opportunity.

I'm pretty sure I knocked the wind out of him and quickly slashed his hand so he would drop the sword. When he was busy screaming at the 3 inch long cut I marred on his hand, I took his sword and stabbed him in the chest. He dropped on his knees and I threw the sword away.

I bent down and I grabbed at his shirt and shoved my face near him. I ripped his mask away only to see empty sockets where his eyes should've been. I quickly pulled my face away and gaped at him.

What the hell?

I then noticed that his blood wasn't red, but black. I thought it looked dark because the lights were off but now that I looked at his hands that were cradling his own chest, it was pitch black. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I let it go for it to bleed to death.

I was shaken, clearly, because the Princess who was just observing all the time suddenly came out of the room and came to me. She held my shoulder only to let it go because I flinched very hard. She was about to ask me what was wrong when I noticed her eyes were looking what was behind me.

I saw the reflection in her eyes since we were so close so I pushed her away. The sword went through the lower left side of my lower abdomen, just right above my hips. I gripped on the sword to push it out and once it was out I took out the sword I tied around my waist and beheaded him.

After I can confirm that thing won't be moving anymore, I kneeled. I pressed on my wound, holding back my screams, trying to gulp down the pain. The Princess snapped out from the shock and quickly kneeled in front of me, asking me what she could do to help. I told her to rip another piece of my skirt and put pressure on my wound using the piece.

She did what she was told to, and I could see that her hands were shaking when she pressed the bundled up piece of fabric against my wound. Shit, I could lose consciousness because of the blood loss. If I lose consciousness now, who knows what'll happen to the both of us.

I was standing up with her help, me telling her to ditch the shield and only bring along the spear if she wanted to help me walk. Her right hand was holding waist, pressing the fabric against my wound. My left arm was draped over her shoulders and my free hand was holding on the sword, and I made her keep the dagger up on her sleeve. In case the spear gets knocked, there's the dagger to help her if we were to run into those things again.

We were walking along the hallway and I was about to tell her to leave me, seeing that I couldn't go on anymore and was about to blackout at any second. I was lying against the wall with her bent down in front of me, trying to put more pressure on my wound and being stubborn, not wanting to leave me be. That's when our saviour arrived.

"Elder sister!"

"Gerard! Please help her, she's bleeding too much!"

Prince Gerard with his black stained suit and black stained sword stopped running when he saw the state I was in. Clearly, I looked like shit.

I thought I was actually going to ask for the engagement to break tonight, seriously.