Emperor Cain

"What the hell happened?" Prince Gerard asked before he kneeled down next to me, checking on what was under the fabric that's pressing on my hip.

His voice got caught in his throat when he ogled the wound. I sighed, knowing that these two were clueless on what to do about me. I was doing my best to not slip into a blackout but my blood, it won't stop bleeding out. The more it bled, the more sleepy I become. I was really tempted to close my eyes.

Truthfully, I was surprised when the Princess suddenly asked me how she could help me back then, I for sure thought she was going to take the sword and run away. She would've probably thought that I should be a dead man since I got my body pierced by a sword.

"Is help on it's way?" I heard Princess Sienna asking her brother.

"It should be. Count Gezelmon sent a message to brother Cain using his hawk, and I guess brother would like to use this opportunity to use the transportation device tonight. The Count did urge him to come quickly." Prince Gerard sighed deeply in irritation, probably feeling frustrated with the sudden invasion.

"Yeah, I don't think I can make it in another ten minutes. The freak practically skewered me, I already lost too much blood." I sighed for the nth time tonight, but it came out as a shallow breath considering my condition at the moment.

"How did this happen? They wouldn't attack you unless you make the first move." The Prince asked with frustration lacing his voice.

"You should consider the fact we didn't know their motives. I made sure the Princess was out of their sight when I went to confront them and when they pointed their swords, of course I had to retaliate. But I didn't expect what I would find behind their masks..." I gulped, still feeling a bit spooked about the revelation.

What the hell were they? I get that this world has magic in it, but they didn't mention having magical beings. Can those things really be considered as magical beings? Because they were dreadful to look at, it was the stuff from nightmares. If they didn't have any eyes though... how exactly did they manage to fight against their opponents?

Were they perhaps human dolls?

"Yeah, but I'm asking what the hell went down that ended up with you getting pierced with a sword." His annoyed voice broke my thoughts.

I drowsily looked up to meet his face, shining as the moonlight hit his handsome features. A pity that your face is wasted away with that shitty personality of yours, Prince.

"Emilia was shaken up after she saw what was behind the mask. I went up to her to see what it was and distracted her when it suddenly raised it's sword behind her. She pushed me away so I wouldn't get stabbed." The Princess beat me to it and I, for once, appreciated someone interrupting me. I don't think I have the strength to talk anymore.

The world seemed to be an acid trip. The Princess looked guilty and the Prince actually looked genuinely concerned for me. Huh, am I drowsy or high? To be able to see such unrealistic portrayal of these two royal brats like this. As if they actually care about me. But whichever one of them that was brushing my hair away from my face, I appreciated that. I wish I could say thank you.

"Oh wow, this is the first noble casualty. I didn't expect it to be Miss Maxwell. Thought that my little brother would actually do his job as her fiancée and protect her." An obnoxious voice reached our ears.

The two royal brats snapped their heads at the direction where the voice came from. I can probably guess who it was and I actually dreaded our meeting.

"Brother! Please, she can't die. Bring Theodore to heal her, I beg of you."

And Princess Sienna's plea was the last voice I heard before I let myself go, finally allowing myself to rest.

You better bring Theodore to heal me, Emperor Cain.


I woke up to the sound of someone humming a tune, it was just at my right. My eyes looked everywhere for the source and landed on a man, seated next to me and currently reading a book.

He had silver hair, resembling the moonlight of a full moon that was just outside the massive window behind him. He was tan and his revealing sleeping robe was showing a number of scars he had on his body...mostly showing those on his chest. He closed his book and set it aside, resting his chin on his palm as he looked at me. Ah, those golden eyes were the telltale sign.

This was Emperor Cain Frederick Iz Catrionne. Princess Sienna and Prince Gerard's oldest brother and also the supreme ruler of the Catrionne Empire.

Great, I've finally met the biggest douchebag of the webnovel who is also the main male lead. The one that the Saint chose to be together with. The one that ultimately sealed Emilia's fate, sentencing her to death for a crime she wasn't guilty for.

How come all three of these royal brats are so attractive? It's not fair.

"Lady Emilia, glad to see that you've woken up. How do you feel?" He said to me and suddenly I felt uncomfortable under his golden gaze.

I sat up and felt my hip, surprised that it didn't even sting. I was wearing a sleeping robe like the Emperor, so I quickly pushed the robe aside (while being careful so I wouldn't flash my boobs) to see that it was as if I wasn't stabbed at all. Huh, so this is the magic that they hold and wield. Impressive.

"Theodore tried very hard to save you, Lady Emilia. Even reeled in some extra effort to get rid of your scar, because–you know, you're a young lady after all." He stood up from his seat and my eyes didn't leave him for one second as he walked around the room.

"Do you prefer your women flawless, Your Majesty?"

His eyes went from the carpet to me real quick. His mouth formed into a grin and his feet found himself at the front of my bed, looming over me intimidatingly.

"I prefer my women strong. When you become an Empress, you ought to have some iron will. Leading an empire as great as this one is no easy task." He explained, and walked back to the chair at my right and sat on it.

Yeah, but you conquered a whole continent in a span of five years as if it was nothing. To top it all off, you managed to claim the whole continent during your teenage years, the fin conquest was when you were 19. I don't really think you need an Empress at the moment, just some PTSD therapy.

He smiled at me again, this time was probably because of my cautious yet calculating look I was giving him. Well, it probably wasn't his first time receiving such look.

"Lady Emilia, you have shown commendable efforts to protect the Empire's Princess Sienna. I appreciate that you were willing to give your life away in order for her safety." He began his speech, crossing his arms while staring me down.

You wish I was some lunatic manic enough with the concept of noblesse oblige that I was willing to give my life away to protect your manipulative sister. I wasn't, I was just looking out for myself. Your precious Princess could've gotten in my way if I left her alone, so it was better for me to watch out for her too. Besides, if I actually left her to fend for herself, she would've gotten hurt and I would be held responsible. I could've gotten executed way sooner than I was supposed to.

But eh, whatever floats your boat.

"So as a token of my gratitude, I will give you anything that you ask for. Anything." He offered, stressing on the word 'anything' as he talked.

Well, now isn't this a blessing from the heavens.

"Alright. I want to break off the engagement between me and Prince Gerard."