Episode 2- One House

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Lucia Dragneel's Point of View

"So, what was that news that you were going to say that destroyed our ending quotation?" An irritated Azule questioned the girl sitting beside him, specifically, her girlfriend, Kiara.

"Oh, about that." She started then ran to the guild's stage to say her 'oh so important news.' "Everyone, I need all of your attention for a moment please."Everyone's attention was shifted to Kiara's, as the tension in the guild was deminished earlier with the help of the three idiotd. It seems that the guildmates' worries has also subsided.

" So, what's the news Kiara?" Poison asked." Although I can already hear what the situation is." He added. Well, he is Poison. One of the descendants from Erik-sama and Kinana-sama.

Kiara gave out a nod and started talking about the news. "After me and Yoru-kun patrolled to the other guilds, it was found out that almost half the population of each guild was also missing, including their guildmasters."

Gasp and sighs was heard from the whole guild. And one of us, specifically Gaia was heard saying that the other guild was some how in the same situation we are facing, which cause another agreement.

" Then, we went to check on the magic council." Kiara continued. " And only two are left. One of them was Tyrant-san. Upon hearing the news about all guildmasters' disappearance. He had decided..." Kiara trailed off as a smile suddenly spread on her lips.

" To put the five guilds into one guildhouse!" She exclaimed and pull out a scroll that has Tyrant-san's signature.

But of course, there's still the loading process in which silence engulf the whole guild that is until the three same voices shouted.

"ALLRIGHT! Good Job KC!"

"Looks like our family's gonna grow bigger!"

"Gotta start enlargin' the guildhouse!"

And after that, more voices could be heard.

"If my brother is not missing, I might be with him again!"

"My little sister might be there!"

"A same guildhouse with dad!"

I'm guessing their all happy and hopefull at the same time, their going to be with their family members, and hopefully they're not as incomplete as us. Although base on the last war on Ishgar and the news about Kiara's patrol, we could only hope for a miracle.

"This smell. It's Hiiru's!" Natsuki exclaimed the same time the guild's door busted open. "Look, Raven is with them too!"

"Sabertooth has arrive!" The guild cheered as the twin dragon slayer and the remaining members walk inside the guild carrying their guild flag and gave a formal bow.

"Thank you for having us, Fairy Tail. We hope to get along well living in the same house." They chanted. Hiiru's eyes suddenly met Natsuki's and gave him an apologetic smile. And the eyes that says 'My sister is missing, I'm sorry. Natsuki-san'

"Welcome!!!" I ran up to them to give them a welcoming hug.  But as I approach them, I noticed Raven's face like he has experienced a girl's period. Which caught not just mine, but the other guild members attention.

Our eyes suddenly widen when he went down on his knees as tears fall down his eyes. "I'm sorry." He started. "If only, I was a better king. I wouldn't have let Fiore, Ishgar, and the rest of the Alliance fall to this despair." Tears cascaded down his face as he sobbed so hard about it.

"We, don't blame you for that Raven." A voice from the guild's door. "We all know that every royalty in every guilds did their best for this. We don't blame you, nor Mystic, Machi, Serena, Cyan or everyone else."

Yuta and the rest of the remaining Lamia Scale guildmembers entered and stand beside the Sabertooth guild carrying their flag along with them as well.

"But I probably did nothing!" Raven sobbed as me and Aeriol rub his back.

"You did!" Another voice said. "And that is to protect Ishgar. To protect the people." Apple probably the one in charge entered our halls along with the rest of the Mermaid Heel with pride while Isa was holding their guild flags.

"We choose to stay in Fairy Tail's custody to keep each other safe. And we keep each other safe inorder to be strong. So we can protect Ishgar." Apple's smile somehow might've work cause a small smile also appeared on Raven's face.

"Smile Rave! I might regret giving my older sister to you." Hiiru joke to lighten up Raven's mood. Raven might have recovered, he gave a small "thank you" and stood up.

"Yes men! If you don't smile, you might never attract all the men in the world men!" A shining light illuminated our guild's door. "Raven-kun, you are one of the strongest fighter who never gave up on protecting our country. I salute you!"

Nagaya and the remaining members of Blue Pegasus entered our guild as Shella carry the guild's flag.

"We, also choose to stay in Fairy Tail to strengthen our bonds with you."

Archive and the rest bowed in respect and went to the other guild to collect their flags.

"Don't forget of our flag here boy!" Gin's voice roared to the entire guildhall as him and only a small remaining member of their guild entered our home and gave their flag to Archive.

"Please take care of us." They all said at the same time and bowed in front of our guild members.

A smile suddenly plastered upon our faces. "Welcome to Fairy Tail! Please enjoy your stay!" We cheered, noticing Archive about to put the other guilds' flag on a safe under the stadium. A panicking Kiara suddenly stop them.

"What are you guys doing?!" My brother asked. "Are you crazy?!"

"Eh?!! But Natsuki-san. This is not our guildhouse. We earn no right to put our flag on yours." A confused Hiiru explained.

"You're so adorable Hiiru. But we don't do that here, sweetie." I said as I look at them with a smile.

Steel and Poison approach Archive and grab the flags from his arms.

"That's just a flag guys. We'll get a better one." Apple said with a smile, but it is obvious that the guild's flag mean more to them than what we think.

"A flag isn't just a fabric, it's a symbol of where you belong. It is a symbol of Family." Steel explained while climbing to the second floor, whicb of course, confused the other guild members.

"How do you want this boss?!" He shouted from the second floor beside the flag of Fairy Tail.

"Put the Saber on the right, then the Mermaid on the left, then the Lamia on the right of the right, then the Pegasus on the left of the left, then the Cerberus on the outmost right." Everyone sweat dropped on how Kiara explained the position. Only morons would understand that.

"Got it! What about the Alliance flag?" Natsuki questioned.

See? I'm right. Only stupid people understand.

"Move the Mermaid's guild flag a little to the left and put the Alliance on its earlier position."

"On it ma'am!!!" The three slauted and started with their jobs. It didn't even took them 10 minutes to finish it. And infairness, it is not destroyed, nor badly made. I guess they really do care for the flags.

"How about now?" Smiles filled the faces of our newcomers as they look at their flag still hanging. Maybe not on the middle, but atleast its still hanging.

"Thank you so much."

"Oh, and one more thing..." Kiara's voice boomed again in the entire guildhall, this time with the other guild members listening. "Me, Archive and Tyrant-san has some discovery found and has decided along with other guild member in charge to combine the guild's request board!"

And as we all just noticed, the request board plastered the wall was now covered in curtain, and as Kiara removed them. Continous gasp can be heard from all around the guild." And to temporarily stop taking job request and replace it with a request to search  for the members of not just Fairy Tail, but of all six guilds of Ishgar!"

Archive suddenly came up the stadium beside Kiara. "And if you're wondering on how we do it, then listen closely...."