Episode 3- Lacrima

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Third's person's point of view

Archive suddenly came up the stadium beside Kiara. "And if you're wondering on how we do it, then listen closely...."

All members of different guilds focused on Archive as he activate his Super Archive ability.

Different pictures suddenly appeared, but one was emphasized and was place on the middle.

"A lacrima?" A confused Tide asked as he looked at other members of Lamia Scale that is also sharing the same face as his. And not just the Lamia Scale but the other guilds as well.

"Let's talk about History, and this topic is regarding the lesson of the third generation Fairy Tail and their Adventure in Edolas."

"Are you trying to say that----"

"That the body of the others have been dissolve into a lacrima? No." Archive butted in before December can finish her sentence. Sighs of disappointment filled the entire guild.

"But, to say that they're body is being protected by their magic energy that is converted into a lacrima. That, you can say."



"Is that even possible?"

Questions suddenly swarmed the whole guild but Lucia's statement.

"You mean, they're like Master Mavis' body?!"

"Bingo!" Archive winked. "They're body was still solid but inside a lacrima that is the amount of magic that they contain inside their body."

"So we can still free them?!" Natsuki shouted, eyed filled with hope as he ran to the front of the stadium.

Kiara smiled. "Of course we can."

"Only, how?" Tsumiki from Sabertooth questioned as he fix his mask.

"Tsumiki-san let's review history." Kiara started. "The time the third generation was entrapped into being a lacrima, what was the magic needed to fix them?"

"Dragon Slaying Magic!" Shermaine exclaimed.

"Yep, so the main reason why we put guilds into one house other than to comfort each other was because of the dragon slayers. Not all guilds have dragon slayers, that is why we have decided to stay in one house to team up with dragon slayers from all around Ishgar. To conduct a search patrol on finding our family. " Kiara announced as cheers of hope can be heard from everywhere but was stopped when Lucia once again asked.

"What about the guild's funds? I mean, if we temporarily stop getting job request from the people, chaos might occur and we might loose a large amount of money. Where do we get enough money?"

"We have thought of that as well, that is why. Me, Tyrant-sama and Ms. Kiara decided to only postponed the gathering of job request for only those who will be a part of the search patrol." Archive announced. "And the rest, I hope you understand, but we have to stay in line and continue to keep the civilians safe."

"So are you saying that only selected members will be the one to go on search patrol?" Gaia questioned. "Why is that?"

"Because, if we all send you out for a job, the guild's fund might drop. Not to mention, we are going to stay in one house. Our population increases." Archive's magic shows an image of a bar chart. "If we keep this up for more than 3 months, the guild might fall into bankruptcy. Therefore, we have to work. You guys can also suggest a way to collect money, but you have to make sure that it involves either helping the civilians of Ishgar, or entertain them."

" You guys can give suggestions tomorrow, if you have thought enough of it. "Kiara decided to shift the topic and pull out her phone." Tyrant-san has already gave the list of teams that is going to participate in finding the missing guild members."

" From Fairy Tail, we have Natsuki Dragneel, Lucia Dragneel, Azule Fullbuster, Kiara Cerise Fernandez, and Merry." Kiara announced. Which cheered and assurance can be heard around the guild.

"We believe in you guys!"

"Find my sister for me!"

"Don't let us down guys!"

"All right! I'm all fired up!" Natsuki screamed as the guildmates cheered for Fairy Tail's patrol team.

"For Saber Tooth!" Silence again erupted in the whole guild as they listened closely to Kiara's announcement. "Hiiru Eucliffe, Rafael Lohr, Leto, and Tsumiki Saigiri."

Good lucks and Be careful was heard until another silence came when Archive announced the Lamia Scale team.

"Yuta Vastia, Shermaine Akatsuki, Steel Redfox, and, Kuro,"

"From Quatro Cerberus, we have Gin Groh, Raven Cheney, Toto Horhorta and Frey."

"From Blue Pegasus we have Poison Realight, Nagaya Vandaley Kotobuki, Rin Akatsuki, and Fuyumi Tilm."

"Oh no! we ran out of Dragon slayers available." Lucia mumbled and approached a Kiara and Archive whose talking.

"The plan was actually to put Mermaid Heel as the focus of handling the job around here in the guild." Archive explained. "But the patrol number would be too low."

"Wait." Ravens voice erupted the murmurs coming from the members of the guilds. "I know someone, although I was to keep her safe from now on. I think she wants to do thid job."

Realization hit the rest of the Dragon Slayers. And everyone reacted as Raven's shadow reformed into a shape of a familiar Figure.

Eyes of Jet black with hair of mid-back green

"Beatrice!" Lucia and Kiara exclaimed while locking the girl into her arms. 

"I talked to my brother as soon as I heard the news about the one guild house that Tyrant-sama ordered." The girl smiled. "He was a bit reluctant at first, but later agree to it."

Lucia was about to tear up but noticed the sadness hidden behind the smile she immediately withdraw the thought and instead put up a smile.

"I hope we find them fast. I already missed them." The girl looked at her in surprise but was suddenly replaced by a true smile.

"Let's all do our best on this!!!"

Cheers and shouts can be heard when the Princess of their kingdom gave them encouragement but later silenced when Archive announced the patrol for Mermaid Heel.

"It is decided then! The patrol for Mermaid Heel would be Apple Webber, Isabella Mine, Beatrice Cheney, and Daisy Demeo." As the cheering continues Beatrice's eyes was suddenly locked into Fuyumi's sad one. Realizing that all of Fuyumi's cousins are missing he approach the man and gave him a light tap on the shoulders.

" Hey, its okay. We'll find them all." She encouraged, a small smile and a small thank you is what she heard in return as they both gaze back on Archive and Kiara only to see the girl giving a piece of paper to each patrol team. A smile on her face visible when she stopped in front of Natsuki.

"Recently, there has been a complain of Lacrima being spotted all around the places and causes drastic change in their daily living. And our fitst job. Is to check them all out." A smile was suddenly seen on Natsuki's face when Kiara raised the paper for them to see.

" What are we waiting for?! Let's go! I'm all fired up!!" He throw his fist in the air while clutching a paper with a picture of a girl underneath it, is a name read as

Stella Eucliffe.