Episode 4- Barrier

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and 2events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Third's person's point of view

"So, this is the drastic change in the calamity that you meant?" Lucia deadpaned as she looked around the entire area of Mt. Hakobe. "Summer in Hakobe?!! Are you serious?!!"

"I know! Why did we even bring thick clothes?" Azule questioned while looking around the entire area.

"Why are you wearing nothing?!" Lucia retorted back and glared at the man. "Put some clothes on!"

"AHHH When did this even happen?!" Kiara, who happened to be holding his boyfriend's jacket sigh in annoyance. But then shifted his gaze to the surprisingly quiet Natsuki standing beside her.

"Natsuki, you seem awfully quiet." Kiara stated which caught the attention of the two complaining people on their team.

"What's wrong?" Azule ask and approach her girlfriend who was looking worriedly at their friend. "Oy, moron! What's wrong?"

Worry suddenly spread on Lucia's face. And approach Merry who was standing beside Natsuki. "Merry, what happened?" The girl exceed gave Lucia a reassuring smile.

"He's just in deep thought." Lucia didn't buy it though and started shaking his brother's shoulder. Tears dwelling up her eyes.

"Natsuki!!!! What's wrong with you?!" All of a sudden Natsuki was looking at his sister, concern written all over his face.

"Why, are you crying?" He pulled Lucia in an embrace and looked at the couple beside them who gave a sigh of relief. "Did Azule make you cry?!" An irk mark suddenly appeared on Azule's forehead.

"What the f*ck?!" He gently pull Lucia away from Natsuki and pulled the guy by his collar. "It was your fault! What are you doing dozing off like that?!! It give us a thought that you got dehydrated and is about to die!"

Realization hit him and suddenly ran to his sister to calm her down. "I'm sorry... I just--- its just that--- the scent of the air is familiar." The girl's tears suddenly stop falling and looked at his brother in surprised.


"Shhhh.... someone's coming!" Azule grab Kiara and ran to a tree behind them as Natsuki did the same to his sister and climb up the tree that Kiara and Azule is hiding to hide behind a branch.

Two men passed by, looking like they're from a tribe.  one of them carrying an axe, and the other carrying a spear. They're both wearing a loincloth and has markings around their body. It looked like some crystal symbol that caught Lucia's attention.  When they were sure that the weird looking men were gone they we able to let out a breath they didn't realize they keep on holding on for while.

"If you're going to look at those men why not just look at Azule and Natsuki, I mean they're waaaaay hotter." Merry stated while holding out a laugh.

"Shut up Cat! Its not they're hot bodies that I was looking at!" Lucia hissed at the blue female cat she was holding. "They're outfits isn't familiar to me. Especially that crest on their body."

Kiara looked at the road the two men had passed through. "You noticed too huh... It doesn't look like they're from a guild nor from one of the tribes of Ishgar."

"So, you mean they're trespassing here in Fiore?" Azule questioned as he stare at the two thinking girls.

"It doesn't really matter to me, but if they are a part of this place now and that only means we have the right to investigate them." Natsuki grinned. "Besides, they're the only one's whose familiar of this summer Hakobe place!"


"Hey.... We've been following them for hours now." Lucia whispered while looking at the two men they were following from the bush she's been hiding. "Don't you think they are as lost as we are?"

"Shh..." Natsuki hushed and glared slightly at his sister. "Be quiet and just follow them."

Suddenly the two men shifted directions and was met by a cave.

"Don't tell me we have to enter there?" Kiara mumbled knowing too well that she will brought problems if she enters there. Azule might've noticed his girlfriend's tensed face he rub her back in assurance.

"It'll be fine." He removed his long coat and give it to Kiara, gesturing her to wear it. "It has a hoodie. It will conceal you perfectly." Kiara smiled and mumbled a small thanks.

"They went in." Merry from above signalled.

The team looked at each other and nod as they ran inside the cave.


"This is a serious business here." Steel said as he looked around the ruins in the clover canyon.

"Clover Canyon, In deep green?! I thought this was a desert?" Yuta exclaimed in full surprise.

"Guys! You should see this!!" Shermaine screamed while inside the ruined building. Her voice caught the attention of the others from outside which cause them to run in her direction and stare at the same image she was staring at.

"What the heck is this?!"


"Were almost there Kiara." Lucia assured as she looked at the girl and her glowing body. She is worried that the men might find out they were following them. But, Lucia was already expecting this fully knowing well that Kiara being a half blooded fairy is a symbol of light also. So it is automatic that when it is dim, her body lits up.

From a distance, a light can be seen which cause a smile to spread on Lucia's face. She suddenly approached Kiara and gestured her to look straight.

"Look, the exit is already at the end. We're almost there." Azule, who was following closely behind Kiara gave Lucia a thumbs up. But, frowned when he saw Natsuki at the front stop in his tracks.

"Natsuki why did we stop?" Azule asked. Natsuki suddenly look at them in the same form he was in the first time they set foot on the mountain.

"Its really familiar. This scent!" He mumbled. And stare at the two men from afar that suddenly halted to a stop.

"Why did they stop?" Kiara asked, confused as to why they stop.

"Beats me." Azule replied but narrowed his eyes to see clearly, then his eyes widen and he suddenly freeze like Natsuki's state.

"That.... Is that..." He trailed off as he and Natsuki looked at each other and ran to a rock not far from the two men they were trailing earlier. "Stay. Put. There." The two gestured at the girls they both left at a distance. When they look at the two men, different item caught their eyes.

With eyes widen in both shock and confusion they stare at the image in front of them.

A giant crystal, with a body preserved inside.


"Areol's body..." Yuta trailed off and stare at the image in front of him.

"So this is what Archive meant huh." Steel seems unsure of what to say while staring at the image in front of him. "It is protecting his body. That means our magic is alive."

"It is our magic's love." Shermaine smiled.

"So how do we break this?" Yuta asked and stare at the lacrima.

"Archive said that like in Edolas. Only Dragon slaying magic works." Kuro stated as he looked up the body of Areol in front of him

"Then what if we use a different magic?" Yuta said and without a warning shot an attack.

"Ice make: Dragonfly!!"

Shards of ice suddenly flew to the direction of the lacrima.

"Moron!!! What are you doing?!!" Steel, Shermaine and Kuro exclaimed while pertified in their place.

But, a foot away from the lacrima, Yuta's ice magic suddenly broke apart.



"Stella's body..." Sweat tricked down Azule's neck as he glance at the lacrima infront of him. "Inside the lacrima." He eyed Natsuki who was looking at the body with the same reaction as he did. His eyes shifted back to the two tribal men talking to each other. They're both gesturing to the Lacrima in front, suddenly one of the men approached the Lacrima, and a foot apart from the object the men suddenly flew back and fell behind them.

'Oh no!!! This is bad!' Azule thought as the men look at them in alarm.



Meanwhile at the guild...

Archive is walking back and fort looking at his super computer and then look down. He seems so lost in his thought that it took him a while to realize that Gaia was looking at him for some while now.

"Archive! Are you there?"

"Huh?" He suddenly snapped out of his daze and look at the purpled haired girl.  "Oh Gaia-chan, is there something wrong?"

The girl's brows suddenly knitted together while staring at the boy "That's my line, 'is there something wrong?'"

Archive sighed. "Am I worrying you? Sorry its just that..." He's eyes suddenly darted to his computer.

"I feel like there's something I forgot to tell them..."

Gaia chuckled and followed the gaze of where Archive is looking "Some barrier on your mind huh?"

The said man's eyes widen in realization. "Barrier! That's what I forgot!" He exclaimed as he suddenly typed something to his computer that activated a mind link magic.

"Guys! I forgot to tell you about the barrier!"