Episode 5- Stella Eucliffe

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Azule Fullbuster's Point Of View

"Intruders!" I mentally cursed when I noticed 10 or more men in the same outfit as the two men earlier came out of nowhere trapping me and Natsuki from our place.

"They were prepared for this?!" I screamed in frustration.

I was actually expecting some sort of a complain or an argument from Natsuki but only received silence which made me wonder of what's going on in his mind so, I decided to stare at him only to caught me off guard seeing him stiff while still staring at Stella's body. If I don't know him too well I might have already considered him as a pervert. I understand what Natsuki's going through right now and I know that if I'm on his shoes I would still be the same as him, or worse.

'Snap out of it Azule!! And get the f*ck up! Kiara is--- no, Everyone is still waiting for you! In front... Look in front of you and its still there, that's why you have to quit yapping and stand up!!'

A memory from the past flashed through my eyes as Natsuki's voice echoed through my head. He was there at my darkest days now, I want to be there on his too. From afar I can see Kiara and Lucia about to jump in and help us but I knew better that if they will do so, it might get more complicated.

"Don't!" I shouted to no one in particular but I know my message get to whoever I'm going to sent it. The tribal men seem to not understand what I meant and raise thier guard on me and Natsuki. Though, from the corner of my eye I saw Kiara retreating with Lucia and Merry following close behind her.

Relief washed over me, knowing that they are hidden and unnoticed is enough to keep me from being distracted but the guy beside me is much of a distraction enough for me to think about the girls. I grit my teeth in annoyance and grab Natsuki by his scarf.

"Oy! Natsuki!" I started shaking him but only receive the deafening silence from the man of so many words beside me. "The enemies right in front of you!" I tried again, this time shaking him stronger than earlier. But I heard nothing.

I look at the tribal men. Judging from their form, they come in prepared and are many in numbers. Also, the minute their friend shout in alarm they arrive with sudden speed, which only explains two things.

One: They are already in the area, and already are on patrol. Which meant that the two men we were following was probably a trap to lure us.

Two: They really are fast. The area was clear and no footsteps can be heard even ours.

If they are that many, we might run out of magic energy in the fight and the lacrima won't be unsealed by Natsuki. And based on what we saw earlier, a barrier seems to be protecting the lacrima, if Natsuki were to spend out all of his magic then it will all go empty before he could even reach the lacrima. My gaze shifted back to Natsuki, then my eyes darkened.

'Is there really no other way?' I thought. Then my eyes landed on Stella's body. Stella was a strong girl, she was part of our family that's why abandoning is out of the choices.

'Ne Azule-san. I heard from Lucia that you like Kiara-san'

That girl...

'Maybe you should ask her out. I'll help you...'

If it isn't for her...

'Hey Azule-san... I like Natsuki-san. Do you think I'll have a chance?'

She is the reason why...

'Azule!!! I asked Stella out!! Now I have a girlfriend!!'

Natsuki is smiling like that...

My grip on Natsuki's scarf by my left hand tightened as I raise my right and and curled it to a fist.

Natsuki... snap out of it...

"Snap out of it!!!!" I screamed the minute my hand reached his face.


Natsuki Dragneel's Point of View

'Natsuki-san!!' A girl with long white hair shouted in delight as she ran at me with a big smile.

'Oh... Steffa-chan.' I greeted back

'It's Stella.' She pouts but then it faded and was replaced by a smile. 'I'm so glad you visited our guild. What brought you here by the way? She asked.

'I was actually here to talk to Hiiru about the Dragon Slaying Training At Dragoria.'  Her happy face suddenly fell upon hearing my statement.

'Oh...' She sadly stated. Seems to be disappointed about something but then again she replaced it with a smile.

'Hey, when you guys return from training. Will you go out with me?' My face heat up from her question.

'W-w-what?!! G-Go o-out wi-w-with you?!!' I stuttered.

But she confidently nod her head. 'Yes! Go out with me. I like you. And liking someone is not something you should be embarrassed to say right? You don't have all the time in the world to say things like that afterall.'

I became silent. She was right, Machi-nee usually says that too, love waits but if love is already in front of you, don't wait for it to move. For love is eternal but also can slip past you like the wind.

I smiled and grab her hand.

'Yes!  When I come back from the training. Go out with me! Okay Stella?'

A tear escaped her eye as she smiled ever so brightly.

Stella huh...

She was the first girl that was brave enough to challenge me and made me loose.

Like the day she ask me to be hers with a smile, up to the day she vanished infront of me. I still loose to her everytime I see her.

She was just there but then she vanished in just a snap.

Love is really like the wind. It slips past you even if its in front of you.

"Snap out of it!!!" A fist came in connected with my face. A punch,  so painful that it open my eyes to see Azule in front of me.

"What the----" I suddenly fell silent as I look straight into his eyes. Those eyes... were so similar

The stare I gave him when he was in the same state as I am before. Dazed, Lost and Devastated.

"I know." He stated while tightly gripping my scarf. "I know what your going through, the pain of loosing someone, the pain of those you love vanishing in front of you, and the pain of not being able to do about it."

'I know... We've been together through thick and thin. I know everything about it. And it pains me everytime knowing we can do nothing but just move on.'

Darkness shadowed my eyes, a tear escaping it while I clench my fist in frustration.

"But Natsuki, Look in front of you, its still there, that's why you have to quit yapping and stand up!! Lucia, Stella--- No, the whole guild is still waiting for you!! And if you close your eyes now, you won't be able to see them again!!!" I grab hold of his arm that was gripping tightly to my scarf and look at him with the look that I always wear.

"You might beat me to it, but I guess you do have a point." I grinned noticing that he loosened his grip on my scarf and gave me smirk. "Let's beat this stupid ass and get Stella back home."

Azule is right. If I close my eyes now and give up, then I won't be able to see them again. I don't want that, I still want to get back at those assholes who destroyed peace around me. I want to stand up. And show them who we really are, and how wrong they are to make an enemy out of us.


Third Person's Point of View

Smoke came out of Natsuki's mouth as he grinned darkly at the men around him.

"I don't care who, Just come at me!!!" Natsuki said as his burning clenched right fist hit his left palm.

Azule's smirk widen the moment he bent both his knees, his clenched left hand on top of his right hand that was bent down to the right part of his abdomen his shirt, no longer intact to his top. The temperature surrounding him seemed to drop.

"You heard the man! Let's get 'em"

"Ice make... / Fire Dragons..." The tribal men fall back upon seeing the magic about to come out of their body.

"Regulus Impact!" A sudden spark of light illuminated the whole area from behind that sent 10 or more tribal men flying.

"What the!!" Natsuki and Azule deadpanned while looking at the bright light in surprise. "Lucia!!!" They both shouted as the light slowly vanished and three person was seen standing behind. Blonde hair flying with the wind while two shadows standing closely behind her. One with body illuminating brightly and strands of scarlet can be seen around her head, the figure can easily be identified as a girl standing on her right. On her left, a taller male is seen standing with his hand curled to a fist,  a ring visible on both his middle finger, glowing brightly. Above them is a blue cat flying.

"We'll handle this, you guys on the other hand focus on breaking the barrier and the lacrima." Kiara shout in utter rush.

"What barrier?" Azule asked while looking at Kiara whose body glowed lighter than earlier and her cloaked outfit was replaced by a metal featherlike breastplate that covers her back of the same design while leaving her abdomen open, the back part of her armour is connected to a thigh petal like metal skirt with a white fabric three inches above the knee skirt layered on the inside. A metallic wings of four lay still on her back as swords circle around her.

"Requip: Heaven's wheel armor new generation!" A smirk spreads on Kiara's face as she raise her right hand and points a sword to an opponent. "I'm sorry, but defeating you is a must." 

With a sword on hand, she strechted both her arms. A magic circle appearing beneath her feet as 12 swords move in circles behind her. "Circle Sword!!"

Screams of pain can suddenly be heard from where Kiara attacked.

"You guys know what she meant." A whip went past Natsuki hitting a tribal men with carrying an axe that was about to attack Azule from behind. "The man earlier, Archive explained to us while you guys were busy being dramatic."



Lucia Dragneel's Point of View

"Don't!" Kiara suddenly stopped in her tracks and signed me to retreat.

"What happened?" I asked in confusion. She only shook her head in response though which confused me more. Me and Merry look at each other before looking back at Kiara who was observing the area around us.

"Guys! I forgot to tell you about the barrier!" A familiar voice said.

"A mind link?" Merry mumbled enough for only the three of us to hear. "It sounds like Archive's voice too."

"Listen closely, a barrier is activated on every lacrima you guys will encounter. If the lacrima is created to protect the body, the barrier on the other hand is what protects the lacrima." Archive's voice echoed through our minds as we listen closely. "With the barrier being activated, it will take up much of the dragon slayer's ability before he can even reach the lacrima and might not have a chance of attacking it. Therefore, one or two of you must set on breaking the barrier for the dragon slayer to only focus on the lacrima."

"What if the dragon slayer is strong enough to oppose it?" Kiara questioned.

"It can't." Archive's answer got me confused.

"Not even my brother?" I asked.

"Not even him and Steel combined." Archive answered with much confirmation. " The barrier is made to dissipate dragon slaying magic. In other words, using dragon slaying magic against the barrier would be futile."

"Then what if the one who breaks the barrier was also strong that its magic went pass the barrier and hit the lacrima?" Merry gave out a very interesting question there.

"That, is what you guys will avoid. Destroying the lacrima by the use of a nondragon slaying magic is also destroying the body. That's all I gotta tell you. Good luck guys." Then the mind link suddenly vanish.

"If that's the case, then I guess handling the men in loincloth isn't their problem anymore." I said while holding one of my keys and opened a gate.

"Open the gates of the Lion: Leo!" A figure suddenly appeared behind me and Merry.

"No need to explain kids, I got it from here!" I smiled. Leo-san is really someone I can count on.

Back to now...

"So basically, I destroy the barrier while flame brain will do the rest?" Azule confirmed. Which I gave a nod in response, a smirk suddenly spread on his lips as he and my brother looked at each other before looking at me. "Leave it to us!"

While me, and Kiara cleared the way, the two ran straight to the direction of Stella's body. Halfway Azule suddenly stopped and repeated the position he was doing earlier, Ice suddenly surrounding him.

"Ice devil make!" Bladed Ice appeared on both his elbows the minute he jumped straight into the lacrima and did a spin, the blade on his elbows hitting the barrier that suddenly appeared to be visible in the naked eye. "Seven Strike Blade Dance!" A crack came visible on his sixth strike, and on the seventh the barrier surprisingly broke the same time Natsuki jump above Azule with flames engulfing both his hands.

"Fire Dragon Secret Art: Crimson Lotus Explosion!!!!" Flame covered the whole area but in those flames, Azule and Natsuki walked with pride with Stella on Natsuki's arms.

"Got her!" They both said which earned a laughter from me, Kiara, Merry and Leo-san. But the laughter died instantly when I felt the cave shaking.

"Uh-Ohhh...Make a run for it!" A hand suddenly grabbed me and the next thing I know we were already running but the smile on their face didn't leave.

That's right. Don't get too shock about it. We're Fairy Tail, we leave nothing CLEAN.

But I don't mind. Because at the end of the day, it still makes us. Us.