Episode 6- Enemy

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Lucia Dragneel's Point of View

Its been three days since we came back from the cave in Hakobe. The minute we arrive Steel's team and Raven's team have already arrived. Steel carrying a cloaked Areol which gave us relief that he's safe and Raven's team bringing nothing in particular but a certain piece of information retrieved from their mission.

Relief washed over the whole guild upon seeing Stella and Areol. But was replaced by worry when noticing that they are still unconscious, the idea worried us aswell.

"Worry not, their body is still absorbing the large amount of ethernano they lost that's why it is on its comma state." Archive explained. "They will wake up, let's just depend on how many ethernano is the amount of their magic.

" I'm worried about how Areol will react knowing about Ria and Gia's disappearance though. " Kiara's reply gave us another problem, how to explain the situation to Areol.

But it has been three days, and we still can't find them moving nor opening their eyes at all. And the situation became more dire when another problem came in.

" Archive its been three days, do you have any signs--- like any signs at all?" Natsuki's voice echoed from the guildhall to my direction, the guild infirmary.

"Its a mission Natsuki. You know it sometimes takes a while." Kiara replied. "I'm sure they'll be back." She reassured.

"This never happened to Hiiru before." Raven announced.

"This never happened to Poison before as well!" Azule also stated which dropped the assured atmosphere around the guild.

It was silent for abit until I heard Azule, Raven's and My brother's voice screaming in terror.

My guess is that Kiara probably got mad at them for ruining the already fine atmosphere and cause to worry other members of the guild, I sigh and slowly walked out of the infirmary and went to the guildhall. And my guess were right, Natsuki and Azule was lying on the floor with a bump on their head, Raven beside them is sweating bullets while looking as pale as paper.

The rest of the guild members from fairy tail sat quietly afraid to open their mouth that might make Kiara's mood drop even more. The other members from different guilds were shaking from their place, seeing Azule and Natsuki's state might have give them a reason to not underestimate Kiara's temper.

"What's going on here?" Bravely, I decided to ask and break the frightening situation.

"They're still not back. Poison and Hiiru's team." Kiara explained. "Beatrice's team arrive last night without any casualties injured nor did they retrieve anything from their mission. So far, the missing members found were only Areol and Stella." She added.

"Archive, any sign of them?" I questionned, eyes darted to Archive who shook his head in response. "I mean, you might have tracked them already or something."

A sigh escaped his lips. "My last talk with them was the part of where I explained about the barrier, that's all. They probably went farther that's why my mind link cannot reach them."

"What about the trackers?" Kiara asked. "Your trackers can reach all over Fiore, they must have been around."

"Where did you assign them?" Kiara added.

"They both are actually close to each other." Archive explained. "Hiiru's team was sent to an area near Shirotsume Town, on the other hand Poison and his team went to the forest close to the Blue Pegasus guildhouse which is also closest to Shirotsume."

"I think we should go and have a search for them. They might be in trouble, or worst." I suggested.

'This was suppose to be a reunion for Hiiru and Fuyumi, how can something lile this happens just as we found their family member.' I sadly thought while preparing to leave.


When we arrived from Magnolia to the city of Shirotsume, the first thing we did was ask the townsfolk if they have seen Hiiru and his team. We show them their picture in to which they all give the same response.

"I saw them going deeper to the hills. When they pass by, they seemed to be in deep thought."

"They first stop by a restaurant, then when they went out moments later they went directly to the hills."

"How about them? Have you guys seen them?" Kiara asked the woman while handing her a picture of Poison. "Ahh... Yes I have. They seems to be in a hurry, running with alarming speed also to the hills."

We look at each other before thanking the lady and went on our way to where Azule, Natsuki, and Steel are waiting, which is directed to the previous manor of the corrupted duke behind it is the road to the hills of Shirotsume.

" I can't believe this." Azule frustratingly complained. "What could have happened to those idiots."

Upon arriving to their side, we automatically explained the situation in which they respond as that. Although I know what Azule said is a bit more of a complain, it is very obvious that he is worried.

"If Poison did come here, then Raven's team won't find them at Blue Pegasus." I explained with my gaze focus on the road.

"I already called Archive he said he'll sent them here, we'll just wait for them further in the hills." I gave Kiara a thankful look then focus my eyes on the road but was stopped when my entire body ran straight to my brother's back.

"Oww... What's your problem Brother?" I asked while rubbing my nose.

Steel and him are standing in front while looking around, Kiara and Azule stopping behind me to inspect the area.

"Is there something wrong here?" Kiara confusingly watch the two dragon slayers. She slowly approach the two and stop when she saw clearly what is going on. Her eyes widen and her body trembling.

"What power." I look to my side to see Azule on the same state as Kiara. Curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to take a peek of what's going on through my brothers shoulders. Only to see something very disturbing in the eye.

There at the front a big tree is seen standing, and Hanging from them are Hiiru, Rafael, Tsumiki, and Leto. Hands tied down by a magic sealing chain, below them are Poison, Nagaya, Fuyumi, and Rin with the same state. Tears suddenly welled up in my eyes as I gaze at them.

"This is horrible." I mumbled under my breath while falling to my knees. "Too horrible."

"No." My brothers voice stopped me from breaking down. "This means war. They'll pay for this." Just then, I realized. My brother is serious cause if he isn't then, Azule and Steel won't be seething with rage right now.

"Don't cry." Kiara said as she held her hand out for me to reach. "We have to be strong, we have to defeat them."

She's right... If I cry like this, then I won't be able to face the situation head on...

I grab her hand and stood up, clearing away the tears in my eyes. "Rescue first, destroy later." She gave out a light chuckle.

"Sure thing." We ran to the tree and rescue them one by onr starting from Poison's team to Hiiru's.

"How unfortunate of us that we didn't bring Merry and Kuro huh." I open a small chat to keep us calm from the situation. Just as timing we heard a voice from behind.

"What happened here? This is terrible!" Raven and Beatrice's was seen running to our direction with Apple and Gin chasing behind them, they stopped in front of us and check the injured.

"What happened?" Raven repeated.

"When we arrived here this is what we came up on." Was all I said and didn't continue when I noticed Poison stirring.

He slowly open his eyes and look around as if he's still in daze then his eyes widen at some realization and look at us.

"G-get a-away!" He exclaimed. "H-he's J-just around the corner!!"

Suddenly the area around us was surrounded by a magic circle.

"Its an explosive magic! Get away!!" Kiara warned suddenly the whole ground beneath glowed.

"What the---"

Third Person's Point of View

Before Steel could even finish his sentence the ground beneath them exploded and created a dent, the removed parts of the ground went flying out of different direction with a heavy impact. Out from the shadows came out a man with pale skin, eyes of deep amber color with hair blood of color, he wears a long black buttoned coat.

And beside him, a man who was supposed to be dead a long time ago.

"Elimination, complete." The guy said. "Let's go, Jackal." He said to the guy beside him who only snickered in response. He turn around ready to leave but was stopped when a hand landed on his shoulder, he glanced at Jackal only to see a different hand onto the man's shoulders.

"Not so fast." His eyes widen in surprise as Natsuki's fist suddenly came in contact to his face which sent him flying to the tree where Hiiru and Poison was found. "Do you think you'll just explode us and leave us hanging?! That's plain rude." With a smirk plastered onto his face Natsuki cracked his right knuckle with the ise of his left hand.

Suddenly the man known as Jackal was seen flying to the same direction as the man Natsuki punched earlier. "And you?! Aren't you supposed to be how many generations dead?" Azule asked while scratching the back of his head. "It'll be a pain if you keep rising everytime we destroy you so gimme a break here."As surprised as Azule can be that the man that Lucy Heartfilia had already eliminated is now the man he sent flying to a tree.

"You exploding the ground we're standing on can be shrug off, but harming our friends..." Natsuki trailed off, he looked at his battered friends. and his face darkened in anger. "Makes you our enemy. And as our enemy, it is our duty to make sure that you won't be able to see the sun smiling to your face again."

His team along with Steel, Raven and Beatrice stand alongside of him with a fighting stance.

"We'll take them home, Stella and Areol are waiting for them." Lucia determinedly said as he look at the two person now standing in front of them. "Even if it means making an enemy out of someone who is strong enough to bring the death back to life."