Episode 7- Reviver Borne

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Third Person's Point of View

At the fairy tail guild's infirmary an unconscious woman of blonde hair stirred, she slowly opened her brown eyes and was greeted by a pair of onyx and blue eyes.

"Stella!" The owners of those eyes cheered enthusiastically while looking at the girl with a bright smile.

"Brother Hiiru, Natsuki." She winced at the pain she felt. Her throat was extremely dry, Natsuki slowly assist her to sit on the side of the bed and gently handed her a glass of water.

"You sound like an old woman with that voice." Natsuki grinned. Hiiru gave out a laugh, a laugh of relief that made the pouting Stella crack a small genuine smile, tears suddenly falling down her face.

"I thought I'll never see you guys again." She sniffed. "I missed you guys so much."

Slowly, Hiiru approach her younger sister and bring her to his arms. His eyes, as teary as Stella's. "I'm so glad you're okay! I thought I was done for! I thought I'd lost you for sure." His brother bawled out, embracing his sister tightly.

"What a very touching moment, and we thought we'd never get to do this again." A voice from the other side of the infirmary said which cause the two Eucliffe to stop crying and look at the person which said it. There, a sitting Areol can be seen with a sleeping Fuyumi sitting on his right. Unlike Stella who was already out the bed and just sitting on the side, Areol is still intact with a blanket on his resting lower half. "You never know what happened while you were still dozing. These people was so loud." He chuckled softly.

"Are you sure you're fine now to sit like that Areol?" Natsuki asked as he approached the young man. "I think you should rest more, you really save us yesterday." He slowly pat the man's head ruffling his blue hair in process.

The now calm Stella look at his brother in confusion. "What happened yesterday?"

Natsuki and Hiiru look at each other before grinning.

Yesterday, Shirotsume hills

Hiiru Eucliffe's Point of View

I slowly opened my eyes upon hearing explosion after explosion and was greeted by a surprising to event. Infront of me is Natsuki-san and Jackal, exchanging heavy blows towards each other.

"What in the world..." I mumbled. Lost for words. I mean, what is up with this dude? Why does he keep on bringing himself back to life? It's irritating.

"I know." A voice said beside me. I slowly turn around to be face to face with Raven. "Natsuki-san is still as ferocious as he is huh..." He trailed off.

My sight suddenly landed on the said man. I was too focus on the "undying" Jackal that I forgot to see how Natsuki-san's skills to not fade at all. In fact, it has even improved. I was amazed, this guy is a Dragneel indeed, if Jackal is strong, Natsuki-san takes the word strong to a higher level than I thought.

'This guy is the END' s brethren. Natsu Dragneel would be so proud.' I thought to myself as I look at the said man with admiration. I was suddenly cut of my trance when I heard Raven beside me calling my name. I look at him in confusion, but was replaced by fear upon seeing the aura surrounding his body.

"Hiiru... ARE YOU NOT THINKING AT ALL?!!" He screamed while grabbing my left ear, pulling it with force that made me wince in pain. "What if we didn't go out to look for you?!!" Then his sermon went on and on as I listen to him quietly. I know Raven was worried, we treated each other like brothers and he disregard both our ranking when we are together.

"Hey." I was once again snapped out of my trance and look at him again with a face that screams 'confused'. "Let's go home. Stella is waiting for you."

"What?" I asked. Unsure if I had heard him right. "They found Stella?"

"Did the explosion give you the inability to hear?" He asked. "Yes doofus! That's why, we gotta get home early." Tears suddenly welled up my eyes as I look at Raven with a wide smile.

"Thanks bro."

"Don't thank me, thank Fairy Tail."I look at the guild who was assisting the other injured mages." They're the best." I nod my head in agreement, who wouldn't? Fairy Tail is a very promising guild.

"Damn it!!!! COME BACK HERE!!!" Me and Raven look at Natsuki-san who was gritting his teeth in anger his opponents, long gone. As in vanished.

"Reviver Borne!!! I'll get you for this!" Natsuki said in anger as he look at the open space around him.

"What happened?" I heard Raven asked.

"They suddenly vanished. This is a bit irritating for me to say, but that guy is strong. His magic isn't a joke either." Azule replied. I glance for a second and caught him staring at Natsuki-san then calling him. "Oi Natsuki! Forget hin for now, let's get the injured outta here!"

Heavy footsteps was suddenly heard approaching my body then my right arm was put around someone's shoulders.

"C'mon Hiiru, let's go home. This place is irritating as f*ck! I didn't even break a sweat there." I only stared at Natsuki-san as I listened to his complains. "Oh. By the way. Let's hurry home. Stella and Areol may be up by now." He suddenly stated while giving me a small grin.

"Thank you so much, Natsuki-san." I mumbled while averting my eyes at the man. Maybe, giving my sister to her wasn't such a bad idea.


We arrived at the guild around 8 where the moon was already up in the sky, reflecting the windows of the guild. Surprisingly, everyone was still there, they said they were worried so they didn't want to go home until we are. It actually bring me to tears.

We were brought to the guild's infirmary and it me weep so hard when I saw my sister lying peacefully on one of the bed. I was so grateful that I almost kneeled at the Fairy Tail team coz of being being so thankful.

"Oh no, another problem comes." Lucia mentioned while looking at all of us.

"What's the matter Luce?" Natsuki-san asked while approaching his sister. The girl look at all of us then her eyes darted at Kiara. And I had a feeling, I know where this is going.

"Lucia is probably worried, afterall all healing mages are absent, Cyan, and Morgiana is nowhere to be found. Areol is still unconscious. And the only present Elemaria here Kiara." We all look back to see Archive leaning against the door frame with his eyes focus on his phone." December can help her, but of course only in minimizing all wounds, or possible spells found inside their body until it disapate, but if there are any other wound such as dislocation and such, we have Kiara, but this, many..." He trailed off while looking at the girl in a  hesitant manner.

" I hate to say this but upon all Elemaria, healing isn't actually my forte."The girl look at me apologetically." I mean, I can heal but only to a minimum of the capacity of my outfit and my fairy abilities. In other words the only outfits I have that can heal is my nurse outfit, and my fairy abilities only heals oneself. So like December, I can only apply normal first aid, and if I do, it won't be able to heal automatically like the way others does."

"That's fine by me Kiara." Poison said. "Being able to be aided by you is already enough privilege for me. After all, I want to heal so that I could protect you as I promised your brother."

I smiled at the idea. Poison is one of Mystic's loyal generals. And protecting Kiara, their princess is one thing they feel happy of doing. Now that Mystic is not around, the responsibility of Dragoria will all fell upon Kiara's shoulder. Which is very stressful especially with the events here in the guild. Kiara and Raven are both having a hard time. And I know Even Lucia and Natsuki too. Everyone here has their own people to protect,. and yet they still risk their lives to save us. I am very thankful for that.

"Kiara-san, I actually don't mind aswell. Like Poison, being able to be aided by a princess is enough privilege for me." I said with a smile.

"I am not a princess here." I look at the girl in surprise. "In this house, your pain is my pain, your tears are my tears, your smiles are my smiles. We burden all of this together. I have accepted you as you are the way you do to me. We live in the same house therefore, I am no princess. I am your sister. Because we are a family." This is why Kiara is loved by the generals of her brother and is willing to risk their lives for her, this is why... Kiara is a princess indeed.

"Yep! And because of that. I would like to give our 'sister' a short break and shall offer a hand of assistance. " A voice behind us said.

"You're awake!!" Natsuki cheered as he ran to the owner of the voice and tackle the man into a bear hug.

"Areol!!" Azule and Steel exclaimed and approach the guy. "We're so glad. we found you!"

"I thought, I'd never see you guys again." He said as he cried softly while preventing his tears from falling down.

"You're a warrior!" I grinned at the guy who cried harder than expected.

"Speaking of warrior, I wanna help you guys." He said after sniffing to prevent himself from crying again.

"But, are you well enough to do so?" Archive asked and approached the young man.

"Did you guys forget who you were talking to?" He smirked to himself.

"Who would ever forget about you?" Lucia asked with a smile as he look at the young man. "Areol Tilm, the black sky."

"I had my rest, i'll take it from here."


"And that is what happened yesterday." I said while looking at my sister. "Fuyumi was so happy he cried himself to sleep." I added while pointing to the man sleeping on Areol's side.

"And what about that opponent of yours?" Stella innocently asked as he look at Natsuki.

"Oh don't worry, Archive got him." Me and Natsuki grinned as we look at the door directed outside the guildhall.

The Guildmaster's office.

Third Person's Point of View

Archive, Lucia and Kiara was looking at the screen of Archive's laptop with eyes widen in both surprise and fear.

"Reviver Borne, all information unknown." Lucia slowly read the contents around the list of residents of Fiore. "How is this possible?!"

"No wait." The two girls eyes darted to the thinking Archive. "I heard his name before." He mumbled. Then his eyes widened.

"I think we need Tyrant-san's help."

The  two nooded and stare out in daze.

'Who is this guy? What is his motives?' Lucia thought, her eyes landed on the window on master Lux's office. Her eyes look at the scenery from outside. 'This guy is another person we have to becareful of. After all, he may or may not have something to do with the event that just happened that eliminated us all.'