Episode 8- The Seven Kingdoms

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and 2events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Lucia Dragneel's Point View

"Hi guys! This is Merry once again, here at the Flower Blooming Capital... Crocus!"

"Why am I not surprised..." I trailed off looking at the smiling Merry holding a tripod while posing cutely to her "fans".

"Well, she is famous." Kiara chuckled while me and her watch Merry approached Natsuki and both of them wave at the lacrima phone on the tripod Merry is holding.

"I guess being a vlogger has its own perks too huh..." Azule approached us carrying a tray of drinks. We decided to take a rest on the flower box found at the center of Crocus's bazaar.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked after taking a sit on the enormous box of flowers with a drink in hand.

"The one selling this was a fan of Merry." He said looking at the direction of where Merry and Natsuki ran around the area touring their "online fans" on their "virtual" world. "She gave me a discount." I almost spit the drink that I just sipped if not only for the fact that Kiara was infront of me.

"Nice one." I mumbled still surprised by how those vlog became very beneficial.

"What are we talking about here?" I look at my brother and Merry that was standing beside Kiara with now a cup on their hand and well... paw.

"The problem." Kiara started. Obviously that was not the topic but it also made me remember how big the problem really is. "I thought it was just a member hide-and-seek game. I totally forgot that some members are also rulers."


Last Week.

Third Person's Point of View

Lucia, Archive and Kiara are still on Master Lux's office still looking for the information of Reviver Borne. Everyone was so focused to their work, each holding a book in hand with the list of people from one city to another. Not a moment later, all books in their hand went flying as they all screech in shock when the door banged open that revealed a shirtless Azule.

"Sheesh! Can you knock?" Lucia, who was supposed to be sitting at Master Lux's chair was now standing, the chair, no longer standing and the book she was reading was already on the floor.

"This is an emergency!"

"A what now?" The three look at each other before directing their gaze to Azule who was already about to leave and signals them to follow.

Everyone from each guild was already at the backyard of fairy tails guild when the four of them arrived. Even Stella and Areol was there with Natsuki, Hiiru and Fuyumi to support them. The backyard is directed to the forest of Magnolia and in there rest 7 messengers.

A majestic white Stallion with golden streaks on its hair. His golden eyes scanning the area as if looking for someone, then his eyes landed on Isabella. The stallion gave a nod before closing its eyes to rest. To his left lies a tree and on one of its branches rest an enormous Hawk with its brown eyes looking straight at Natsuki and Lucia. Under the three sits a panther its green eyes staring straight into Gaia who was also staring back at it. On the stallion's right stand a saber, its fangs shone as the sun rays hits it, its eyes are closed taking a short break after its long travel, riding on its back is a monkey, a scroll in its hand and just like the saber, it is also taking a rest. Beside the two is a sleeping grey wolf, just like the rest, it has a travelling bag connected to its sachel and beside the wolf stand majestically tall, a dragon green of color as tall as a tree of where the the hawk lay rest and upon seeing Kiara standing in the middle of Poison and Yoru the dragon nod his head and slowly opened its mouth. A magic circle suddenly appeared and the dragon's body was then covered with green light. As the green light engulf it, the dragons' size slowly changes as it grow smaller until it was the same height of a human kid. Now in front of them instead of a dragon stands a small kid with hair of green, its eyes of red glow as he slowly bows down in front of Kiara.

"All messengers of the seven Kingdoms." Archive said, surprised lacing on his tone. " This is not the the first time seeing them but it really is the first time I see them all arrived at once." He added.

Two sounds of clapping was then heard, all the resting animals including the now human dragon has transformed from resting messengers to an on guard protector. Their eyes stared at Kiara who has her hand clasped." All right everyone. Please give your message to whom you are supposed to give."

All messenger suddenly moves one by one to the people that has to receive the message carrying a letter with them.


Back to now...

Kiara Fernandez's Point of View

"And that leaves us here huh..." I trailed off, a sigh escaping my lips as I watch Natsuki and Lucia. "Who would've thought that we'll be ask to represent our kingdom when we haven't even check what's going on there."

"I think its about time we keep going." Azule said as he look at his wristwatch. "The meeting will start in three hours."

We all gave a nod before preparing ourself to continue walking to where Mercurius is located.

"Guys!" Not long after the walk, we have reached the front door of the Majestic palace of Fiore, also known as Mercurius. At the front door stands Isabella, Gaia, and Areol waving at us.

"What's going on?" Lucia asked while confusedly looking at the three. "The meeting starts in thirty minutes, why didn't you guys got inside yet?" I look at the two guards blocking the door, before facing the door again. Suddenly, the door opened slowly and a middle aged man got out. He wore a butler's clothes, his long grey hair tied into a ponytail and his black eyes was seen staring at us even though his glasses tend to cover his eyes as the sun rays hit the lens of his square glasses.

"Welcome representative." Slowly, he put his hand on his chest and bow down. "I am overjoyed knowing that you have tried your best to reach here on time." I raised a brow along with Azule upon seeing the man's face not changing at all.

"Hey Ash! Long time no see!" Lucia and Areol said simultaneously. They both look at the man with sparkling eyes. "How have you been?!"

"Poor Werewolf." Azule whispered beside me. "They're gonna pet him like hell." I nod my head in agreement. Ash has always been pitiful when members of the guild visits Mercurius. Especially Lucia and Areol.

"Ash!!! Fight me!!"

Oh there's that guy too.

Natsuki launched at Ash with full speed but before he could attack, I decided to give the wolf a rest and grab Natsuki by the end of his scarf causing him to be on a choking mess.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble Ash-dono." I said with a small bow showing how apologetic I am at the now messy haired man.

"No, its okay actually. But, please make sure that my mate never saw that, she'll totally not be so happy about it." The guy responded while fixing his glasses.

"Oh, you know Kirin doesn't really mind it when its just the guild members." Gaia gave the man a reassuring smile. I slowly let go of Natsuki's scarf that ended him in a coughing fit, we waited for him to get comfortable before Ash started speaking again.

"Before proceeding inside. I shall insist that you introduce yourself and hand over the scroll you had received." The man calmy said. "I know exactly who you guys are, but its specific that I know what country you guys are representing knowing for the fact that travellers like you guys don't stay at one country for a long time. And it is also an order from his excellency King Raven, it is part of Fiores Alliance."

Azule sigh in relief as he gave the guy a reassuring smile." And I thought you want us to strip here."

"No, if possible, what I want is for you to wear some clothes, Azule-san." A screech was heard from Azule before he slowly scrambled around to wear some clothes. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"We are fully aware of Fiores' system of alliance. Though all of us are friends, it is only right and respectful if we follow your kingdoms rule." I said with a smile signalling our circle for a short introduction.

We all lined up infront of the Ash and the two guards before Areol took a step forward.

"Maybe, I should start first." Areol smiled brightly before doing their country's bow. He kneeled on the floor, a hand on his chest and his body shortly bent down his smile no longer seen. "Areol Tilm, representative of Medina. Fourth commanding general of Medina's battalion. I came here along with our country's top adviser Seiko to represent Medina for our young queen is currently unable to be located."

"Isabella Mine, here to represent Alfheim, to cover the absence of both our queen and Princess. Fourth commanding chief in the Advisory of Alfheims' Advisors. I came here solo in the order of our rank one advisor." With hands on her side, she slowly bend her knees down to give a small but respected courtesy.

"Gaia De Trois. Representative of Enid. The second commanding leader of Enids' Mage force. I came here solo by the order of our King, Lord Tanathos Demise to represent our country for this important meeting." Standing on her foot as steadily as possible with her broom on her left hand and her right hand on her chest holding her pointed hat, Gaia slowly bowed down with a smile gracing her face.

"Azule Fullbuster, First Commanding Leader of Aquria Battalion. Here to represent Aquria by the order of the lady Queen, Aquria Lockser." Azule slowly bowed down, feet and legs a lined and both hands to his side.

Lucia then slowly walk in front and bowed down. One of her knees in on the floor while the other keep steady bending. Her right hand curled into a fist while her left hand covers her right hand. "Lucia Dragneel, here in the name of Solaria representing both sub-country Lunaria and Celestia by the order of the emperor. Sora Komacine. Third Princess of Solaria."

Beside Lucia, Natsuki did the same position of Lucia and slowly spoke. "Natsuki Dragneel, First Prince of Solaria here to represent the sub-country Corona and Solaria itself. Here by the order of the emperor, Sora Komacine."

Natsuki might not look like it, but if its for his people, he never shows his goofy side.

Slowly, I walked forward and kneeled on one foot, right hand on my chest." Kiara Cerise Fernandez, Second Princess of Dragoria, here in the order of the Former queen, Charlotte Fernandez to represent Dragoria."

"Asking permission to enter and commenced the meeting." We all simultaneously said as we all show the letter to Ash who was smiling brightly at us. This isn't a surprise to us anymore. He smile often than a lot people know him.

"You guys never really change." He said with a smile. "By the order of the King, Raven Cheney, all representatives has been granter permission to enter the palace of Mercurius."

"This is gonna be a long day." Natsuki mumbled as we all look at the now opened door in front of us.

"I know right." Azule replied before taking a step forward towards the door.

'Let's see where this will take us.' I thought before following shortly after them inside and hearing the door of Mercurius closed behind me. 'A rough day indeed.'