Episode 9- Universe One

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and 2events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Third Person's Point of View

"The meeting will commence in 10 minutes minutes, though the Lord Raven is already at the meeting hall along with some other members of the board that will represent other kingdoms." Ash stopped in front of the door near a large window where a garden can be seen from the outside.

" The meeting hall is right behind this door, I wish you all a pleasant day. " Ash took a step away from the door and slowly bemt his upper body resulting a small bow.

"I shall take my leave." Was his last words before vanishing into the peaceful halls of Mercurius.

After a moment of silence from the unmoving people left at the door across blocking the meeting hall that keeps on eyeing the door. A sigh escaped Natsuki's lips as he took a step forward placing both his hands on the two knobs of the door slowly turning it til he heard a click which cause him to pause. He turned his head to look at his friends, his goofy pranking smile no longer seen on his face.

"Let's just get this over with." He said before placing both his hands on the wood in his front giving it a push and was greeted by a large round table with ten seats, beside the table is a white board with the images that is relating to the meeting about to be commenced, to the table's left is a small cart with a set of cups and cakes

across the door on the other hand is a curtained window.

Seated at the eight chair facing the door was Raven and on the fifth chair facing the window slightly at the left sat a girl in her mid 20's. Her gold eyes looking at Natsuki, a mischievous smile gracing her lips as she rested her chin on her connected hands.

"Seiko-chan!" Areol, unaware of the thick tension in the air approach the woman who looks at him with relief, her mischievous grin long gone. "How's Medina?" The blue haired man questioned.

"For now, its okay. People are still unaware of the queen's disappearance and to not cause alarm, the board has decided to keep the situation to ourselves for now." A sigh of relief escaped from Areol's mouth before taking a seat beside Seiko which the others follow in suit.

"Are we still waiting for someone Rave?" Seated beside him, Lucia glanced at the man who was about to open his mouth to answer but it wasn't his voice that echoed through the meeting hall, instead it was a voice of an old man standing at the door way.

"Now that I'm here, no. There's no one." The man's long grey hair flowing to his mid-back bounced as he move to close the door and stand at the white board on the right of the round table of the meeting halls. "Shall we start then?"

"Whenever you are ready Tyrant-san." Kiara responded. The man nod before gesturing them to stand up which they all followed in suit. "Before starting, let us all start this meeting with a small pledge." The people inside the room all raised their right hand and cite a line they always say before conducting a meeting.

"We, ruler of the Seven Kingdoms are here to only speak of truth and cooperation, for the sake of the people in Ishgar and for the sake of peace. Any who tries to speak ill of one another and harbour any ill intention to the other are to be punished by the gods above." Before finishing their sentence, all of them curled their hand into a fist and place them onto their left chest." We swear to protect Ishgar and to maintain its peace, even death cannot stop us." Everyone then took a seat all except Tyrant who remains standing in front of the white board.

"Then, I'll start off by introducing the situation, though it is already clear to some of you, it is still a blur to the others who just recovered." He started.

Seiko and Areol gave the old man a look of gratefulness. "We'd like to say thank you for understanding our lack of knowledge about the situation."

"So, as I have explained to Kiara before which I know she already informed you. All missing members of the guild are scattered around the areas of Ishgar or worse, other dimension outside of Earthland. They're bodies are trapped inside a lacrima that is a conversion of their own magic protected by a barrier that is anti dragon slayer magic. The barrier is activated due to the fact that the lacrima can only be destroyed by dragon slayer magic. "Tyrant paused. A sigh escaped his mouth before continuing."But, I forgot to mention how this happened." His golden eyes met Lucia's brown ones. "Does anyone have an idea?"

Lucia know that Tyrant is talking about her. True though, she does have an idea but not sure if it is correct.

"Master?" She spoke. "It is just a theory but I think there is two reasons. And I have a feeling one of them is right."

The old man rubned his long beard a train of thoughts ran through his mind before looking at the girl and nod his head. "Let us all hear it then." He gestured for the girl to come forward in which Lucia followed.  He took a seat in his seat as he gave the girl a time to prepare and speak.

"My first theory all comes down into Oath-san." The people inside the meeting hall gave themselves a train of thoughts to know what Lucia was trying to point out. Of course, the blonde girl gave them time to think before continuing. "We were dead yesterday but lived today, its like it was just a dream but its not, that's my first theory. Although, it has its own negative argument and that's---"

"The separation." Kiara cut off. "If we just went back through time using the lost aegis then shouldn't we be at the same spot with everyone before the event occured?"

Azules' curled fist hit his free open hand as he spoke. "And that's what break the theory of Lost Aegis. It is supposed to be at the exact event of that exact day Oath-san wanted."

Lucia nod her head. "And I dropped the theory because I want to deny it. Cause if ever that theory would be proven true then Oath-san would be..." Silence filled the room as everyone except Tyrant lowered their head in sorrow.

'I guess this is a bad idea huh...' A thought ran through Tyrants' mind as he rubbed his beard. 'Good luck Oath.'

" And the second one would be? " Raven the first one to recover asked. His question cause the others to raise their head and look at Lucia.

"I mean, there's no way the first one is gonna happen and all." Areol lively said. A smile graced on Lucia's lips and positivity filled her again. There, she gained the courage to continue speaking.

"Thank you." Natsuki mouthed to which Areol responded with a grin.

"My second theory involves Queen Charlotte." Kiara's eyes widen.

'oh.. it seems as though Kiara got the picture already.' Tyrants' eye watch the scarlet haired girl. 'These kids are totally amazing.'

"During the attack on Ishgar, our enemies are using weapons that they mentioned are known to be some kind of magic used by holder type mages. I heard them saying it was the black hole."

"Oh, that weapon that when it digs through a person's body, it can suck them up to some sort of black portal that can lead them to that nowhere of no return. Man, that almost killed me." Areol said while snapping his fingers. His cute remarks made the girls giggle while Seiko didn't put any restraints and grab his cheeks to give it a pinch.

"uh... it did kill you dear." Raven, Azule and Natsuki hold a laugh when Kiara pointed out how Areol died which the said young man only laugh giddily in response.

"Hey! No playing in the meeting hall!"An irritated Lucia said while pointing her fingers to the laughing boys, smoke coming out of her nose." That's not a funny joke too. I almost died too y'know!"

Everyone went silent for a second but all ceased when Natsuki suddenly bursted out laughing." Azule looks so stupid that time hahahaha..." His laugh made an irk mark appeared on Azules' face. Irritation suddenly spread over the face of the said man.

" What?!" He cockily retorted. "Who was it that crawled from the guild to the church just cause he can't walk anymore huh?! Oh? That was Natsuki? I thought it was a worm." Smugly looking at the man he was referring to, a smirk replaced the irritation on Azule's face. And Natsuki's laugh vanish aswell.

The two of them went silent for a minute, as a sigh escape from the others inside the room.

'Here they go again.' they all thought.

Not long after that, arguments already filled the room.

"Did you fry your brain with your ability huh."

"What did you say?! Isn't it you that already has his brain frozen that it doesn't function anymore?!"

"Atleast my brain doesn't order me to strip?! Y'know? Like right now?!"

"Ahh!! when did this happened?! - - - Atleast my brain is bigger than yours since its just preserved in ice."

Yep, all those arguments continued until they both came to a stop when a laugh echoed around them. All of their eyes landed at Tyrant who was holding his stomach while in a fit of laughter.

"It must be great to be young huh..." He said in between laughs, his laugh continued for a while that it also caused the rest of them to smile, giggle or chuckle. "I am proud that no matter how bad the situation is, you guys still manage to stay true to yourself." After Tyrant calmed down and said those phrase, a big smile spread to his face. "But, we have to continue this meeting, so lets put that fight aside okay?"

A sheepish laugh came from Natsuki and Azule was heard. "Sorry..." They both mumbled before calming down at their seat.

"Then, Lucia." Lucia confusedly glanced at the old man in front of her. "What you were saying is that, Queen Charlotte used the Universe one inorder to reshape the universe to return those who was supposed to be sucked up by the portal right?" Lucia nods.

"But Master Tyrant, Queen Charlotte cannot return thw guild back to its original shape or the shape before it was ruined. So, it is impossible for the guild to have been undamaged when we came to open our eyes."

With a hand on his chin, Tyrant gave a nod." What came out of Lucia's theory is not wrong. Though, there are some holes."

"I guess it would be understood by all if we went to check what really happened that time."


Hi this is FairyCrest. And today we'll be talking about....

Natsuki Dragneel!! ^_^v

Natsuki: Wazzup! If you guys wanna know let's start it simple, what I like most are my friends and families.

FairyCrest: Bestfriend?

Natsuki: What are you asking me Cre-chan! Of course all of them?

FairyCrest: Hmmm?? Can it be just one?

Natsuki: If its just one then I guess you can choose Merry of course!

FairyCrest: I was expecting that. hahaha... Preferences?

Natsuki: A BRAWL.

FairyCrest: Not gonna change your mind? ^_^"

Natsuki: Nahhh... I'm good.

FairyCrest: Okay then, Dislikes?

Natsuki: That Reviver Borne from Chapter 7! Why do you have to name that chapter for him anyway Cre-chan?!

FairyCrest: ahaha... its part of the plot. Sorry... ^_^v

Natsuki: I didn't even have my name on any chapter at all. You play favorites Cre-chan. *pouts*

FairyCrest: I'll make it up to you ^_^"

Natsuki: You better be. Or I'm not gonna give ideas to you!

FairyCrest: ahahaha... Then how about we continue? Worst habit?

Natsuki: *burns FairyCrest's notebook* I'm sorry! what was that?

FairyCrest: Forget it. How about Dark Secrets. Any secrets you can share?


Natsuki: SHUT UP!!! I guess that's all. Byeeeee everyone!