Episode 13 - Struggles of Magnolia

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and 2events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved



Archive Laytes Point of View

I let out a yawn my hands not leaving the holographic keyboard in front of me as I continuously typed some data that was sent by Kiara just yesterday.

"You're not gonna sleep?" I glance at Gaia and shook my head giving her a reassuring smile. "Again?"

"It's okay Gaia." I replied. "As long as you're here!" I added winking at her direction.

Her calm form sitting in the other side of the table drinking tea that she prepared for the two of us. After I gave her a flirty remarks she sigh and stood up quietly putting her cup down at its saucer and slowly made her way past me, still, as silently as possible.

"Then I'll take my leave so that you'll sleep." In a panic state I harshly stood up from my seat to grab the girl by her arm.

And as my hand reach hers, an alarm from my computer suddenly beeped.

"Archive! We got company!" Lucia's voice echoed inside the walls of the guilds library.

"What kind?"

It was silent for a second as Lucia's words laced fear that immediately match the fear in my eyes as me and Gaia hurriedly run outside the guildhouse to come face to face with a floating Lacrima much too large to cover the entire city of Magnolia.

"What the hell..."

Footsteps came rushing in from my right and as I turn my head, I saw Lucia and Natsuki running to our direction.

"Why is it floating?" Lucia asked the minute she reached our side.

"I wish I could tell you." I replied in a dazed state looking at Lacrima inside.

"I wish it has a body." Me and Lucia look at Natsuki who was seriously glancing up. Another second has passed before his mouth scrunched up and his face immediately scream the word sick. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up!"

"How pathetic." Gaia said from beside me pulling her broomstick out. "I'll go check it out upclose." She added before riding the broom to make take closer look at the Lacrima.

Yet not a second later, she returned. "Its too big. As expected of the magic energy of an elementario."

"So there's a body inside?"

Gaia nod. "Sofya."

Not a second after Gaia had said it, an earthquake erupted from the grounds of Magnolia and all of a sudden the ground broke open sprouting trees out. The event caused the civilians to panic most of them seen running around as they scream in terror.

"What's going on?!" Voices of the other members of the guild coming out of the guildhouse can be heard upon the doors opening.  But their questions were immediately answered when the supposed to be bright view of the world from their eyes seemed to be covered by a huge dark cloud causing them to look up, and just like how I was once been, their gasp along with the widening of their eyes is enough to tell me how surprised they are to see such an enormous lacrima.

"As expected of Sofya." Azule who managed to make his way out of the crowd stated. "Even my ability is not enough to break the barrier."

Gaia shook her head and sigh, her black triangular pointed hat almost falling off of her purple haired head.

"This is gonna be a long day."

"I feel you." Areol coincide, sighing as he eyed the now state of Magnolia which matches the forest located at its outskirts. "Finding the citizens from this angle will be a hassle!"

I let out a chuckle. "For now, while I study the lacrima, you guys should better hurry up and find the citizens." I went to one of the tables of Fairy Tail's open cafe and instantly activated my magic. "I'll contact you guys later."

With a series of motivated yells and nods from my friends, they all set out to the previously urban like area to search for the people stuck inside this surprise jungle event of the day.

I sigh once more, hearing the scraping of the chair in front of me as from the corner of my eyes I see Lucia taking a seat.

"I'll wait for further instructions over here." I nod my eyes going back to the screen with a smile.  "The lacrima is enough for the exceeds to reach." She added.

"The problem here is the barriers size." My eyes looked at the Lacrima above. "The barrier depends on the size of the lacrima itself. And seeing the current situation..."

I trailed off, I have a thought that one mage isn't enough to break this barrier.

The blinging of my magic drift my gaze from the lacrima above to the orange coloured holographic computer in front of me.

"Oh my god..."I stated, rubbing my temples as my hand directly went straight to pulling the strands of my hair, a frustrated sigh escaping me. "Lucia, we might need the whole six guild for this." I stated, looking at the confused Lucia in front of me who, instantly stood up from her seat to glance at the image in front of me. Her hand instantly went to cover her mouth, her hazel eyes widening in shock as she glance at the image.

The silhouette of the lacrima covered by a black circle similar to its color, the size fifteen meters away from the lacrima increasing its size as the thickness reaches three meters inwards.

"15 meters wide and 3 meters thick?!" Me and Lucia looked at each other first, before the two of us took out our phones applying the numbers of our teams as I apply my magic to it for fast communication.

There was a ring on the phone, waiting for them to pick it up. Then the ringing stop.

"Archive! How do we settle this?!" The impatience lacing in Natsuki's voice was enough to bring a confident smile on my face. 'Ah, that's right. As long as we do all of this together, we can do this.'

"The barrier is fifteen meters in length away from the lacrima." I started. "And its 3 meters thick."

"So, its 12 meters in the distance if you won't include the thickness of the barrier?" Azule' s voice broke the deafening silence that for once, the guild members gave.

"Yep. So, its 15 meters all in all. including tha barriers." Lucia replied.

"Then, what's the order?" Kiara's voice over the phone questioned.

Her question caused a smirk to crawl over my lips. "There's no plan."


"All mage! The closest house and building will be up to your advantage! Climb up the highest you can, strike with all you got and gave way for our dragon slayers to save Sofya-san!"

"You said there was no plan!" Lucia grinned.

"That wasn't a plan though." I confusedly looked at her, but to my surprise it was Natsuki who answered from the phone.

"Sounds like a plan!" Not a moment later right after he had said it, a seires of magic made of ice, black wind and other magics that aren't dragon slayer form strike from the above making the presence of the barrier visible.

"To all members of fairy tail..." I once again eyed Lucia who was looking at the series of event happening from above us. "Giving their all, its already a plan."

"Yes, how can I forget?" I smiled. "You guys are the most destructive guild ever."

Lucia laughed. "Well then, I better join them. Or I might disappoint the name of my guild."

She let out a peace sign, her pink guild mark visible from my eyes, the same time a smile formed my lips as she open the gates of Taurus equipping the stardress a long with it slashing the whip she had on her hand.

"I'll see you later!" She yelled, running to the guild house. From where I stand I can still see her run through the hallways of the guild her presence reaching the second floor.

"What a childish way of dealing things." I said to myself shaking my head in disagreement a slight chuckle coming out of my mouth. "But its worth taking risk of."

Especially if the risk taking it would be Fairy Tail.