Episode 18- Parents

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Third Person's Point of View

"It all broke." Complained a cloaked figure a whine lacing in her young voice as she picked up the doll with a broken leg. "They all broke Revi!" She added another series of complaints coming from her as she turn her gaze to meet Reviver's amused ones.

"Its not my fault you played with it till it broke." Reviver calmly replied with a chuckle, his response caused the cloaked figure to pout.

"Then you should make a sturdier doll next time." The cloaked young lady retorted to which Reviver replied by patting the girl's head with a gentle smile.

"Soon Marionette, when the body is found."


Lucia Dragneel's Point of View

Me along with Stella and the now recovered Sofya were task to take care of the still unconscious members of different guilds that is right now currently staying at the guild's infirmary.

"I'm glad that you finally woke up Sofya." I started, trying to light up the busy mood. "I thought you're also gonna take long like these guys."

I gestured towards the five sleeping people inside the infirmary whose been asleep for three days now. Sofya looked at the me and smiled.

"I'm also glad I get to see you again. Sadly not as a complete family reunion though." She replied, her gentle demeanour still in keep but sadness creeping inside her green orbs.

Literally speaking, we are a family indeed. She's a Dragneel as well but on Master Zeref and Mavis's part. And although we don't see each other all the time we're very close and we see them as a closer part of the family than just sharing the same last name.

"But I'm more glad that the chaos has subsided though." She added. "Although its gonna be a hard time managing a missing kingdom." She chuckled sheepishly putting down the medicine she prepared at the side table next to Master Lux's body.

My eyes then fell to the window beside me, watching the peaceful Magnolia with the now assured people walking around the area. The events from the last three days was luckily easily solved with me, Archive, Kiara and Tyrant-san already sending in an advance request of backup to the other kingdoms.

The first to response was of course Dragoria being the concerned Queen Charlotte on guard for her daughter's or any of her son's general's call for help. The next to respond was my uncle with also the same concern for our side, and Aquaire with Azule's father and luckily, Leviathan which was also a dragon slayer to give a backup and help, and lastly, Enid which was the farthest and received the message later than anyone. After the chaos, the people declared that day "the disaster of Fiore" and Sofya was really apologetic about the trouble she caused for the people inside Magnolia.

"They're very beloved." My eyes fell to where Stella was looking which was all 'get well' gifts from many members and citizens of people from each kingdom, my eyes soften at the sight.

"Its very heartwarming." I added turning my gaze from the object to the opened door where a child of black hair and red hues entered through the door. My body immediately went stiff.

"Hey Lucia, Sofya, Stella." He greeted heading straight to the the seat in between Lucifer and Michael's bed.

"Hello Thanatos-san." I greeted back watching as he pat both the boy's head. "Love the form." I deadpaned.

'A kid? Really?' I thought to myself watching as the kid looked at me and smiled.

"This is the form I use when Seraphim was younger and was scared of my true form." My heart soften at the explanation, my memories of our father also coming into view whenever he wears cat ears just to stop Celeste from crying.

"A father really can throw anything away for their children." I quoted with a smile my eyes falling towards Master Lux. "Even their own ego."

"Your father is also outside Lucia." I flinched immediately rushing to close the door but not before hearing my brother and my father's screaming voices arguing with Azule and his Father as well.

"A disaster of all disaster." I grunted before finally closing the door turning around to greet the smiling faces of both Stella and Sofya who somehow intentionally turn a deaf ear into the commotion.

"Do you think they'll wake up soon?" With curiosity, I asked turning to one of the closest people around which was Bunny, checking her to see any signs of consciousness.

"They will, if my medicine work." Sofya replied taking a seat on one of the chair beside Queen Aquaire's bed. "I hope."


Third Person's Point of View

Many of the members from different guilds were once again gathered around the infirmary in hopes of one or two of the unconscious patients wake up.

"Not yet huh?" Raven, who was one of the last to arrive questioned as he walked closer to our side but not without checking them all first one by one.

I sighed. "Not a sign."

"Well there's one now." Sofya who was closer to the patient stated as she made eye contact with the now conscious patient. "Hello Queen Aquaire."

"I get the impression that I've been asleep for long." Queen Aquaire confirmed to herself upon seeing the overjoyed gaze of some of her people. But in amidst of her happiness, I found her eyes scanning around in search for her three daughters, which are still unfound.

"Dad?" Michael's soft and gentle voice made us all shift our eyes towards his direction. "What happened?"

His confused and questioning look though changed to shock and worry when he saw his twin brother on another bed."Did something happen?"

"Save it for later son." King Thanatos calmly answered waiting for his other son to be awoken which Michael helped by shaking the man slightly.

"Michael its still dark outside!" He groggily complained but stopped half way as if realising what he just said.

"Michael!" He jolted awake from his bed tackling his brother in a tight hug. "You... you were... aren't you supposed to be dead?"

Instantly, even Queen Aquaire fell silent with her eyes wide in both agony and fear.

"Behave!" Their father's childlike voice immediately made the two stopped halfway and gulped.

"I'm sorry I'm being mannerless father." Michael replied rushing back to his bed.

"Why are we quiet?"

"Bunny!" Poison and Yoru tackled the girl into a hug a seiries of unwanted rant was heard from the two but also fell silent went seeing the girl eyeing another person. "December." She called out in a whisper, December looked at her sister and smiled.

"At least your alive." Is what she said before taking a seat on her bedside and the now teary eyed Bunny whose trying to stop herself from attacking her sister with a hug.

All members of our guild looked down to our own master, still unconscious. The worried gaze we have caught almost everyone in the room to follow.

"Uncle, do you think he'll be awake soon?" I gestured to uncle Sora whose applying his healing magic on master Lux.

He shook his head. "I don't know Sweetie."

"To give space, we'll stay at the outside the infirmary." We bid a congratulations to the awaked patients watching them leave the guild's infirmary leaving only Fairy Tail members inside, which of course includes my father and uncle, Queen Charlotte and Azule's father, uncle Winter.

"Gramps. Don't give up on us!" Natsuki yelled upon securing that only members of the guild are around. His sudden outburst resulted of father hitting him in the head and telling him that master isn't dying or whatever. Which once again became the cause of another argument, and later on followed by Azule and uncle Winter butting in and the four of them getting bonked by Queen Charlotte.

"What's with all the ruckus here Lucia?"

"Oh, their being dramatic about you Master Lux." I absentmindedly replied, my attention not leaving on my brother and father trying to pick another fight with Queen Charlotte. Taken a back, I glance at Master Lux whose looking at the commotion with a smile.

"Its really nice seeing this rare moments of different generations like this huh..." He turned to look at me. "Just hearing voices from both generations makes me open my eyes just for a father to see a moment like this."

"Master!" The only reply I manage to spout as I tackle the man into a hug. My sudden exclamation caught almost everyone in and outside the infirmary's attention and came rushing to the old man with pure relief and happiness written all over their faces. Only laughter and cries of joys being heard around the entire place.


Third Person's Point of View

Amongst the commotion, Winter, Charlotte and Ifrit's eyes fell on their children tending their master. Beside them are the other rulers of the different kingdoms around Ishgar.

"Our only hope huh..." Charlotte stated her gaze falling to her youngest daughter. "It kinda worries me."

"Who wouldn't. I mean, their all our beloved." Aquiare agreed, looking at the blue sky through the window as if reaching her children with her longing gaze.

"My children isn't gonna loose in any kinds of bastards though." Ifrit arrogantly claimed with his brother-in-law Sora agreeing at his statement.

"No way. Its gonna be my son!" Winter snarled back in disapproval, Aquaire approved.

The two started to stay quiet, looking at each other in silence. An argument tending to rise, but never came as they felt Charlotte's gaze on them thar caused the two to stop halfway.

"I want all my children back and safe." Aquiare sighed, loneliness all over her voice.

"We all do." Demise assured the blue haired Queen. "We're all parents after all."

The members of rulers of Ishgar nod, except for a shaking hand of Raven that is raised.

"U-uhm... I'm not married yet." He said in a slight whisper.

The older rulers look at each other before laughing at the young king patting his head in process. Poor Raven. If only Cyan, Mystic, Machi and Serena were around to console him. Nevertheless the guy laughed along with the parents. Relief of Fiore's temporary peace.