Episode 19- Dimension

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Lucia Dragneel's Point of View

I sighed to myself for the fifth time inhaling the scent of the warm tea Stella prepared for me.

"How's the investigation so far?" She asked placing a plate off curry rice at the counter of the guilds bar. "Its been three days since I last the four of you got out of the library."

I once again let out a frustrated sigh putting the teacup down. "We can't find them." I mumbled enough only for Stella to hear.

With the assistance of the other kingdom and the revelation of Levi's existence on the other territory, the research squad, which is us decided to ask for the rulers of the kingdom to create a search warrant flipping their kingdom upside down to search for the remaining members whose body still gone unlocated. But within the entire seaech that took months, only half of the missing population was found, and not another addition to the population of the dragon slayers. Which was the reason why Master made us work like hell for a new hypothesis, which I know he's doing out of worry.

"I would like to join in and help but I can't leave December here on her own." A sympathetic smile made its way to her face gesturing to the pink haired girl with rabbit-like ears being bothered by her older sister that she keeps on shoving away.

"As usual December keeps herself away from her sister." I deadpaned. My eyes made its way to the second floor seeing Kitsune-san waving at me, I stood up. "Break time's over."

I made my way back to the library with Kitsune but not before waving my brother's girlfriend goodbye.

"I see all lovers find it hard to spend time with each other." Kitsune stated as she gestures over Stella from the counter to my brother discussing things with the rescue team consisting of the dragon slayers and some other members of different guilds, then she pointed over to the busy Kiara in the library to Azule whose joining in with the discussion in the rescue team. They were ordered by the master to focus on rescuing the other members of the guild that was located.

"I'm also a bit worried about my boyfriend as well." I said with a sigh, afterall Lucas' body wasn't among the half population found.

"My brother isn't there either." Kitsune added with a small smile the two of us going inside the library to be greeted by the exhausted look on Archive's face who was once disappointed upon hearing that his cousin Eileen isn't with the located lacrima.

"If Eileen was here we'd be done a flash." He once said to which we couldn't help but wholeheartedly agree.

"Why are most genius absent when we need them?" Kiara suddenly questioned from the other table of the library.

"Eileen, Lucas, Nympha even my brother." She added. "I'm glad we manage to keep Lucia and Archive."

Kitsune nodded in agreement taking a seat beside Kiara while I took my seat opposite of Archive and work on my job which is mapping.

"So, how's down there?" Archive asked in amidst of the silence pertaining to the guild outside.

"Almost empty." Sighed Kitsune.

"The rescue team just came back for another discussion of their next place." I added, my eyes not leaving the maps at the desk.

"We all had it rough huh..." Archive smiled lightly turning back to his work in silence, the library going back to its relaxed silent state.

Not a minute after the sound of paper shuffling and the tune of Archive's holo keyboard is heard. Kiara stood up from her current place, the sound of the chair scraping over the wooden floor stopped the three of us from what we are doing.

"There is another place we haven't checked yet." She stated, a hopeful smile with realization made its way to her green orbs.

"We have?" I asked in pure confusion.



Kiara nod her head in affirmation. "Its that one place we hadn't checked yet."

"Can we even go to that dimension?" Questioned Kitsune as from the corner of my eye, I saw Archive silently typing in his holocomputer faster than before.

"I'm not certain." Kiara replied shortly after the silence engulfed her once again. "In the first place, the process of going there is destructive in its own."

"Not to mention, lacking information of the other side." I added which caused Kiara to nod in agreement.

"I can see that." Kitsune states in understanding picturing an image of our rescue squad being surrounded by foreign people.

"Girls." From my side, Archive called out. His face being shadowed by his olive bangshis hands shaking in a tight clench.

"I found something."


Third Person's Point of View

Lucia hastily gathered the remaining people outside the library to their quarters including master Lux who was at his office during the duration of the research team's discovery. And after explaining the gist of the situation over to the new people who just arrived which involves the hypothesis of Edolas and the possibilities of the members around the said place.

"So, what's so important about a hypothesis that made us gather here?" Natsuki gave the four his usual bored look and went to pick on his nose.

Right after he said it, all eyes fell over to Archive whose been sitting at the same spot since.

"Its not existing." He mumbled, only enough for the people inside to hear.

"The what?" Lucia gently ask making the archive mage look at her.

"Edolas is not there." He said witha sigh. "But in replacement five more has been located."

The entire people inside the library went stiff.

"WHAT?!" Exclaimed them all simultaneously breaking the silence.

"Three are paralleled into one area yet on different dimensional routes while the other two is quite different in the flesh!" Archive explained, all his serious facade earlier was drained and replaced by his eyes brimming with excitement.

"Really?!" Lucia excitedly exclaimed sharing the same look as Archive causing the rest of the people inside to share the same deadpaned look for the two.

"Do you think the enemy knows about this?" Azule asked all of a sudden, Lucia and Archive looked at him and smirked.

"That's impossible, I mean they haven't even showed up all this time." Lucia snickered followed by Archive who did the same actions of the blonde.

"If they do know, then we have to get ahead of them first!"

"Whoa! Hold on!" Levi butted in halting the two from their rendezvous. "Can we even go there at all? I mean there's not even a way in."

A huge smirk made its way to the two's face followed by Kiara and Kitsune snickering in the background.

"We'll make one."