Episode 20 - Give All

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and 2events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Lucia Dragneel's Point of View

I walked over to the library and immediately froze at the sight of books scattered everywhere along with the broken fragments of lacrima left uncleaned mixing in with the scattered books. Instantly, I felt myself go pale upon seeing the same members of the research squad where I belong stiff on the floor face firsr covered in books.

'I guess that explosion was the last straw.' I thought with a sweatdrop hearing the explosion from here while I was getting food for them.

"Whoa! What a mess!" A voice said from behind me causing me to look back and spot Areol walking over with Lucifer and Michael following closely behind him.

"H-hey guys!" I stuttered, letting out a nervous giggle gently placing down the tray of food I have in hand that I got from the guilds cafe for the three that was now sprawled on the floor on one of the tables in the library.

"So, what bring you guys here?" I asked shifting my gaze from the twins which consist of Michael looking at us with concern filled eyes and Lucifer who made a whistling sound at the mess of the library, to Areol whose poking Archive's cheek that caused the olive haired man on the floor to groan at the act.

"Well, we thought we could pitch in some help." Areol cheerfully stated scratching his blue locks out of his face. "You guys look like you need a lot of it."

"We actually do." I mumble under my breath grabbing sets of our research experiment that was actually going nowhere. "The most people we would need would be someone like Yoshio and Nympha." I explained, and luckily the three immediately got the message of the explanation.

"Warp Lacrima requires teleport mage's magic huh..." Lucifer sighed as if inquiring the accuracy of his statement but was confirmed when Kiara groggily sat up to confirm the man's words.

"We're doing a warp gate after all." She stated grabbing a hair brush from one of the tables and started brushing her knee length scarlet hair tying it to a ponytail.

"So, all this fragmented lacrima was from the fact that the magic isn't compatible?" Areol curiously looked over to the shards of lacrima near his foot.

"No, it exploded since ut can't handle the amount of ethernano needed to transfer to a place outside the dimension we have." I explained walking over to another lacrima that still had not been used. The three new people in the library following closely behind me.

"Currently, the problem we have is two." I started, and upon seeing the three waiting for me to continue, I spoke further. "One is the distance of our travel card or how far it'll reach, and the other, is how long can it take before it goes empty."

"So, without the compatibility of a teleport mage's magic energy, our chance are falling to a mere 50%?" Michael confirned and I replied with a simple nod letting hin have a time ti think for any suggestion to add.

"If we have a teleport mage, to what extent would the magic affect the two problems?" Lucifer surveyed putting a thinking stance like his long haired blonde twin.

"Depending on the amount." Answered Archive as he gulp the coffee I brought from earlier. "Aside from that, there are more problem then just the durability of the lacrima once we meet the needed magic." He added in a groggy tired voice.

"What?!" The three exclaimed simultaneously. "So you're saying that the two problems are the durability and yet there's more?"

"Well, Lucia did say "Current" "Archice quoted which made me giggle at my place, looking at rhe three made me feel a tad bit happy that someone's trying to help us in such a complicated time here in the research facility, especially since they're also busy as a member of the rescue team.

"If the durability case is solved, what else will be the problem?" Areol this time was the one who asked, not noticing the quiet Kitsune taking notes in the other side of the library. I look at Archive and watch closely as he give himself time to ponder over the answer, slowly after that he began to speak.

"How many people can the warp carry, how long will the transfer take before full arrival, where will the warp drop the passengers, and if the warp can pave way and make communication from both dimensions." Archive elaborated, counting the many problems with his finger.

"I'm surprised that you four hadn't given up yet." Lucifer deadpaned, his eyes scanning the room.

I look at him and chuckled. "If giving up would only mean a lonely future then turning giving up to give it all would be our only choice left."

"Just so you know." Kiara added looking over to the boys. "A road and a door is not easy crafting, what makes you think would a road to a better future be a walk in the park?"

"Somehow..." Michael trailed off stopping us from our tracks making us look at him, only to see his gentle smile plastered on his face. "I got what you two mean."

"I got it!" A sudden shout from from Archive caught our attention shifting it over from Michael to Archive with a big smile on his face. The smile that says hope.

"Lucia said it."

"Huh?" I asked in confusion pointing to myself. "I did?"

"Yes you did!" Instantly, I felt the people's gaze inside the library to fall on me.

"The only choice we have left is to give it our all!"

Somehow his statement made me even more confuse than anticipated.


With a few days of more research and some participation of many volunteers, the research was a success and even though, the number of people that was now sprawled on the library increased to seven including me, the smile on our face didn't leave.

"What a mess you guys got here." A voice said after the sound of the library's door creaking and my brother's face popping out of it. "Glad we could help you guys though." He added with his usual grin.

I look back to the sleeping Archive and Kiara, a big smile making its way to my face.

"That was supposed to be for motivation only Archive." I said, looking over to the Olive haired man with confusion.

"But if we put it to literal!" Archive clued. "What we need is a teleport mage's magic energy to complete it. But, what if we put an insanely amount of magic energy to it?"

"I can see the point here." I stated, what he meant was that a huge amount of magic energy to serve as an optiom 2 of not having a teleport mage's contribution. But, the situation got me thinking over as well. "Where do we get someone who'd offer a huge amount of ethernano?"

Just as timing called it, consecutive footsteps were heard coming over to the library, and bursting its door. My brother, along with the rest of the guild members came in.

"Guys! C'mon!" Screamed my brother on top of his lungs. "Let us help!"

"And there it is!" The four boys inside the room cheered simultaneously.

"We have an entire six guild for contribution!"

'Give all.' I thought to myself with a smile. 'Saving our friends by giving our all.'

"Not bad!" I cheered along feeling myself pump up to work with the lacrima.

I slowly sat up feeling my brother's concerned gaze over me causing me to look back at him giving him a reassured smile. Spending half a week on this one without sleep is mostly one of the most stressful ones, but I felt all exhaustion wiped out as my eyes fell over to the sight of three spheres size of a peeble at a table straight to me, its attached to a silver chain that made it look like a pair less earing. I look at my brother again and smile.

"One step closer than yesterday." I stated before leaving my spot to head down to the guild hall with Natsuki giving me constant praises of having to withstand the tiredness.

I was greeted by the smiling faces of the members of the guild as if expecting me out of the door to the library, and surprisingly, the other members of the research team already made its way next to me.

"The power of every members of the guild put into one ray of hope." Archive started and raised his fist in the air slowly opening it and let the white orb dangle out for all of the guild members to look out.

"We have it now! Our Future!"