Episode 21 - A New Adventure

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and 2events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved


Third Person's Point of View

A strand of red hair flows like river as a figure looked up from her worn out excuse for a room, the moon looming over her as a small smile made its way to her face.

'Somehow, I feel happy.' She thought to herself as she moved away from the window, as she walk, the chains tied around her ankles creating series of noises. 'I'm hoping. I'll get there soon.'

She sighed upon hearing her master screech from afar instantly leaving her place to her master.


Clatters of tea sets filled a brunettes ears, her eyes settling over to some girls talking to her with hearts in their eyes, a sigh escaping her.

'Hopeful. I feel hopeful today.' She thought, giving her clients a smile as her eyes landed to her friends settled on different tables with different girls.

'As long as their safe.'

She added to her thoughts in amidst of answering one of her clients question with pure happiness.


The two sleeping children in the guest room made Yoko's eyes soften, her gaze scanning the two for any signs of discomfort to which she surprisingly didn't find any.

"Its about time." She said in her usual cold laced voice eyeing her butler on the corner whose eyes are plastered over the window of the brigh stars, his thoughts filled with his younger sister both concern and sadness written on his face.

"She'll be fine." Assured the old lady giving one of what she considered children a reassuring look that caused the man to show a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"She is." The man replied returning to his usual stoic face, approaching the woman. "Ma'am, Koushi called earlier about Chuukichi-sama showing signs of the magic..."

The discussion of the two adults kept them busy as the two children that was a memory left of their friend rest on the other room.


The moonlight secured light for a figure inside a dark room, her arms outstretched and a quil being gently gripped on her right hand.

"I'm done!" She cheered, but was interrupted by a knock on her door to which another figure popped out upon a creak was heard and the light from the outside seeped through the dark room.

"Dear, its time for dinner!" The figure cheerfully stated, letting her navy dark hair drop to the floor as she leaned her head sideways a small smile on her face as her blue eyes that's similar to the person from before gleamed in the dark room.

"Thank god!" Cheered the girl approaching her aunt, the two of them walking towards the halls of the quiet manor.

"Silva-chan said to not frequent their estate." The navy haired girl started engaging to a conversation with her niece who made a look of annoyance upon hearing her message.

"Can't help it! Kil's too adorbs!" Squealed the pink haired girl, her aunt chuckling from her actions.

"Oh, and Ging suddenly vanished... again."

The pink haired girl stopped from her movements to look at her aunt for a few seconds, then her face distorted to a look of both shock and irritation.

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed pinching the bridge of her nose immediately. "Gimme a break here. Even though I have no access to my palace, dad still can and somehow manage to pass the paperworks to me."

The navy haired girl couldn't help but chuckle at her niece's antics and went to pat her head with her usual smile.

"You've worked hard."She complimented.

"I'm not the only one working hard though." The pink haired girl chuckled. "I hope they get here soon."

The two of them stopped at a large window where the moon looks like a glowing pearl.

"I'm excited." The navy haired girl heard her niece mumble, watching as a smile etched the girls face, her eyes plastered over the moon.

"Me too." She chuckled looking up at the moon above with a smile. "I hope its very soon."


"Usa!" A man with green haired look over to his roommate whose eyeing him with a curious smile. "Is something on your mind?"

The man looked over to the moon and smiled. "No, I'm just missing someone."

"Who? Your girlfriend?" Asked his roommate who knows very well that he doesn't have any. The guy gave him a menacing glare that he only gave back by giving a shiver of pleasure.

"I miss a past I couldn't go back to."

"Well, its the past afterall." Replied his friend. The green haired man only shook his head and laughed. A sad laugh.

"I hope I get to see a it again even just a glimpse." His friend didn't say anything else as he saw the look of pure sadness on the man's eyes. He sighed.

"I hope you see it again."


"We're ready!" Lucia determinedly stated, gripping the strap of her backpack tighter as she eyed their guild members whose looking back at them with hope.

"We are to depart in three minutes." Kiara stated, looking over to the gear each of them had.

"Let's just hurry up and go." Steel complained from beside Azule who immediately looked back at him with annoyance.

"In three minutes stupid!"Replied Azule who received a glare from Steel.

"Wait." The circles eyes averted from Azule and Steel to Merry whose sitting on Natsuki's shoulder.

"What is it Merry?" Asked Lucia.

"Did you forget something?" Kuro inquired causing the blue cat to shake her head a no.

"I just realised." The cat started, all attention on them.

"30 seconds before the activation." Kiara from the background informed.

"If the Lacrima Transporter is a Transport device." The Cat continued in a very serious tone that causes the rest of their team to gulp.

"15 seconds."

"Then wouldn't dragon slayers get motion sickness if they were to be transported?"

All eyes immediately went to both Steel and Natsuki who paled at the realization.

"10 seconds!"

"Well, its okay! I mean it could not be like that right?" Lucia assured, trying to bring out a smile. 'Crap we forgot to put anti-motion sickness in the device!' She thought.


"Oh come on! Don't be so childish!" Azule butted in, grabbing the two by their collar to prevent them from running away.


"Just suck it up!" Kiara added watching as the other dragon slayer pale on their place.


"Want me to give some healing for motion sickness?" Areol inquired immediately installing healing for his two friends


"You guys aren't the only one travelling y'know!" Hiiru argued paling in his place as he realized about not having any healing materials as well.


"Thank you!" Cheered Levi upon feeling the healing in her.


"Wait!" Merry stated again.


"What is it this time?!" The dragon slayers asked in irritation, all paling and panic from before vanishing.


"Didn't you guys got immune to that medicine a long time ago?" The look of pure terror immediately manage its way to all dragon slayers in different teams.


"Wait---" The about to scurried off dragon slayers along with their other team members vanished on sight as if they just turned invisible.

"Finally!" Cheered Archive who was sitting at the bar with Stella.

The blonde chuckled and give the boy another plate of curry. "I wouldn't celebrate if I were you. You're the one whose gonna do the majority of the job afterall."

The man only laughed, shaking his head in the process.

"I'm not saying finally, because its quiet." He stated with a smile, activating his magic. "I'm saying finally, cause its about time we all get serious."

"Every day is an adventure for those people."

"And yet, today is another New Adventure for them."

Stella smiled from her place.

"I hope they come back double than their previous team." Her eyes then fell over to the book that Lucia left for her before they took off. She smiled, the title really match them somehow.

Fairy Tail 18: A New Adventure

A small note was placed above the book, and out of curiosity, the blonde pick it up. She smiled at the words stated at the small piece of paper.

'To the next adventure. Look forward to it!

-Lucia Dragneel.'