Chapter 4


I got a rude wake up call, Kay and Jaya snuck into my room and began jumping on me to wake me up. After what seemed like 10 minutes of jumping on me I finally rolled off my bed and looked at the time. It was 11:20 am and I had 40 minutes till the blood ceremony.

"I'm up I'm up!!'' I exclaimed. I got up and grabbed my favorite dress I had set out the night before. I walked into my walk in shower and took a quick 10 minute shower. I got out and dried my hair then got dressed and put my hair up. My dress was sky blue with gold trim and silver lace. By the time I was done it was 10 minutes before 12 pm. We hurried to the ceremony room and took our seats. Once it hit 12 pm, people started coming in. Children, teens, adults, they all came in and sat down. Then our priest came in and stood in the middle of the room.

"People of the kingdom I bid you welcome.'' he said. "Today our three princesses turn 16, today is their blood ceremony.'' I was excited and scared at the same time. I knew I was last but it still scared me.

"Princess Jaya come forth.'' he said. She stood up and walked over to where he was standing. "My name is Brom, and I will be your doing your coming of age ceremony.'' He took out a knife. He took out a bowl and put it on a pedestal.

"Place your hand palm up over this bowl.'' he instructed. She did as he said. ''Let all know her birthright by blood'' he said as he made a small cut on her wrist. Jaya winced, then glowing Silver blood flowed out into the bowl. Everyone gasped, including our mother and stepfather. As the transformation took Jaya, Brom announced that her blood was of the goddesses clan. I barely noticed because I was staring at what once was Jaya, she turned from being Identical to Kay and I, to long black hair, pale skin, and the most shocking thing was her height was 5 '10 ``. She was the same height as me and Kay and we are 4 foot. Her eyes were now Amber brown. ''What is your new name?'' Asked Brom. I looked at Jaya as she slowly responded as if the words were a struggle.

"I am Yuri.'' replied the newly named Jaya.

"Princess Yuri you may go sit down.'' replied Brom. She did as she was told slowly as if she had no energy, I guess she doesn't since she just transformed. Brom replaced the bowl and then called Kay up. "Princess Kay place your hand palm up over the bowl.'' Instructed Brom. She did as she was told. "Let all know her birthright by blood.'' Brom proclaimed. He made the same size cut on Kay's wrist as he had on Yuri's wrist, everyone gasped and a few even screamed at what color her blood was. I looked at mother and her eyes only glittered. I looked back wishing that my eyes were playing tricks on me, her blood was as black as a starless night. As she was swept up into her transformation Brom cleared his throat. "Princess Kay is of the demons.'' you could hear the intake of breath. As her transformation slowed she had long curved black horns, night black hair, she was as tall as Yuri, and the most shocking thing was her eyes. They looked similar to a cat's eye but the coloring was all wrong. They were blood red. ''What is your new name?'' Brom asked Kay.

''I am Chara!'' The newly named Kay laughed evilly. As she was told to go sit down I was called up. I put my palm up over the new bowl. As soon as the knife was through my skin I felt a searing pain as I swayed where I stood. The blood that came out of me….was shocking, then the impossible happened. My blood started spraying in a circle around me, it slowly encased me like a golden cocoon. I banged on it but to no avail. I was trapped. Slowly I fell asleep.