Chapter 5


I stand as still as can be. Shocked at what lay before me. Jill was trapped in some sort of cocoon. I stayed back while Brom finished the ceremony. '

'Princess Jill is of true royal blood, and by the cocoon I believe she is also a hybrid but I will not say what hybrid she is, because that is only for her family to hear.'' Brom stated. As the ceremony was coming to a close a black mist enshrouded me. I started to feel dizzy, a low growl could be heard it sounded so close but yet so far away as if the whole earth separated it from me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as white light filled my vision, as the light receded a black panther stood at my feet. As I looked over at Yuri she similarly had an Animal but hers was even more beautiful. At Yuri's feet stood an Ice fox. When I looked back at the black panther he had edged even closer, wait a he?? I could feel that he has a he. I realized what happened, this was my black panther, I had a familiar. As he was staring at me I felt a searing pain go through my thoughts as if something just grabbed them so it could assert its dominance. All of a sudden the searing pain stopped and in its place was a bond, as clear as if I had always had it. I reached out to pet its muzzle when I heard a voice.

"My name is Lucifer.'' it said. That's the voice I heard! I thought it was just my imagination because I couldn't find that letter again. I touched Lucifer and he started purring.