Chapter 6


I was looking at the Ice fox when I felt the bond come into existence. It was as cold as our kingdom on the coldest night. Through it I felt her satisfaction.

"My name is silver, you are my charge." she said to me.

"Hello Silver, I am Yuri, thank you for bonding with me." I replied to Silver. I held my hand out and she nuzzled it. Then I looked over at Chara, her black panther was purring so loud I could hear it and I bet our Mother could too. I looked back to Silver but she was looking at Jill.

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked Silver.

"Of course, she is only transforming more slowly because she is gathering her power, she will be alright." She told me.

"How long will it take?" I asked.

"Not sure, it varies, 4-6 months to a year." She said. "The longer it takes the more powerful she becomes."

"Thank you for sharing this with me." I said to her. I walked over to Chara and sat down. "You have an Epic Familiar Chara!!" I said excitedly. "The black Panther never bonds to anyone it doesn't deem equal." I told her seriously. As I said that her Familiar looked at me. It was so Beautiful, sleek black fur, skinny body, emerald green eyes and to top it all off he was 4 feet long and his head was up to Chara's Chest. Silver came over and sat next to Chara's Familiar.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"His name….it's Lucifer." Chara replied.

"My Familiar is called Silver." I told her. I looked over to where Jill was. Chara followed my gaze. "She will be okay, I know she will."