Chapter 7


One year later…

My mind slowly began to process things. I felt as if someone had stuffed me inside a blender and turned it on high. Slowly I began to gain my other senses and realized I was surrounded by water. I was even breathing it in which surprised me because I know that we can not breath water. Then another question came to mind. Where am I?! As I was wondering where I was I heard a voice deep with age and wisdom, Neither male nor female as far as I could tell.

"You Have been Claimed Little hatchling.'' It said. Then pain unlike anything I had ever felt ripped through my mind and with it a roar so loud I felt as if it was right next to me. As I was wondering what the fuck that was I heard a voice scream.

''NO!!! DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!!!'' I tried to move even a little, but to no avail. All of a sudden light filled my head. I tumbled out into the light and felt cold sharp claws pick me up. A roar sounded again. This time I know it wasn't just me. I felt scales digging into me, as I struggled to move I tried to open my eyes but I immediately regretted it. Pain as clear as day made me yelp.

"Tell your kin to back off.'' The ancient voice told me. I forced my eyes open again and squinted to see who the voice was talking about, to my surprise Chara was standing by the entrance to the ceremony room.

"Chara I'm fine.'' I croaked. Her eyes widened at that.

''Jill, you finally came out.'' she whispered.

''What do you mean?'' I asked weakly.

''And my new name is Luna.'' Please don't say I have been there for awhile.

''You were in there for a year Jill….A WHOLE YEAR!!'' I gasped and started shaking. The cold claws held me closer. I looked at what was holding me and I sucked in a deep breath. What I saw was the most dangerous thing in the Ice kingdom. The Mythic Dragon. As soon as I saw its eye I knew it was a he. His eyes were sky blue. And each eye was the size of a whole pizza. Just thinking about pizza made my stomach growl.

''I must eat!!'' I exclaimed. At that the dragon set me down, I tried to stand up but my knees buckled and I almost fell. Chara rushed to catch me but before she could reach me the dragon put its claw under me to steady me.

''Be careful little hatchling, you need to regain your might.'' he said "My name is Blue, you are my charge and rider, tell your kin she can come get you and take you to your cave.''

"Chara you can come get me now.'' I said, as Chara came over I tried standing again. I succeeded in walking a few steps.

''Woah!'' Chara exclaimed.