Chapter 8


I went to go help Luna when for the first time in a year I got to get a good look at her. I had been coming to see her everyday, but I could barely see her through the thin membrane of the cocoon. She was now six foot tall, she had silvery blue skin, the shocking thing was her eyes, Not totally unlike mine. Hers looked a lot like the dragons right next to her. But instead of both of them blue her right one was blood red like mine and her left one was Sapphire blue like it's scales but they both were shaped like dragons...more of a diamond then my cat like eyes, then something bazar happened, her eyes changed colors. The right one was now gold and the left one green. That was a mark of a hybrid if I ever saw one. Hybrids are very rare and I had asked Yuri all about them. She told me that Hybrids are more powerful than gods if they have strong parents.

"Chara that dragon is her Familiar now.'' Said Lucifer. WHAT?!?! I screamed in my head.

"Yes My black jewel She is of the true Royal Bloodline so she can bond with a dragon, in fact The true royal bloodline can bond with more than one Familiar." Lucifer informed me.

"Holy Shit!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Luna asked.

"I forgot!" I exclaimed, "You are of the true Royal Bloodline!"

"Oh" she said and then collapsed.