Chapter 9


I heard a loud roar, even louder than Lucifer when someone steps on his tail. Some time passed, maybe thirty minutes later I heard shouting, then I saw Chara run by with a woman in her arms. I ran out of my personal library and followed Chara. Chara stopped at the banquet hall and set the woman down and then she sat down and took deep breaths.

"Chara what happened? What was that roar? And who is that?" I asked. I looked down at the woman, she seemed oddly familiar, yet I couldn't place her.

"A Dragon came through the opening in the ceiling and shredded Jill's Cocoon, But what I didn't realize was that the dragon was helping her out because she had just awoken. The roar was the dragon...I attacked it trying to get it to stop, and this," she pointed at the woman. "Is Jill well now she is called Luna." What she said should have shocked me but it didn't and I think I know why. I know she is gonna get a familiar maybe the dragon is her familiar and sense that she was awake and decided to help her out instead of her being trapped in there. I needed to ask anyway.

"Why did the dragon help her?" I asked already knowing the answer in my heart.

"Lucifer said that the dragon is her familiar and that she is of the true royal bloodline." Chara answered. I sucked in an exaggerated breath. A roar sounded above us. I yelped and ducked my head.

"What should we do?" I asked. I suddenly thought of something, I then walked over to Luna and put her left arm over my neck so I could lift her, Chara came over and then put Luna's right arm over her neck. We both lifted her. She's surprisingly light. We slowly walked her into the banquet room. Then we set her down on a chair.

"I wonder when she'll wake up?" I wondered out loud.

"Me too." Chara sighed. She will wake up soon. Maybe we need to put some food out. I know she would wake up without us because she's a hybrid, she is more powerful than me and Chara combined, and because of her two fathers she will be the most powerful hybrid ever known to be.