Chapter 15


I stand horrified in the doorway. What the fuck happened to her?

"What happened to you?" I asked softly.

"I'm depressed as always so I cut myself but it went a little to deep." she said and winced. I walked to her bathroom and saw the knife she always used as I got her bandages. As I came out it look like she was talking to Lucifer. He appeared out of nowhere again, that always creeped me out when he did that. As I walked to Chara he disappeared into the shadows. I have never seen him do that. I thought. I bandaged Chara and walked over to her closet to pick her out some clean clothes. As I was picking out her a shirt and a pair of pants I noticed something I had never noticed before. A blood covered Fridge. I looked over at Chara to see if she was looking at me which she was not so I opened it. I screamed at what I saw. I just stopped everything as Chara came over yelling at me. "What the fuck are you doing just standing there and screaming?!" she yelled then stopped noticing the open fridge. "Oh."

"Why the fuck do you have water bottles filled with blood in your Fridge?!" I asked, raising my voice with each word in till I was screaming. I felt utterly horrified. I picked up a bottle. It's still warm. I pieced the two together and almost dropped it. This is her blood, that's why it's black. I put a mask on my face and turned to face her, her face was masked too.

"I cut myself self and drained the blood. That a problem?" she stated. I put on a horrified face, which wasn't too hard because I was horrified that she had done that to herself.

"Yes that's a problem!" I exclaimed. I turn back to the fridge. There were at least one hundred bottles in this tiny fridge. That's impossible!! Magic is at work, that's the only way to make this many bottles fit in this small of a fridge. I turned back to Chara and saw that she had sat back on her bed. I walked over and sat beside her, then took her hands in mine. Her hands are freezing!

"If there is anything I can help you with tell me." I told Chara. I got up and walked to her door and opened it to walk out. I was half way out when I heard something I don't think I was meant to hear. "There is nothing you can do to help me anymore Yuri. I am beyond anyone's reach now," Chara whispered.