Chapter 16


As I was walking to my room I tossed the new information around in my head about myself. I think I should go to the library tomorrow and look at the history of the elementals to see what I will be able to do in the future. I turned the corner and came face to face with Mother.

"Jill!" She Exclaimed then hugged me.

"It's Luna now Mother." I managed to squeak out. I pushed away and took a long look at Mother. This one year had been hard on her. She looked as if she had aged several years.

"How is everything doing in the kingdom Mother?" I asked, filled with worry. Her expression became sad.

"The kingdom is dying Luna. The subjects are angry with how things have been going and they are worried about you. There have also been many killings in the last year." she said. "Whatever has been done to you in that dreadful cocoon, I will do everything in my power to help you." she told me with hot fire in her eyes.

"Help me with what?" I asked feeling as if I was missing something important.

"Ruling the kingdom of course. Your stepfather and I have been waiting for you to awaken so we could step down and let the younger generation start." She explained and I gasped.

"You must feel it right? The mother instincts causing you to worry about what state the kingdom has fallen into." she asked looking into my eyes with such intensity that I felt as if a magnifying glass was multiplying the sun's warmth on me.

"Yes Mother that's why I asked if the kingdom was alright. The weight was so heavy. And now I know why." I said with a sigh already facing the fact that I was the kingdoms new queen. I started thinking about how my sisters had been doing.

"How has Yuri and Chara been doing this last year?" I asked.

"Yuri has been fine, but Chara is another story, she's become so depressed that she's been cutting herself all the time." she told me.

"Oh Goddess!" I exclaim. That's what the darkness was when I entered her mind. I thought. It's her Depression that cloaks her mind from the truth.

"Don't be fooled little hatchling." Blue said from out of nowhere scaring me and making me jump. "What do you mean Blue?" I said aloud.

"What?" Mother asked puzzled at why I was saying this because she did not know he talked to me. Mother does not have a familiar, so she does not know we can talk to each other in our minds.

"I was talking to Blue." I told her. "Is there anyway you can talk to her Blue?" I asked.

"It is possible if you use your magic to let her hear me." Blue answered. How?!? I have never used magic before!! I exclaim in my head.

"You just need to learn. Put your right hand on her forehead and think of me, then shout Hrrr." he told me. Why Hrrr?? I ask feeling very confused.

"Trust me, its how to draw out your magic." He said. I walked over to Mother and put my right hand on her forehead like he said, and thought of him. An image of him appeared in my mind. For the first time I got a good look at him. He had big Sky blue eyes, Sapphire Blue scales, Mint green on the bones of his wings, and shockingly neon yellow/green wing membrane, his horns and spikes were a deep sea blue and his legs were sky blue almost silver. As I pictured him I heard his ancient voice not male nor female.

"HRRR!!!" I shouted. Fierce energy flowed through me. I suddenly felt exhausted and slumped against the closest wall, slowly falling to the floor. Mother gasped and ran over to help me.

"She should be able to hear me now." he said to me. Mother gasped again.

"Who is that talking Luna? Is that Blue?" she asked me with wide eyes. Shock emitted from Blue's mind.

"What's wrong Blue? Weren't you talking to her too?" I asked.

"No I was talking only to you." Mother gasped again and stared at me with wide eyes.

"His Voice! It's magnificent!" she exclaimed and hugged me. "You are so lucky!!" she told me. I want to try one more thing Blue. I thought. Surprise emitted from him as I told him of my plan to give Chara and Yuri magic.

"It will split your magic, you will get it back, after all you will only be lending them each a quarter of your power. They will not be able to get your power again, it would be up to Silver and Lucifer to lend them some of their power. Your power is a living thing inside you all I did was awaken it. All you need is that one word and the magic will do what you wish." he told me.

"Thanks, but how long will they have my power?" I asked..

"About a month, then it will return to you, and just to be clear you will be weaker during that one month." he informed me.

"Alright." I said and suddenly wondered if I was doing the right thing. He told me what to do, "HRRR!!" I shouted and the same Icy energy flowed through me, then there was nothing but black.