Chapter 17


I was drying myself off after taking a shower when Lucifer appeared out of the shadows.

"She has split her magic and gave part of it to you. The other part she has given to Yuri. Don't get used to having it because it will return to her in one months time." He said out of nowhere. Really? I thought to myself.

"Is there anyway I could use my new magic to come visit you father??" I ask feeling hopeful for the first time in a two months. Two months ago I asked if he would take me home to the underworld, but he refused saying I needed to kill more people in order to be welcomed by the other demons.

"If you Tribute everything you have collected then I will open a gate here. But you must collect one more thing first."

"What must I get Father?" I ask feeling like I knew what he wanted. "You must kill a virgin and send her soul to me." he told me.

"Easy, I have cut out countess virgins hearts!" I laugh for the first time in ages. THIS IS SOOO EXCITING! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I thought, smiling for the first time in months. I stood up and walked out of my bathroom into my room. I walk over to my closet on the left side of my room. I pick out my favorite clothes, my best leather vest and pants. I put them both on and get my new knife, I walk out and sense two Virgin souls close by. I turn right at the corner and walk for a few minutes then I turn right again around a corner and walk into our lobby. I walked out the doors and ran to where the two girls were. I hide and peek around a box. We were in an alley. I came out behind the box and started walking towards them, they didn't notice. I was upon them before they could do anything to defend themselves. I plunged my knife into the chest of the girl on the right so hard I could tell I had just broken at least three of her ribs. The other girl screamed as I pulled my now bloodied knife out of the dying girls chest.. Blood started bubbling out of her chest and mouth. The blood was not helping her so I will borrow it, never mind I will take it she cant use it anymore because this wound won't heal in time. She started to cough up blood and the other girl started crying and ran over to her hugging her to her chest.

"Guess you two are friends?" I ask feeling really hopeful for them to be Friends and I could kill the other girl too.

"Sis-Sisters." she said as she cried watching her sister die.

"Well then you can die too!" I yelled. I lunged for her chest but she jumped out of the way. The way she stood looked familiar, I decided to look for signs of weakness and couldn't help but notice she was not of our kingdom. She had long black hair with traces of red and gold, she had emerald green eyes like Lucifer, she was pretty tall too. She looked to be 5 '10'' and her age? She seemed young but the way she moved…..seemed familiar. Then I saw something that made me gasp. She has a tail!!! I thought. I turned around to the now dead girl, and maneuvered her onto her stomach, there in front of my own eyes was a succubus tail. She's a demon?!? Sadness engulfed me.

"Why are you sad now?" The girl asked.

"Because you and her are demon!!" I said and started crying. I could sense her surprise but all I cared about now was that I needed to protect her.

"How do you know this?" she asked trying to keep the pleading tone out of her voice but failing. I stopped crying and stood up to my full height.

"I am princess Chara of the Ice kingdom, I am the daughter of Queen Aria and the King of the Underworld, Lucifer." I said removing the glamour I always wore. At that moment Lucifer decided to finally show himself appearing out of the shadows behind me. The girl gasped and looked between Lucifer and me a few times. Finally she got on her knees and bowed. For the first time Lucifer actually talked out loud and I shuddered at the ancient power in his voice.

"Ember remove your glamour and tell her your name and status." he said in his deep velvety voice.

"I am Princess Emberlin Lucinda of the Underworld, My father is Lucifer and my mother is Queen Gaia of Earth." she said as she removed her glamour. She had long red hair with hints of orange and yellow. She was wearing Dragon scale armor. What shocked me the most was her horns, they spiraled up, they weren't straight like mine. They were almost all gold, the top had a dark shade of red. Her tail was laying around her feet and it looked exactly like Blue's….well except for the color which matched her horns. She wore a Dragon scale cloak that I guessed was hiding her wings.

"Show me your wings." I said. Her eyes widened a little as she removed her cloak to reveal two golden wings each the size of a car. In response I took off my cloak to show my wings. They were Black as night and my wingspan was 10 feet.

"Father I did what you asked, I gave you a virgins soul, now may I come see you?" I asked excitedly. "Yes Ember will bring you here, but don't forget to burn the stuff I asked for"

"Alright I'll go burn that stuff." I giggle as I walked towards home with Ember following close behind me.