Chapter 18


I woke up in a large black room, strapped to a metal bed, my back stinging. I looked to my left and saw the most shocking thing. Are those wings? I struggled to move and each time I moved they moved too. I gasped and redoubled my efforts to get free. Why do I have wings? Where am I? As I was struggling to get free the door opened and I saw a pair of horns like Chara's, but the aura was not the same, just by the aura alone I could tell it was Chara's Familiar and Father Lucifer.

"You're awake I see. Do you like your new upgrades? You now have wings, horns, and a tail." He said. "You mutated me?!" I couldn't keep the disbelief out of my voice.

"Yes, now I am your step father, for now half of me lives in you." He said, smiling evilly.

"BULLSHIT!!" I yelled and broke the strap on my left arm. Lucifer jumped to my side and strapped my arm back down. He then left right after, leaving me alone to try and break free. I struggled against the straps breaking through the one on my left arm. With my left arm free I slowly got the rest of me free. After ten or so minutes I got the last strap off my right foot. I slowly slid off the metal bed and stood up. My legs were wobbly and my new wings were still bound with four long steel chains binding me to the wall so I couldn't move much at all. I tried pulling against the chains but I was too weak to break it. Next I tried running and putting my weight against it but that only earned myself sharp pain in my wings and legs. I finally just sat down with my back against the wall. About five minutes later Lucifer walked in clapping his hands.

"Congratulations on making it this far." He said.

"Why are you congratulating me??" I asked, annoyed.

"Because this was a test to make sure you were made right, most don't get this far." He laughed. Sweet hot anger flowed through me. Fire lit along the edges of my new wings melting the chains. I felt the glee and satisfaction run off him.

"Why are you happy?" I asked feeling confused.

"I am happy because I succeeded in making the perfect patchwork between human and demon." he said and laughed.

"You're sick and twisted!" I told him and lunged. I was upon him before he could react to my new claws at his throat my tail not wanting to respond to my new battle instincts to kill Chara's father. Finally my tail curled around his neck slowly squeezing like a python, but before my tail could get a good grip he turned into black smoke and disappeared.

"Fuck!" I shout. At least I showed him I could do some damage. I walked over to the now ajar door and slipped out. My wings shivered as the cool air hit them. This temperature is different than that room. I thought with distaste. I had to fiddle with my wings so they wouldn't touch the walls. I walked down the hallway and soon came to a cliff, my wings slowly extended and before I knew it I was running towards the edge of the cliff. I gasped as I felt my wings slowly turn and start to move up and down. Holy shit I'm flying. I slowly explore the glowing red cave. It looked like it went on forever in every direction. Not even 100 feet in front of me was a giant set of stairs that led to a glowing white square in the ceiling. I decided to head to the stairs. What's the worst that can happen? As I came down to land by the bottom of the stairs, two people were already coming down. My eyes widened As I saw her. She was no longer the girl I used to know when I was little. Chara was walking down the stairs towards me. She looked up and our eyes locked, her eyes widened.