Chapter 20


I dreamt of getting attacked by one of Fathers servants. She tried to get me to come with her willingly but I didn't think she had any good will towards me. I said no and she lunged for me before I could react, her tail wound slowly around my neck squeezing. I then began to see spots and then nothing but pain, like someone was slicing my back open with a hellblade in two spots. I felt unconscious and the next thing I knew I was in a bed, I sat up reaching for my back, right above my shoulder blades were swollen. I look around the room I woke up in. I am laying in a lava bed and there was a guard at the door directly in front of me. He stands at attention as I am awake now.

"You've finally awoken I see." he says, as he knocks on the door next to him six times. I then hear someone run away down a hallway I'm guessing. I just stare at him, the silence welcoming, but also trying not to wince from the pain in my back. I try to distract myself from the pain by observing what he was wearing. He had dragon scale armor on, his demon wings were covered in dragon scales too. I am starting to think all demons come with wings. I thought to myself. Ten minutes pass by like this before the door opens. Chara walks in with Lucifer at her side as always. Chara looked far too happy with how things are right now, like she had succeeded with something. Lucifer walked away from Chara towards me. He jumped up onto the bed beside me and laid down his side touching mine and started purring. Something stirred within me and I gasp as heat spread across my back.

"What are you doing?!" I ask, scrambling away.

"Trying something." Chara said with an evil grin. She said something to Lucifer and he lunged, knocking me off the bed. I yelp as my back slams against the wall. The fire in my back flares hotter and I whimper. Lucifer whines, like he knows what I am going through. Then he slices his sharp claws through my stomach and I scream. Something breaks within me as my scream becomes ungodly loud, everyone on the floor covering their ears. My head!! It hurts! I thought as I struggled to keep my eyes open. NO! I can't die like this! I thought as darkness engulfs me.