Chapter 21


I lay on the ground with my hands covering my ears. I open my eyes and crawl over to Lucifer, who was laying on the floor unconscious. I looked over at Luna, blood was slowly spilling onto the floor, her eyes were closed so she looked like she was merely sleeping.

"Luna?" I whisper, worried that my plan failed. Her eyes flew open and instead of her normal blue and red eyes, her eyes were now purple but instead of the whites being white… They were now black. Her eyes slowly registered me and Lucifer, she first stared at me then her eyes locked onto Lucifer. Her face contorted with rage and her eyes were filled with pain. Suddenly I heard a weird sound and Luna slowly stood up, as if each movement hurt. Slowly I could see her skin stretching out from her back. SNAP! I heard. I could see black feathers growing out from bones, Slowly I realized that she was growing wings. My plan worked!! I thought. She howled an unearthly sound and staggered upright looking at us with murderous rage. She took a step slowly, as if she was testing how to walk. All of a sudden she disappears. I spun around looking for her and my eyes found the guard dead on the floor, Luna standing over him, blood dripping from her… Fangs?! When did she have fangs?! … A tail curled around the guards chest, her new night black wings shivering and folding her inside them. Her left wing slowly moved allowing me to see her face.

"This is what happens when you mess with my host. I showed you mercy because she has a strong feeling urging me to protect you. If she wasn't my host you would have killed her." She hissed, then added, "My name is Death, best to remember it." Death hisses. Then Luna crumpled to the floor unconscious. As soon as she fell to the floor a jumble of wings, and tail, a white mist enshrouded her. Lucifer woke up with a start hackles raised. What happened? He asked with a huge yawn. I'm not sure myself. I told him. Let me see your memories. He said as I felt him go through the last 10 minutes. His body slowly stiffened and I could sense fear roll off from him.

"Her demon is a powerful one isn't it?" I ask, thrilled. "A powerful one my ass! Her demon is only the mother of all titans and demons, more like the most powerful demon ever. I just can't believe Death has awakened after all this time. She has been asleep for over 3,000 centuries." He snarled. I walk over to where Luna lay crumpled in a heap. Her wings look like diamonds! I thought as I went to touch them. Her wings were snow white and glowed silver. As soon as I put my hands to her wings I felt an icy energy snap through me as if I were a canal that was just flooded, I yank my hand back and watch fascinated as smoke emitted from where I touched part of her wings. They twitched and moved closer to her. Her eyes slowly opened, back to their normal colors.

"Chara?" She whispered. Her eyes locked with mine and saw how shaken I was.

"What happened??" She asked as she sat up and knocked over a chair with her new wings, smoke rolling off from where the chair touched them. They changed from when Death was in control, when Death was in control, Luna's wings were black as night and the part towards her body glittered like stars. The way they were now, where Death's was stars, Luna's is snow. It literally looked like snow falling.

"Ow!" She yelped as she twisted around flinging her wings everywhere trying to get them settled. "I have wings!" she exclaimed as she touched them.

"Death is no longer in control. That's why her wings are not black any longer. Her wing color and eye color will tell us if Death is in control again." Lucifer said to me curling around my legs.

"I hope I'm not around her when Death takes over." I said with fear, starting to regret my attempt to awaken her inner demon.