Shin Soukoku {Vampire AU}

Akutagawa's POV

It was night again when I woke up, the room was cold and so was my bed, the velvet sheets ice cold against me when I sat up, pulling off the covers and getting out of bed.

I grabbed my coat and put it on, heading downstairs into my kitchen.

A lot of people had already known that I was a vampire living not far from the town, I rarely went out and I hardly fed on anyone yet people still came, trying to kill me.

I had never killed or changed anyone either yet everyone was terrified of me.

I was starving to death.

I sighed as I pulled out a bottle of vodka from my cabinet, grabbing a glass and pouring myself a drink. 'Maybe a hunter will try to kill me today and I can drink from them, If someone doesn't come soon ill starve.'

I sipped from my glass before nearly dropping it, hearing the clang of metal on my door from the iron door knocker. 'People still knock?' I sat my glass down and made my way to the door.

I opened the door and quickly grabbed the wrist of a young man who tried to stab me. "How rude." He growled at me and pulled back quickly, kicking the door open the full way and making me jump back a bit.

'Attacking me head on? How cocky, he has no idea what hes getting himself into.' I quickly grabbed him by his throat and slammed him against my wall, trying to grab his wrist with the knife but he had stabbed me in the arm which only made me tighten my grip.

'Damn it thats going to take alot to heal.' I finally grabbed his wrist and squeezed hard enough to hear him yelp and drop the knife.

"Who are you?" I asked, not really expecting a straight answer. (hA-)

He coughed and tried to pull my hand that was around his throat away with his free hand. "W-Why would you care? You are just a monster, I bet you'll kill me now."

I scoffed. "Says you, you have the nerve to break into my home, stab me, and try to kill me when I was ready to accept my death from starving since I dont hunt people and I dont kill people." I sighed. "No one ever sees from my point of view because I'm a vampire but that doesn't mean I'm a momster."

I moved my hand from his throat to his chin. "I should kill you, any human would try to kill you if you had just stabbed them but no, I'm not human." I purred. "I'll just drink from you since im starving and honestly if I don't have any soon I might lose my mind and go on a rampage, killing everyone in that damn town that wronged me."

He stared up at me in shock, lost for words at first but then spoke, his voice a bit shakey. "I-I'm sorry... Please dont kill me." I sighed and then groaned loudly. "For the last time im not going to kill you." I made him look up at me again. "Whats your name?" He stuttered. "N-Nakajima A-Atsushi."

I smirked slightly and mocked his stuttering tone. "Well A-Atsushi" he frowned instantly and I smiled for once. "Im teasing, I find it odd how one second you are going at me like a wild animal and the next you are stuttering and stumbling over your words."

He suddenly blushed, I could see it in his cheeks faintly before he looked away. "If you are going to drink from me at least invite me to drink first." I felt my own cheeks heat up. 'What does he think I mean by drink? A date and sex?' I coughed slightly. "Oh um... Well I mostly have vodka and tea..." I let go of him and walked towards the kitchen. After I was a good bit away from him he followed me into the kitchen. "I do like tea."

Atsushi's POV

'He seems lonely.. And he does look skinny, people always said he stole children and would kill them by sucking every last drop of blood from them but He looks as if he has been starving for a while.' he turned to me. "The tea is in the cupboard, pick which kind you'd like." The way he spoke snapped me out of my throughts and I nodded, heading to the cupboard that he had motioned to and opened it, suddenly being pushed back onto the floor by a sea of teaboxes and tins.

I heard him yelp "Ah! Sorry! I forgot the cupboard was a bit over packed-" I pushed all the tea boxes and tins off myself so I could sit up. "A bit!? Holy crap!" He smirked slightly. "Did it scare you?" I blushed in embarassment. "No! Its just alot of tea!" He chuckled and grabbed a tea cup, setting it down and grabbing a jar of sugar cubes.

I got up and picked up one of the boxes that caught my interest. "Ill have this." I handed him the box and he looked at it. "Oh so you are a fan of the most expensive foreign tea's?" He grabbed a tea bag and put it in the cup, pouring the boiling water into the cup. I blushed slightly "ah sorry, I didn't know it was expensive" He sighed softly. "Its alright, how many sugar cubes?" I got closer to him to watch him. "Two please."


We were sitting in his living room, he seemed almost half out of it, glacing to the side and looking away. 'Is he alright? He said he was starving yet hes going through all this trouble to treat me' I suddenly had the courage to speak up and ask him a question as I set down my empty glass. "You said you were starving right?" His attention instantly snapped back to me. "Yes, I am." I sighed. "would you like to drink from me? I only ask that you don't kill me or turn me into a vampire, I don't want that." He instantly got up and was over top of me in seconds, pushing me back into the couch.

"You sure?"

I felt my face heat up again. "Y-Yes im sure"

He grabbed my chin gently and suddenly kissed me softly, I was a little surprised by how gentle he was, It made my heart stop beating so quickly and helped me relax, I gladly closed my eyes and kissed him back. I could tell he was also a bit taken back by me kissing him back as he pulled away. "Thank you." I smiled softly and gently touched his cheek as he made me tilt my head to the side, moving his head down to my neck as I felt him softly kiss my neck as if telling me the next move was going to be a bit painful.

It was, it stung as he sunk his fangs into my neck, I expected it to hurt a lot more than it did though, he was slow and gentle about it, making sure I wouldnt bleed too much as I could feel my blood slowly being pulled away from me.

I moved my hand that was on his cheek up to his hair, tangling my fingers in his hair. 'It's not so bad, I dont feel dizzy or tired yet, and I can tell him to stop whenever.' He blushed and bit my lip as I suddenly felt him bite down a little harder, nearly moaning as I never felt this before but it felt amazing now.

I lightly tugged at his hair as I started to feel a bit weak which made him bite harder as I finally let a soft moan slip through my lips. "Ahh~" he instantly let go of me and pulled away, looking down at me with his entire face dark red, I had accidentally flustered him.

He started appologizing profusely, stumbling over his words a bit, he was embarassed and it became obvious that this was the first time anyone had ever moaned while he drank from them. "I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to, its just I wasn't expecting you to pull my hair-" I blushed slightly and suddenly pulled his hair again, hearing a soft moan come from his own lips this time as we both stared at eachother, our faces red from embarrassment.

He was the first to speak up "Well then... That was a new experience for me-" I pulled him down by his hair into a kiss, he accepted it and kissed me back, moving his hands down to my thighs to which he placed himself between, slipping his tongue into my mouth as both of our hands began to travel eachothers bodies. He tasted of blood and vodka which didn't taste bad after a while.

Third Person POV

Atsushi didn't see himself as the type to sleep with someone who could and almost did kill him, but he was enjoying the small rough bites and marks Akutagawa would give him all over his neck and down his chest to which Akutagawa got annoyed by his shirt and ripped it off of him.

Atsushi was whining and moaning inbetween his breaths as Akutagawa continued to attack his body in all of his most sensitive spots with his teeth, lips, and tongue. He couldn't stop himself from begging Akutagawa to do more to him or to be rougher with him but Akutagawa didn't listen, he didn't want to break his new found interest yet.

"Any more marks and you'll turn purple and red." Akutagawa purred as he slowly slipped off his own clothes, being more careful with them then Atsushi.

Atsushi answered with a weak whine. "w-why'd you stop?"  Akutagawa fixed his hair and kissed his cheek. "im upgrading you darling."

Atsushi blushed "U-Upgrading?" Akutagawa nodded and started to undress Atsushi's lower region which made Atsushi squirm and whine everytime Akutagawa would accidentally touch his growing erection.

Akutagawa only purred in response to his whines and squirming. "Hush hush you are in good hands~"

Atsushi pouted at him and looked away "y-you are teasing..." Akutagawa only shook his head as he finished pulling down his boxers. "I'm not calm down and relax"

Atsushi yelped quietly as he felt a cold finger press against him and soon enter him. he tensed up and Akutagawa let him squeeze his free hand. "I-It hurts..."

Akutagawa kisses his neck "I know I know dont tense up or this will only get harder on you"

Atsushi nodded "o-okay sorry." he relaxed to the best of his ability and soon was moaning at every little movement of Akutagawa's finger inside him.

Akutagawa, growing impatient soon pulled his fingers out, making Atsushi whine at the loss of the sensation but Akutagawa quickly took off his own boxers and lifted Atsushi's legs onto his shoulders. Not sparing a second and rudely slamming into the smaller boy, making him cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure.

"Hush, love you are fine okay?" Akutagawa ran his fingers through the other's hair in attempt to calm him.

Atsushi wipes his eyes and bites his lip. "I-I'm okay j-just not too rough please I want to be able to walk..."

Akutagawa chuckled "Oh dear its already too late for that." he kissed down his neck to his chest as he started to move slowly, Atsushi letting out small whines and digging his nails into the other's shoulders as he moved.

Akutagawa began to pick up his pace to the point that he was nearly moving the couch and jolting Atsushi every time he would thrust into him, making him cry out in nothing but overwhelming pleasure which was seeming to become too much for him.

"A-Aku n-ngh~ hah~ s-slow down I-I might-" Akutagawa quickly finished his sentence for him. "Cum? come on now I have hardly done anything and you are near your tipping point already?"

Atsushi blushed darker and whined "Hardly done anything!?" he tightened his grip on Akutagawa's shoulders, making Akutagawa wince. "Okay okay maybe too much for you then." he smirked and slowed down slightly.

"But if I slow down you'll be edged and you won't enjoy that now would you?"

when Akutagawa had finally let Atsushi finish he was exhausted and sore from all the bite marks Akutagawa had left him with, yet unlike the monster hes supposed to be Akutagawa cleaned him up.

"You'll come back and not try to kill me next time right?" Akutagawa teased as he helped Atsushi get dressed.

Atsushi yawned and rubbed his neck "I won't I promise." he smiled tiredly at him and Akutagawa kissed his cheek "Good, I would hate to make you suffer like that all over again."

Atsushi blushed slightly and looks away. "Please don't, thats evil." Akutagawa only rolled his eyes and helped fix his hair. "You should head home now Atsushi."

With that Atsushi headed out, walking awkwardly since he was still sore. Akutagawa couldnt help but watch and chuckle to himself on amusement.