
Third Person POV

It was one of those nights, the nights where nothing is seeming to happen and the minutes seem like hours. Mori was free from his work at the moment yet had no idea on what to do with his free time, he had went off on his own, his feet leading him somewhere he had been before. he told himself he was too tired to bring Elise along but the main reason he didnt bring her is because he knew exactly where he was going and what he was going to do wasn't for her innocent eyes.

his feet were leading him towards Fukuzawa's home, a place rarely anyone went to and barely anyone knew besides himself and he guessed a few of his ada detectives.

he chuckled to himself, imagining how Fukuzawa would react to him showing up uninvited, most likely he would be threatened but not genuinely.

As he got closer and closer to his 'enemy's' door step he was almost excited, he stoped on the doorstep, first trying the door to see if it was unlocked, it wasn't, to which he then proceeded knock.

he waited, and waited, and when he didnt get an answer he decided to check around the outside of his home, checking windows to see if they were unlocked before giving up and going back to the door.

'He must be out like a light, how fun for me.' He purred to himself and, (for plot convince) pulled a lock pick out of his coat pocket, letting himself in.

he quietly shut the door and took off his coat, leaving it on the rack beside the door and heading straight for Fukuzawa's room.

he opened the door to his bedroom slowly yet it creaked loudly making him bite his lip, he didnt want to wake him just yet. he pushed the door open the rest of the way and looked around the bedroom, slightly confused now by the fact that he was no where to be seen.

"How odd..." he said outloud, assuming Fukuzawa was out on his day off by now.

in a split second there was a katana to his throat, cutting him only slightly, he never bothered to tense up.

"Breaking and entering now? thats a petty crime for a mafia boss, or are you trying to kill me in your sleep?" Fukuzawa's voice had a hint of annoyance in it.

"Oh me? I wouldn't dare kill you in your own home, or even in your sleep, I want a fair fight of course." Mori purred and reached his hand up to push Fukuzawa's hand holding the handle of the katana away from him slowly.

Fukuzawa put his katana away and grabbed Mori's hand and turned him around to face him. "Now i wouldnt put something as petty as that past you."

Mori frowned. "Oh ouch so mean, going to search me now?"

Fukuzawa nodded and started to pat him down feeling for any of the shady doctor's signature scalpels.

"Oh I didn't bring anything with me besides myself." Mori hummed but didn't mind the other rough handling him as he searched him.

"I know better than to trust those words." Fukuzawa sighed. "I'd check you more thoroughly but you'd probably say something disgusting."

Mori chuckled. "Aww afraid of me saying something dirty? I think you lie and you secretly love it, and that you'd love me to be all over you~ hmm? making you whine and beg?"

Fukuzawa raised an eyebrow at him. "You think im like you? Im no whore."

a faint blush appeared on Mori's cheeks. "I don't beg for anything, and I'm not a whore I just enjoy certain things."

Fukuzawa rolled his eyes. "Is that why you are here then?"

Mori attempted to slide a hand up his chest but got his hand slapped away. "Maybe, even if I didn't would you kick me out?"

Fukuzawa sighed heavily "If I tried to kick you out you'd make me regret it later by attacking my detectives or the ADA."

Mori quickly snatched the rope for his robe off his waist. "Then how about we dont waist all your time off hmm?"

Fukuzawa glared slightly as he kept his robe closed. "You are impatient, I

should make you wait." he pushes Mori into his bedroom and closes the door, locking it behind him.

Mori couldnt help but chuckle as he was pushed. "Aww you can't Fuku~ or I might be the one going on the offense."

Fukuzawa raised an eyebrow. "Has that ever gotten you anywhere before?"

Mori purred. "Theres still time, you are more grey than me as well~"

"Maybe so, but it doesn't mean I'm weak if that's what you are implying." Fukuzawa frowned, only slightly annoyed by the other.

Mori let his eyes travel and Fukuzawa caught him, snapping by his face. "Pay attention."

Mori chuckled. "Whoops, I let my mind wonder, now are you going to waste my time or give me something to do?"

The other had him on his back in what seemed like a second, Mori now staring up in mild amusement at the silver fox above him. His hands were being held together by his wrists with only one of Fukuzawa's hands.  He could easily slip out of his grasp yet played the innocent card. "Oh? whats this? angry with me so soon?"

Fukuzawa grabbed his chin and forced his head up. "No, if I was angry you'd know it."

Mori smirked, trying to get a glimpse of the other's face as he disappeared from his view, moving his head down. "Is that a threat?" he gasped quietly and jerked a bit as Fukuzawa answered his question with a bite to some of the more sensitive parts of the other's neck.

"Ngh- fine then don't answer." Mori bit his lip and closed his eyes, letting the other have him easily.

"Giving up so quickly? thats unlike you Mori." Fukuzawa was the one to purr this time as his hands slid down Mori's sides, making him twitch ever so slightly every time an ice cold hand would brush against bare skin since he was being stripped down.

"I never 'give up' I only allow you to do such thing- Ahh~" Mori had huffed at first but was cut of by a soft moan slipping from his lips, he cursed under his breath, his cheeks now slightly pink, he didn't plan on showing his 'enemy' just how much he wanted him yet but was too busy taking to notice the other's hands slowly creeping down his body.

He did really love this part of Fukuzawa, the part of him that would lose his cool exterior and want to tear him open like a hungry wolf, or fox in this case, the next chance he had.

which he was doing a fairly good job at making Mori whine like a rabbit would, begging for its life in the jaws of a fox.

Fukuzawa was now leaving both red and purple marks on Mori's exposed chest, getting closer and closer to the spots where Mori would whine slightly louder.

"Hah~ ahh Fuku~ marking me as property?" Mori purred playfully and tugged on the other's silver hair.

Fukuzawa closed his eyes and let out a soft grunt in response to his hair being pulled and responded by biting one of Mori's nipples and toying with the other, making the man below him arch his back and squirm slightly out of impatience.

"Ngh~ y-you tease me so, I'm impatient you know." Mori wrapped his legs around his waist, keeping him in place between his legs.

"You always are." Fukuzawa finished stripping them both, struggling slightly because of the grip Mori's legs had around his waist.

Mori chuckled and pulled him down into a kiss. "Why thank you~" Fukuzawa huffed yet kissed him back, slipping his tongue into his mouth only to have Mori growl slightly in annoyance of his tongue being pushed back.

Fukuzawa pulled away, panting slightly yet not nearly as heavily as Mori was. "Fine, I won't keep you waiting." He had a slight smirk of his own as he wasted no time slamming into the other, nearly making Mori choke on his gasp, his nails digging into Fukuzawa's hand that held his arms in place above his head.

Fukuzawa let his arms go and grabbed the other's chin, forcing him to look up at him. he found it somewhat satisfying to see the smug look on the doctor's face had turned into one of embarrassment and pleasure.

Mori frowned and tried to pull his head away from his grip but Fukuzawa only had to move his hips slightly to get him to stop struggling against the hold on his chin.

"Keep your eyes on me." Fukuzawa kissed him roughly to which Mori responded with the same amount of aggressiveness before letting the other slip his tongue into his mouth, taking control back as soon both of their hands together. Fukuzawa held Mori's hands in his own and kept them pinned to the bed as he continued to move his hips, getting after every time the doctor would start to whine.

Mori cried out, letting Fukuzawa know he had found the spot that could make his legs only tremble and his whole body shutter. "Ngh~ r-right there, fuck, Ahh~" he bit his lip in attempt to keep somewhat quiet.

Fukuzawa listened for once, obeying the doctors orders and repeatedly hitting his sweet spot with every thrust of his hips, letting a few small moans and curses slip out under his breath, unhead by the other who was much louder and probably not focusing hard enough to hear the small noises Fukuzawa would let out.

In a few more thrusts Mori was a wreck, having trouble simply holding himself together, he didn't want to be the first to cum, he wanted to tease and embarrass the other as much as possible about it, not the other way around. yet he cried out again, arching his back and releasing onto himself as well as Fukuzawa.

Fukuzawa gave into his urge as soon as he knew Mori was finished, not bothering to pull out as he did so, leaving the doctor a mess, inside and out.

Mori whined. "Fuku. so. mean." he tried his best to speak between breaths.

Fukuzawa rolled his eyes at his comment and threw Mori's clothes at him. "get dressed."

Mori frowned "No recovery time? how cruel of you."

Fukuzawa simply sighed "You have a few hours but I have other things to do."

"Oh how fun." Mori purred.

sorry if this wasnt the best, I tried. this was the first time i ever wrote FukuMori, I plan on writing more in the future though.