Chapter 7: UA General Entrance Exam

"See you tomorrow, Kyoya." Leaving those words, Shota Aizawa ends his visit to Midnight's house.

"Thanks, Aizawa-san. Take care!" Sending him off, Kyoya Kayama waved his hand from the door. Once Aizawa is out of sight, Kyoya closed the door and go back to the living room, where his sister is laying on the couch, watching television.

"Che, he's just making a fuss. There's no way my brother will fail the entrance exam," Nemuri said, curling her lips.

Making a troubled smile, Kyoya take a seat next to her. Seeing that Nemuri is not in a good mood, he hesitantly opened his mouth.

"Urm, sis? Did you two have a fight or something?" Kyoya asked, slowly gauging her reaction.

Nemuri just pouted, and focuses on watching the television.

'There's no way I can say that I'm jealous because he is a better teacher now, can I?' Nemuri thought.

In truth, that statement is not true. Nemuri is just too spoiling of her little brother to say anything harsh, unlike the blunt Aizawa.

While Nemuri is busy bad-mouthing Aizawa in her mind, Kyoya thought about Aizawa.

'I should be closer to him now.'

And Kyoya is not wrong. Aizawa visits in the early days was only meant for official businesses and legal issues. Saying that he wanted to learn more about Heroes, Kyoya tried his best to spend more time with the man.

'He's a bit blunt, but deep down he's a real softie,' is Kyoya mental evaluation of him.

Since then, Aizawa visits became more frequent, much to Nemuri displeasure. Nemuri was busy spoiling his brother, so Aizawa's serious education syllabus disrupts her precious pastime. She can't complain though, cause she knew it's for her brother's own good.

"Still, you've worked so hard, Kyoya. There's no way you'll fail," Nemuri said, more to comfort her own heart rather than her brother.

"You're the one that know me best, sis," Kyoya replied with a bright smile, trying to cheer his sister up.

Looking at her little brother, Nemuri just sighed. What she said is not to assure anyone. She have seen her brother's effort. His reading late into the night, the detailed notes he dot down, the documentary he recorded, she have seen it all.

So rather than trying to heap more pressure onto her brother, she decided to just spoils him rotten.

"Anyway, no need to be nervous for your entrance exam tomorrow. I'm sure that you'll pass," Nemuri said, not too concerned about the issue. "More importantly, you sure you don't want to go with me?"

"Uh-huh. I think it's better if I get to know some students my age."

"That's true. Well, just make sure you're not late. Once the gate closed, you can't enter without UA pass."

Listening to her sister, Kyoya just nod his head, a bit excited for tomorrow to come.


"So this is... the UA High School..."

Kyoya dazedly stands in front of the UA entrance, feeling a surge of emotions washed over him.

"Sure is a reminder that all I've been through is real, huh?" Kyoya mutters, a nostalgic smile on his face.

Probably because he is a rather early, the area is rather sparse, though there's still a considerable number of students and the parents sending them off.

Paying no heed to the occasional glances he got, especially from the girls, he slowly head to the assembly hall.

On his way, he can see a few familiar faces from the anime. Tenya Iida and Mezo Shoji are the two prominent ones, due to their height.

As he got seated, students that just arrived slowly stream in, filling the hall.

Seeing that there's still time to spare, Kyoya remotely destroys one of his avatar to gain it's skill. This one avatar is specifically made for today, anyway.

This avatar was 18 months old, one from the earliest batch he made after released from the hospital. It's order is... to 'create concrete sand from ready-made structure'.

The sole thought in Kyoya's mind after absorbing that avatar is, 'Fuck.'

While he had absorbed some avatars before, none of them exceeds an hour in existence. This would be his first time absorbing avatars that lived more than an hour, much less a year.

His head is throbbing for what feels like forever, his memory a blur. Once he come to, Present Mic is currently explaining the content of the general entrance exam.

Screening the new memories in his head, Kyoya can barely supress his urge to grin. Getting sand from concrete use the same theory as getting sand from solid ground.


Buildings are made from concrete, which include coarse sand. While Kyoya's power can sense those sand, outright controlling them is a different matter.

So, the avatar 'vibrate' each sand particle at high frequency. The result will looks like a part of the building disintegrates, turning to sand.

'But the key was that quirk is considered as martial arts, so my perfect body and mind gave me the best possible result.'

There's also another few tricks in his new memories, though he need to move for the written portion of the exam now.


After the written exam, students are allowed to change their cloths and equipment for the practical exam. Equipment is limited to quirk-support type, so weapon is a no go.

Looking around, the only canon in his group is Mineta. Letting out a light breath, Kyoya focuses on his sand-sense.

'Sorry guys. But this is my debut so-'


'-please be my sacrifices.'

While everyone around is still shocked by the exam beginning out of nowhere, one group... is done.


In a dark room where teachers gathered, a strange silence dawned. They have watched the process from the beginning, so they knew whose handiworks is this.

From the start, a boy got down on one knee and put his hands on the ground, closed his eyes, and once the signal are given... 100 sand-spikes appeared from the buildings and instantly impaled all 100 robots.

"Th-this..." stuttering, a human-sized white mouse can barely processes what has transpired.

"...Do we still need to release the gimmick, Principal?" at the side, All Might asked, his prior encounter with the boy let him prepares his heart.

"...Yes," once the mouse said that, he pulled a lever by his side.

On-screen, a giant robot slowly walks out in that particular site. As they watch in bated breath, they see sands slowly gather and form a giant.

Seeing that, Aizawa that have been watching in silence at the back let out a sigh.

'He is at a pro Hero level already, isn't he?' Thinking back to his own hardships, Aizawa feels that this world is irrational. 'This is just bullying.' Though, there's no denying that he's so proud of the boy.


Roughly a month has passed since the entrance exam. In Kayama households, everything goes on as usual, both siblings uncorcerned about what they deemed as 'small' issue.

As they sit down for breakfast, Nemuri decided to inform her brother.

"The school starts at spring, so you should get your letter any times now. You sure you don't need to buy anything?"

Thinking for a while, Kyoya shook his head.

"Other than those notebooks, I think there's nothing else." Sneaking a look at her sister, "Sis, you are part of the admittance committee right? Can't you tell me my score already, please?" Kyoya asked, trying his luck.

After a short consideration, she decided to humour her brother.

If he asked any earlier, it'll be rejected for sure. Even though she loves her brother, she is still an educator and a Hero at heart.

But she knows that the letter were already printed two days ago, so there's no harm leaking it a day or two earlier.

"Well, you nail all of 'em, so the full 150 points are all yours. 60 1-pointers, 30 2-pointers, and 10 3-pointers. Got a few students complaining, but you did everything fair and square so..." shrugging, Nemuri focuses back on her breakfast.

Listening to her, Kyoya just nods. It's just as he expected.

"Today is already Friday, so if there's no problem you'll get your letter today. School starts next week, so make sure everything is prepared for," Nemuri said, finishing the one-sided conversation.

Putting down her dining utensils, Nemuri take a peek at her watch. Wiping her mouth, she then heads to the shoe-rack, her brother silently trails behind her.

"I'm going to school. If you want to go out, make sure to lock the door, okay?" Saying her usual reminder, she ruffles his hair and gives him a peck to the forehead.

"Sure. Take care, sis," the boy replied, a troubled smile on his face.

As she goes her way, she can hear her brother mutters in a small voice, "And I'm not a child anymore, you know..."

Curling her lips, 'A little brother should just act like one,' she thought, her good mood evident from her gait.


A letter arrived on the afternoon that day.

'Just like sis expected,' Kyoya thought. Inside the envelop there's an admission letter as well as a holographic device.

As the video played, Kyoya is lost in thought.

'From my performance, the teachers should do a more thorough background check on me.'

By shocking them time and time again, they'll be immune towards anything illogical that he did.

'Is it called shock-therapy?' a random thought popped into his head.

Or else, suddenly achieving something impossible will cause them to be on guard, especially since he knows that there'll be the spy issue in the future.

Suddenly, he is a bit curious about Mineta's fate. As he monopolized everything, Mineta should have zero for both villain and rescue points.

Not that he feels bad about it. In fact, it's the opposite. If he got grouped with Izuku, he can't monopolize the points or he'll be changing the story waaayyyy too much.

Not to mention, in Izuku group's there's also Tenya Iida, Ochako Uraraka, Mezo Shoji, and Yuga Aoyama. All in all, it's all good.

"Finally, I'll have a bigger audience," Kyoya muttered, before chuckling. "I can barely wait."