Volume 1 Special Chapter

Satoru wants to Upgrade his Forces Using Magic to summon Upgrade Materials. His Engineer Help Him to Upgrade another Forces. It is Upgrade list of His Forces:


• Upgrade fleets

1. Yamato: from IJN Yamato Normal to JS Yamato (With a Steel Deck, VLS Missile Launcher, Railgun Turret, Upgraded Radar, AA Gun To CIWS Phallanx, Adamantium Hull. Same upgrade for Musashi, and other battleships).

2. Atago: from JS Atago to JS Atago 2.0 (With Focused Laser Turret, Auto Lock on System, MK 41 ASROC, Jet Hangar).

3. Kirov-Class: (Wiith Adamantium Hull, and Railgun Turret).

4. Zummwalt: (With Nuclear guided Missile, Adamantium Hull Upgraded Radar).

• Upgrade Jets

1. F-22 Raptor: Light speed Jet engine, Adamantium Body, Anti-G-Force Deck, and More Capacity.

2. Su-35 and Su-57: (Adamantium Body, Anti-G-Force Deck, Light speed Jet engine, and Can Bring EMP Missile.

3. AC-130 Gunship: Jet engine, Adamantium Body, 30 mm GAU-8, 45 mm Bofors, 125 mm Rheinmetall L44, Napalm bomb, Tsar Bomba.

• Ground Force Upgrade

1. P-1000 Ratte: name changed to P-1000 Titan, Adamantium Hull and Turret, Nuclear Engine, Adamantium Track.

2. Other Tanks and Vehicles are only Adamantium Armor.

3. Power Suit for Soldiers made from Adamantium and mythril.

4. Orbital Assault Railcannon, Orbital Assault Nuclear Bomb.

5. Minigun Laser, Plasma Rifle, and Oscillating Katana.

6. Secret Project Motion Wave Cannon.


USJ territory

1. Main Land Japan.

2. Ex Reggina territory.

3. Dragon Island.

The extent is reaching 50,780,900 km²


USJ Government

1. President: Magami Satoru.

2. Co President: Hakuryuu Dao.

3. Prime Minister: Isoroku Yamamoto.

4. Defense minister: Yugumo Taihou.

5. Ground Forces General: Ibuki Nakano.

6. Air Forces General: Paul McCartney.

7. Sea Forces General: Goda Yamano.

8. Special Forces General: Franklin Graham.

9. Tactical Forces General: Franklin D Roosevelt.

10. Minister of Trade and Finance: Fujiwara Itami.


The main enemy right now is the Demon Army led by the Demon King at the North Pole Planet Vein. They ruin everything they attack, they have never felt the fear of the coming of an army of gods that had been predicted by the Demon Elder.

What is meant by the Divine Forces is USJ (Japan), the Demon Elder predicts that the Coming of the Troops is the Greatest Disaster for the Demon Race, Magic cannot be detected by magic power, one attack scorchs the ground, the symbol used by the troops is the Red Sun that sets on the surface water.