Volume 1 Chapter 7 - Arrival of guests from the Northern Continent

One day after a month after the Japanese ship upgrade. Deus City Exactly at Haruka Harbor Wooden Ships from the North continent came anchored, Satoru who was fishing there was asked by someone who got off the ship.

"Hey kid, which kingdom is this?" (???)

"This is not the Kingdom but the City, sir" (Satoru)

Good then, Soldier Shoot the Shed! " (???)

"Dorr" (Cannon Sound)

"Hahaha, how about now?" (???)

"You are too arrogant Sir, One Building 10 Gold Coins !! (Northern Region Language)" (Satoru)

" What??? Do you speak our language? " (???)

"So what? One building 10 Gold! " (Satoru)

"Tch, I will tell you who I am, I am the King who will rule this City as the territory of the Kingdom of Vanel, Gauss, alright these are 10 gold" (Gauss)

"You will know about destroying this city to be sentenced to Death!" (Police)

"We are not meddling Gauss This is entirely your fault!" (The crew)

"We!!!" (Gauss)

"The police officer arrested this person along with one person who shot earlier! And bring it before the High Court! " (Satoru)

"Got it!" (Police)

Gauss was handcuffed and a Gunner Ship brought to the High Court.

"Calm down, those of you who aren't coming with him, please tell who that person really is (Northern Language)" (Satoru)

"He's Gauss, the slave seller! He shouldn't have done that, because he could be sentenced to be removed from the rank of the Baron as a Knight "(Albert)

"Then you attend the High Court as an Eyewitness to Gauss, my name is Satoru Salam, you know (Northern language)" (Satoru)

"Wow, you can speak our language, my name is Captain Zee, this is Albert, and this is Holland and other crew members" (Zee)

"Salamm Kenal" "" (Albert, Holland, and Others)

"Why are you fishing here? Don't You Have to Attend an Important Event Today? " (Maid)

"This is bad, I forgot !!" (Satoru)

Satoru ran towards the middle of the City to the palace. Change of clothes to attend court.

"Sir, wait for me!" (Maid)

Maid ran after Satoru who was getting further away.

High Court

"This Person Is an Attack on the Port of the Food Supply Warehouse at the Port" (Public Prosecutor)

"Has anyone seen him do that? Witness?" (Judge 1)

"I'm the Captain of the Ship Next to See the Actor Performing Together with 1 More Person" (Zee)

"The sentence will be decided by the President or the Emperor, Your Honor. Please go to court!" (Main Judge)

"Thank you, Chief Judge, I will be the Executor here" (Satoru)

The eyes of the witnesses widened when Satoru spoke, Not only were the eyewitnesses surprised, the two perpetrators were also surprised.

"Surprised? It's too late, according to Law of War No.56 the Fake King From Another Country must be shot to death by the Judge himself!"

Execution Process - Fake King Death

Judge took the MBR EBR and filled in the ammunition, then prepared to shoot the First Doer of the Gunner. One shot to the heart and one shot to the head killed the Ship Gunner.

As for Gauss, Judge used Desert Eagle .50 With one shot to the chest pierced to the wall killed Gauss the fake king.

Satoru sent a letter to the Northern king that his subordinates claiming to be the False Kings were finally executed in other countries.

Palace of the King of the Northern Kingdom of Vanel

"Father, is there a letter addressed to you? Which contains about Baron Gauss claiming to be the Northern King sentenced to death for Attacking an unknown State, He was sentenced to death for that Fatal Error, the Captain and other Shipmen survived for not meddling with Gauss! " (Princess Aline)

"This bastard, baron! How dare you claim to be the King, but I'm relieved that the person is punished according to what he did, so I just need to find the Next Baron

"Gauss's actions were outrageous if he acted like that, that person deserves death sentence" (Prime Minister Northern)

"We must choose Gauss successor Baron in the near future" (Aline)

  They Forget To Apologize to Japan for the mistakes of their subordinates. They forget that Japan can strike back at them at any time without them knowing.

Haruka Harbor, Deus city

A major announcement was held in the city discussing the behavior of neighboring countries from the unfriendly North continent the president decided to explore the North continent posing as merchants. By bringing 20 people with the Sailing Enterprise (1799) and Royal Sovereign (1637). Why was this Sailboat selected? Because Enemy Vessels also use sails as ship movers, but all cannons on Sailing Vessels From USJ are replaced with KwK 43 cannon and Flak 88 with Japanese Elite troops guarded, so if anyone infiltrated the ship will be thrown into the sea without warning.

"The ship's crew is getting ready! From now on, we will use the name Yamato Trading Company. Wear armor in your shirt! We will use M1 Garand or Kar 98k weapons so they will not stand out "(Captain Vall)

"Roger" (crew)

"Okay, please listen, I'll change my appearance to a 12-year-old girl named Haruka Yamato, please remember not to expose me in public (Haruka / Satoru)

"Yes sir ... miss!" (Ship's crew)

"Warp Location, to the Northern Region of the Sea!" (Haruka)

After Haruka started the Mantra, the Two Sailboats were teleported towards the Northern Sea. The ship landed at the Royal Port of Vanel with 120 Kg of Black Pepper, 35 Japanese Sake Drums, 200 Kg of Cotton and 50 Kg of Paper. Pepper, Cotton and Paper are Luxury Goods in the Vanel Kingdom.

"Be careful, Miss. We're here waiting for your return!" (Captain Vall)

"It turns out the Emperor if he became a beautiful woman apparently hahaha" (Frank)

"Huss, shut up! The president told us not to expose him, or he will be angry with us" (Old Man)

Haruka walked the street in the Market buying horned Rabbit satay. Until he was pulled by Second Prince Ashil of the Northern Palace. They head for the Northern Palace.

"Wait, who are you? Let me go!" (Haruka)

"I'm sorry, but you must help me at my sister's birthday party at the palace!" (Prince Ashil)

"Alright, just this time I'll help you, but let me change the party dress first! When will the show start? " (Haruka)

"Today after Sunset, Please come and bring a Gift, Don't Forget!" (Prince Ashil)

Birthday party at Northern Palace

The party was held by the Northern King with Luxury. Attended by nobles from all over the Northern Continent. They bring gifts from their countries that are of the highest quality. The party began at Sunset, Ashil was very anxious because Haruka had not yet reached the party. Ashil's hope is finally reached, Haruka came by using Armor Saber (Fate Series).

Everyone in the party turned towards Haruka who looked sparkling and dignified. "Haruka greeted Ashil very politely. "Hello Ashil, thank you for inviting me" (Haruka).

"Haruka-chan? That is you? You're beautiful, I forgot who you are? " (Ashil)

Ashil's father, brother, sister and grandmother wondered why Ashil knew that beautiful lady. Ashil Raja Northern's father approaches Haruka.

"This lady knows my son, may I tell you how you met with Miss Ashil?" (Northern King)

"When I first came to this Kingdom with all of my Yamato Trade Fleet I left the ship to the Market, where Ashil forced me to invite me and draw my hand to the palace, so the story" (Haruka)

"Gmn is the story, Ashiiil!" (King Northern)

"Dokun (Sound of a blow to Ashil's head)"

"Father, that hurts!" (Ashil)

"That's your punishment for forcing people to follow your will" (King Northern)

"Your Majesty, we will attack the new kingdom on the Eastern continent!" (Evil Nobles)

"You attack, I want to finish the marriage for my children so prepare your own war!" (King Northern)

"An aristocratic old man, you have never felt destroyed by a mysterious Armada from the east, the giant Octopus Kraken had just been rained down on the magic that the Fleet cast!" (Prime Minister of Northern Mariana)

"It is true what the Prime Minister said, they used small black beads falling from the sky, but when they fell to the ground, it exploded after a while the Kraken died" (Good Lord)

Back to the birthday party

"My name is Aline, sister of Ashil, nice to meet you, unfortunately I am unable to stand because my feet are affected by crippling poison" (Aline)

"Nice to meet you too, I can heal your feet with a blink of an eye" (Haruka)

"Ehhhhh" (everyone)

Aline's paralyzed leg healed with Haruka's magic, after that Haruka disappeared somewhere. Haruka teleported to the Royal Sovereign Ship and there he was welcomed.

"Your Excellency welcome, is there important information to discuss?" (Captain Vall)

"Marquis aristocrats of this country will invade our country, we must return to Deus" (Haruka)

Haruka changed his form to Satoru, after the Ships moved away from the Port of Vanel, Satoru started Warp to Deus City and discussed the Counterattack of Marquis Vanel which would come in 10 days.

USJ Naval Fleet Coordination Meeting

It contained an ambush plan for Ships from the Marquis Vanel region. At the meeting also discussed about not allowed to hurt the enemy crew and return the Marquis Vanel to King Vanel Northern. Take control of the Vanel Territory by carrying 200 LCS / LCV (Landing Craft Ship / Vessels) after capturing Marquis Vanel.

Do not carry excessive weapons because it will scare residents. Also bring Anti Surprise Attack Barrier when entering Marquis Vanel territory, due to Fear of Surprise Attacks from Foreigners. And bring logistics to be distributed to poor citizens in the Marquis Vanel region. Only Bring 3 Battleships, 4 Cruisers, 2 Supercarriers and 10 boat patrols in Absorption and Conquest. This operation was called the "Conquest of Constantinople".

(Note: Volume 2 will come on March 1, 2020).

[Volume 2 will have 12 Main Chapters, 1 Special Chapter, and 2 additional Chapters. Continue to support us to be able to pay for electricity and pay for water Hehehe]