episode 2 the weapon anyone can wield

inside of a town it was pouring rain while the rain fell people still lived their lives

sora was sitting under a tree wasting life which blocked the rain his mind was going through the memories of the two of the fighting together they were a vigilante team fighting for only each other and they were stupidly strong too between all of sora's power and 'her' skill they were practically unbeatable however sora was slightly paranoid given that he can also be paired with literally any meister and once paired the meister could do what ever they please so he kept his full power secret and was grateful that she couldn't pick the form otherwise it would have probably have been worse for him he got up and began walking down the street to clear his head he did like having a partner and being with her hell they were dating however with how she acted every battle he just couldn't especially when he's told her multiple times that he doesn't like how he is used when he eventually said he had enough she left him and what's worse is she only left a letter that literally insulted him calling him a crybaby he immediately looked for her just to show her his true capabilities it's safe to say she immediately retracted her statements and even asked to be allowed to continue their partnership and their relationship at that moment he used his evolt powers to teleport away he wanted nothing more to do with her when she would just abuse him

he continued to walk down the street when he saw a small flier for the death weapon magic academy he thought about going but then realized she might be there but he could still her voice

"you wanna be my weapon" he could heat her voice saying he shook his head

"if only you didn't force me into soul resonance every thirty seconds you may wield my full power right now" sora said sadly


"did that get him" a women asked

"i dont know whatever you do don't let your guard down" a male voice said

another woman was standing on top of a large tree with a golden spear in her hand staring at a building that blew up

"huh" the second woman turned to see sora standing directly behind her on the same tree with his camera in his one hand and a picture in the other

"interesting shakti age 74 blood type O occupation fox witch from the east you've been killing people and gathering their souls to make your weapon stronger now this is a first a witch using a soul of a weapon lets see here alexander frogroz age 18 blood type B occupation fox witch's weapon weapon type phantom spear very interesting indeed

"well since you have a phantom spear i should keep with the phantom theme" sora said

"ghost driver" the driver appeared on his waist he pulled out an eyecon and pushed it's button

"eye watch out watch out" the driver said continuously repeating the same line 'watch out'

"henshin" sora said pulling the lever and putting it back in

"kaigan ore let's go kagugo go go go ghost go go go go" the driver said

"gangun saber" the saber said as it appeared in sora's hand in gun mode and sora doing what he does best began shooting

"ow" shakti said

"you really should have dodged"

"shut it and spit fire" shakti said as she thrust the spear forward and a giant flaming fox appeared but it just went right through

"sorry that wont work and i feel sorry for you alexander it seems no one respects us weapons anymore" sora said pulling and pushing the handle back in again

"dai kaigan ore omega drive" the driver said and i floated into the air before kicking her he blasted right on through this time doing damage

"checkmate" sora said while an explosion was occurring he untransformed and went to grab the purple soul that came out of the witches body

"wait a minute where is the kishin soul i destroyed the weapon too" sora said he quickly turned to see a white fox with alexander in its mouth they stopped and stared at one another for a moment then it took off

"get back here" sora called irritated

"you'll never kill me alive" the fox said which made absolutely no sense it disappeared in a puff of smoke sora sighed

"well fuck whelp guess i am not eating tonight" sora said handing it out for the women's weapon to take before realizing

"wait a second what soul is that if they are both alive" sora asked