sora was walking down the street as usual lost in thought
"where should we go now"
he accepted another request to exterminate some more pests that were haunting the town playground at night killing anyone who got too close
"alright if what that guy said is true then their should be a kishin that looks like a little girl around here somewhere" sora said and he heard sobbing from a distance he followed the sound until he came across a little blonde girl sitting on a swing with tears streaming down her face quietly sora took off his camera and took her picture
"kristyn xander Age 10 Blood Type AB occupation none your parent's forced you to eat human souls in order to please their god i feel bad killing you but i can't have you running around eating more so i will try to make this as quick and painless as possible Kivat" sora called one of the few transformation devices he cant just have appear already on which was slightly annoying he caught kivat and had it bite his hand causing a red belt to appear on his waist
"henshin" he said placing the bat on the belt and letting fall into place he then immediately activated his darkness moon break as he was about to put her out of her misery she was stopped
"STAY AWAY FROM HER" the weapon yelled as it was a weapon meister duo sora sighed he knew this would happen eventually
"is this guy the target maka" the weapon asked
"no he is not" someone called and sora recognized the voice and groaned why did she half to be there
"she's the target sora" she asked
"i already got confirmation elena" sora said
"who is he el" blonde asked apparently named maka asked
"he was the worst mistake i ever made my former partner and weapon sora heisei suzuki the kamen rider of legends" elena said
"i am no longer needed if two meisters are here so ciao" sora said he didn't want to be here any longer than he had to especially when she's here
"what do you mean the worst mistake your current weapon is amazing" maka said
"sora would you show them a glimpse of your power" elena asked sora sighed he knew he would not be getting out of this predicament anytime soon
"very well henshin" sora said transforming into his black hole form he then opened a black hole
"this is just one of my forms and one of my abilities in said form" sora said before undoing his transformation
"and that is one of the weaker of my ultimates hell i have at three forms that can stop time and nearly ten forms where i can travel through time at will and the majority of them aren't my ultimates" sora said
"ultimates" maka asked
"what me and sora named sora's strongest forms when i was still his partner the sad part is he never fully trusted me and with what i did that is understandable" elena said sora just glared at her
"understandable is a huge understatement" sora said and he was angry he hadn't felt anger in a very long time in fact it was two years before sora and elena met
"what did she do" the weapon in maka's hands transform back into a human form
"girl first then we can talk i am not as stupid as to let it just sit there while we chit chat as we may be here a while as i have to explain a couple things before we can get into that question regarding me and my power" sora said
"how do you know she is definitely a kishin by the why i am soul evens" soul said
"sora has a unique camera that is linked to his powers he can take a picture of any kishin getting not only everything they were before they transformed but it also tells you how they transformed how did this one do it" elena asked at that moment another guy decided to join us sora guessed the newcomer was cessily's current weapon partner
"she was literally forced by her parents i was trying to end her suffering as quickly as possible when they showed" sora said
"i see by the way this is my current partner duke cromwell duke this is the overpowered guy i was telling you about" elena said
"your him how strong are you" he asked
"do you know anyone who can completely manipulate time" sora asked smirking leaving him shocked
"did you unlock it after i left or was that something else you kept from me" elena asked
"that is what started my powers" sora said
"oh i am so sorry would i have gained your trust if i had listened" elena asked
"certainly i would have given you full control had you done what i asked after the hundredth time but anyway we are again off topic the girl" sora said
"how quickly can you end it" maka asked
"it will be instantaneous" sora swore
"do it" soul and maka said moving out of the way sora re transformed back to kiva and re activated the darkness moon break putting her out of her misery the soul was all that was left and sora definitely didn't want it it would leave a sour taste in his mouth sora thought he'd try to escape rather than go through the discussion they were about to have
"well my job here is done bye" sora said trying to leave but elena grabbed his collar
"oh no you don't" but the moment she saw his furious glare she immediately she'd wished that she hadn't and let go
"you are the last person who's allowed to touch me" sora growled turning he saw the other's abundant curiosity
"oh very well the first thing you must understand is my soul is literally compatible with anyone and everyone i can partner up with literally anyone on the planet but that comes at a cost" sora said
"what does that mean" maka asked confused and this was where elena looked ashamed as she should
"it means that anyone who uses me can force me to go through sole resonance since i am compatible with anyone and everyone i do not have control over that" sora said
"oh no" maka and soul said and they were looking at cessily with anger written all over their faces even elena's own partner was pissed and ashamed himself he understood why she never did that to him she was afraid shed loose him too if she did and she would be right
"there's more to it than that i am afraid you see all other weapons are just that weapons however i am power plain and simple my forms are literally just power with armor attached and in some cases weapons so picture what would happen if you went through a soul resonance with that" sora said
"oh no" the three of them said they were furious this was no way to treat a partner at all
"and it get's worse than that as every battle we went into it was soul resonance eventually i just fought on my own half the time only giving her my power when i was desperate which was not very often and here's the thing she knew very well i didn't like it cause i was constantly begging her not to go that route and then the icing on top when i told her i was about at my limit she said and i quote 'i swear i will ask permission from now on' she then that evening goes rights letter basically calling me a crybaby and insulting me and vanishing so at that point i had the last straw and it is very easy to find someone when you can literally use black holes to teleport i showed her a form i was literally thinking about giving her i told her this before saying i am done and disappearing i haven't seen her since and would have loved to have gone longer and really it isn't the letter that i had a problem with nor the insults although they were irritating i would have let them go it was the fact that we had spent years together and then she ups and vanishes at that point i don't really know what you want from me so i vanished and i did what i said i was going to do i brought hope to the eyes who saw me and i did my best to stay as far away from her as possible since i guess she would have went there for a new partner at least that isn't as much as a crybaby well i hope you got what you wanted and that it was worth it" sora said they were staring daggers at elena you never abuse your partner especially when they have no form of protection
"you have not felt the power he can give you put yourself in my shoes" elena said and an evil smile appeared on sora's face
"elena you should really learn to keep your mouth shut because now that is exactly what we will do i will give a taste of my power and we will see who wins" sora said
"oh no i don't think that is necessary" elena said in this battle she knew she'd loose
"okay then" sora said he knew as well that she would loose in fact they all did they would prove that point
"your looking for a new partner" duke said to her and he was about to leave but he was stopped by sora
"my aim was not to separate you from her as i said the only grudge i hold is here just up and vanishing i can look passed everything else in fact we would still be friends if she told me our partnership wouldn't work a bit more respectfully i would have absolutely no problems" sora said
"yeah but how do you know she wont just up and leave me over something stupid she is obviously capable she did it to you because she was power hungry" duke said
"fair point" sora said moving out of the way
"whelp you shouldn't have stopped me from leaving now you get to find a new partner again good luck" sora said and he again was about to leave
"sora please wait" elena said sora stopped
"im sorry your right i crossed the line way more times then i can count your right i was a total jerk when i left and your right my reasons for leaving were stupid and completely my own power hungry problems please forgive me i am asking for just one more chance" elena was now the one begging oh the irony the sad part was she still had a place in his heart as his partner meister and girlfriend he stood there for a good while before sighing
"i cant believe i am doing this you get one chance you break and i will do to you what you did to me i will vanish" sora said elena nodded enthusiastically grabbed my arm as if they were in a relationship again
"what idiocy have i gotten myself into" sora said as she begins to pull me along and i summon the hardboiler
"where are we headin" sora asked his gut still told him this was a terrible idea
"DWMA" she said he started up the bike and took off with her on the back holding him tightly
"thank you" she said
"for what" sora asked
"for becoming my partner weapon and boyfriend but most importantly for forgiving me" she said
"that's my job i try to keep you down the right bath even if that means watching you disappear that is what a proper partner is for they are there for you to fall back otherwise they aren't partners and that does not mean you are to abuse your partner either i hope you've learned your lesson cause i can't keep doing this i would go mad i care for you deeply i do if i didn't we wouldn't be sitting on this bike together" sora said
"i know and i in my selfishness kinda broke it to tiny pieces and i was also forcing you into things i may not have forced you" she said
"just so you understand now on a completely unrelated note i got a form that worries me i haven't even tested it yet" sora said