after a while sora got up and they continued to stein's house he was still a bit winded but he was fairly certain he had enough energy to use tsukuyomi if push came to shove they were now standing in front of an odd house that was covered in stitches
"so this is where we find stein let's hurry and finish this guy off i'm already tired of these lessons to be over
"whoever this guy is definitely loves stitching things to even put them on his house" sora said
"yeah but i am curious what kind of guy stein is" elena said
slowly one of the metal doors of stein's house opened and the sound of something approaching quickly at them made him which made the six outside put up their guards with the weapon's in front of their meister's just in case
"woah" a voice said
a man scooted backwards at high speeds on an office chair but one of the wheels caught on a frame causing him to fall on his behind he then got up and sat back in his chair while turning a huge screw that was in his head
"dammit still doesn't feel quite right" the man in the chair said
"after twisting a screw for a moment he stopped
"hmm maybe that will take care of it" he said
he then got up with his chair in hand
"ok i'm gonna try that again" he said
then he did the one thing his opponents weren't expecting he got up and went back into the house
"uh shouldn't we stop him" soul said
"why he i doubt he's thinking of escaping" sora said
"and i wanna see what happen's next" black star said
"as would i" tsubaki said
the rolling sound came from inside the house again meaning that the man started once more... but...
"GUAH" he said
nothing really but your head and expecting different results from the same process isn't very scientific but it was kind of funny
"i am now stupidly curious" sora said
the man with the screw in his head just laid on the ground after his second failed attempt at creating a wheel chair travel
"is there something you kids needed me for" the man with a screw in his head said
"yeah if your really Dr. stein" soul said
"you did this you're the one who turned sid into a zombie" maka said
"oh i am guessing your all students from the academy then" stein said sitting in his chair with a bored expression on his face
"why did you do this revenge a grudge" maka asked
"nope and nope i have a much simpler motive experimentation and observation that is what a true scientist cares about and i am a scientist everything in this world us an experimental subject that obviously includes myself" stein said pointing at the screw in his head
stein stared at the six with an odd look maka thought something strange was happening but stein was just looking at their souls
"with the exception of sora and elena your soul wavelengths aren't very stable and their quite different from one another with again the exception of sora who is very similar to everyone as i am certain you know I see one soul that is careless and arrogant while another is ernest and strong willed and then there is again sora who has an almost perfect balance however there is some distrust lodged within they appear to be in resonance but none of you is in a true resonance however again sora is very close if you can rid that distrust within he would be the perfect partner" stein said
"what the hell you mean you can see the soul of someone who's still alive in that case you must be a meister"
"not necessarily soul with my camera i can and i am a weapon" sora said
"he's able to read the character of the souls too only the best meisters can do that and sora i am going to be honest i am fairly positive you are the only weapon ever that can get as much knowledge on a soul as you do" maka said
"SHUT UP LITTLE DOCTOR MAN" black star said
everyone looked up to see black star standing on the roof of steins house
"no one wants to hear you talk anymore YAHOO how about a change in subject to a more interesting topic like me for example" black star said
"when did he" tsubaki asked
"he can be a terrific assassin if he can keep that big mouth of his shut tsubaki he does have some really good skills in that regard" sora said tsubaki sighed
"your right" tsubaki said
black star charged stein like an idiot he never properly uses his assassin skills properly and he is constantly charging his opponents like a god damn tank he tried to do a spin kick but that was blocked by stein using his arm while spinning in his chair black star tried again and again he is blocked once again this time sending black star flying back a bit then when he least expected it stein charged and smashed black star with his fist sending him to the ground
"BLACK STAR" tsubaki called
stein turned his attention to tsubaki
"hmm oh i see now you must be the wild ones partner your always willing to compromise and possess a very accepting nature it's a shame you aren't a meister out of everyone her i think sora would trust you the most but being so accepting is probably how your partner ship with the idiot works" stein said
"who do you think you are old man" soul said
"huh" stein said
everyone turned their attention to sora who was taking a Polaroid picture out of his camera and elena was smirking when sora took the picture was when it was time to get cracking and she knew it
"Franken stein Age Blank Soul Type Human Meister an eccentric but extremely talented doctor and meister who is known to be the strongest meister to have graduated from the DWMA you experiment on yourself and others with reckless abandon for the sake of scientific gain" sora said
"a 'history camera' now where did you get such old yet magical piece of technology" stein askeds
"it's a long a stupidly annoying story hmm interesting some things are smudged here you are able to hide your souls information by slightly altering your wavelength impressive and quite clever" sora said
"you must have used that thing alot if you know it's weakness" stein said
"the camera signifies that he is getting a bit serious so you probably peaked his curiosity he has only used that on a non kishin thrice counting me" elena said
sora only shrugged as he put his camera away stein now took an even closer look at sora's soul sora didn't really mind he had nothing to hide
"interesting you have felt a huge betrayal yet you still moved on and you even forgave you will do anything even if it means death to protect those who can't protect themselves yet you have seen more battles than you can count and haven't even enjoyed the battlefield in years you have lost the one thing that you are trying to give others very interesting your soul is very odd and very sad
"now i am starting to get tired of you doing that i am okay with you reading my soul as i have nothing to hide however don't just say it to the world" sora said
"sora" elena said and sora transformed
"henshin" she said transforming
"kamen rider kivala let us dance shall we" elena said
"i am ending this now" elena continued and was now charging sword in hand but stein dodged before grabbing her and throwing her at maka and then charged again aiming at elena sending a familiar blast of electricity threw her she was thrown back a bit but was uninjured
"so i was correct you are unaffected by direct soul wavelength attacks... physically" stein said
"what the hell does that mean" elena said
"elena look at your body" soul said
she did and she saw she was being brought out of her transformation
"i figured out your secret sora your soul because of the betrayal is quite unstable do to all of the distrust for any meister ever" stein said
"what" sora said
"you see souls have a specific wavelength and other souls can only match a specific wavelength it would be impossible be impossible for one weapon to be wielded by multiple people because of how different the soul is but yours however is specifically designed like that so as for the legend of a rider to be true anyone and everyone can be one in any form they wish that" stein said
sora was now dark kivat he flew and hovered beside stein after biting steins hand
"what that means is if you can match sora's wavelength with the tiniest difference and know his forms you can literally make him into any form you want and wield him perfectly" stein said
"now what was that word again oh right henshin"
he flew and grabbed allowing himself to fall in place he stood there as dark kiva
"that form looks like our last soul resonance but different is that what happens when you force him" elena said
"now because i stole you weapon i will come to you last now you first scythe meister" stein said
when stein began to speak his voice was deep and echoing in a blink of an eye stein was in front of maka with his hand reeled back maka acted quickly lifting soul to block but he used his soul wavelength which thanks to sora amplifying it was much stronger the soul wave slammed into soul and then it flowed through him hitting maka the blast sent them flying back a bit
"let's see here how should i begin" stein said
"maka what's wrong chill out your soul wave is chaotic" soul said
maka then charged at stein and swung her scythe at him but stein just dodged easily out of the way before shocking maka again
"GAH" maka exclaimed
"be careful sora amplifies his users soul wavelength" elena called she was quite distraught and quite worried for them but more so for sora she now understands what he must have gone through every single time she forced him into a soul resonance like really and truly understand after watching it occur with no way for her to stop it
"ah you have such lovely skin" stein said
stein pulled out a marker and wrote a line on her
"where should i insert the knife first lets see if i can turn your smooth skin into sandpaper" stein said
"Sora ugh do something" she said struggling
he didn't respond she struggled with stein against her but it was interrupted by a familiar voice
"quite easily" stein said
black star charged at him with his elbow and fist raised in a a familiar position
"what" stein said
"BLACK STAR BIG WAVE" black star shouted as he slammed his fist and elbow into steins back blasting him with a massive soul shock but... stein just stood there as if nothing occurred completely unfazed
"you deflected my soul attack" black star said shocked as he backed up fear etched on his face
"while i can i really don't have to sora really is an amazing weapon he is immune to direct soul attacks making anyone who uses him completely immune to the same" stein said he then moved faster than the eye could see and was now in front of black star
"my turn" stein said
he then placed his hand around black stars head before blasting him with his and sora's own wavelengths causing black star to scream in pain stein then stopped causing blood to fall out of his eyes and mouth as he fell to the ground
soul quickly ran to check on black star before running back to maka"
"DAMN YOU STEIN I WILL KILL YOU alright lets go get him maka" soul said
however maka was petrified by what she saw she fell to her knees and whimpered in fear
"this is impossible..." maka said
she was looking at stein and sora's souls stein soul was bright blue and stitches all over it and a large screw sticking out of it and was two times large than his body and sora's soul was green somehow and hundreds of symbols that she has never scene before rotating constantly some resembling animals faces or bugs but the most striking part was it's size of the soul it was bigger than steins house
"the little girl can see my soul huh and sora's too" stein said
"we cant beat him it's possible we couldn't beat them alone but together and how stein wields him we'll never win..." maka said
"what's the matter with you get up maka" soul said
"SHUT UP you wouldn't be so tough if you could see the size and the shape of there souls like i can" maka said
"YOU'RE WRONG I WOULDN'T CARE all you saw was their souls right you didn't see the future you can't give up before we even fight you're supposed to make me the strongest deathscythe ever you dont want the worthless father of your to outshine us do you look up and listen to me do you hear me maka i'm talking to you" soul said
maka for a second had the thought they could probably beat her father with ease but eventually she looked up causing soul to smile
"good now look over there and see they have been patiently waiting for you to finish your tantrum isn't that polite of Dr. stein" soul said
maka than smiled
"come on if we die we die cool" soul said
"sorry about that i am better now" maka said getting back up on her feet
"no problem" soul said
soul than went back to scythe mode and maka spun him around before slashing in front of her
"LET'S GO SOUL RESONANCE" maka and soul roared with power as their souls resonated
"come let's see how much your souls can handle" stein said
maka lifted soul over her head causing him to transform and get bigger
"the legendary super skill of the scythe meister WITCH HUNTER" maka said
maka than tried to slash stein but he just caught the blade with his hands
"impressive you can control witch hunter too" stein said maka kept trying to push past stein and slash him but it was worthless
"but unfortunately i'm afraid your skills are too rough"
suddenly witch hunter shattered sending soul and maka flying back again stein then walked and squatted next to the injured pair and tired maka but suddenly soul appeared over her guarding her with his body
"back away i won't let you touch my meister" soul said
"in that case i will start with you" stein said he reached out and put his hand on souls head
"you earned a passing grade well done" stein said
"huh" maka and soul said
"your extra lessons have been completed you gave your own body to protect your partner although useless unless your sora it's still enough to pass from me" stein said
"im sorry maybe i wasn't clear the first time what" soul said
"this was all planned by lord death he wanted me to help you with these extra lessons" stein said
soul turned to see a partially conscious black star with tsubaki helping him"
"he's still alive... WHAT ABOUT SORA YOUR DOING WHAT SHE DID" soul yelled pointing at elena who now looked ashamed at his words but the next moment stein untransformed
"yeah i was kinda apart of it too i can be wielded by anyone however the part about him being able to manipulate which form i'm in is false only i can pick and no one can just take my power by hitting my partner with a soul wave especially since i am immune to direct soul attacks as you should know" sora said then he tossed his Polaroid picture at soul who picked it up and read
"Franken Stein Age Blank Soul Type Human Meister an eccentric but extremely talented doctor and meister who is known to be the strongest meister to have graduated DWMA he experiments on himself and others with the abandon for the sake of scientific discovery P.S. this whole thing is a part of the test help me out by transforming when i hit you with a soul wavelength and i will help you with your research" soul read
"he is going to help us better master my black hazard form as well as figure out how in the hell do we use another form i obtained i haven't figured it out yet myself also i saw it as an excuse to teach my meister a little lesson she had no idea what we were planning so icing on top the cake for me" sora said
"just call when you wish to begin" stein said
"righto" sora said as he walked over to elena
"you tricked me" she said
"yep dark kiva is a form i can use when ever i like" sora said she sighed
"i deserve it" she said
"we know" sora said with a small smile
"but what about turning sid into a zombie" soul asked
"oh well sorry about this when i was alive i wouldn't tell a lie like this however a lot of things have changed" sid said appearing
"i told you we shouldn't have killed him" sora said
"sora i have learned a long time ago that you are generally always right" elena said
"you don't say then what the hell was the point in all of this TO SEE IF YOU CAN SCARE US TO DEATH" soul said yelling the last part
"seriously..." a sad maka said
"it was just a test but i have to admit using sora to scare you kids was quite fun i even debated asking sora for a soul resonance just to scare you further" stein said
"and i would have agreed as that would have been hilarious" sora said
those two are seriously sadistic
"now i am going to be honest if he actually was trying to kill you i would have stopped him i can especially since he was using my dark kiva form in fact any kiva form and i can just be like no fuck this" sora said stein jumped back on his chair and spun around before throwing his hands in the air
"now you all with the exception of sora and elena look tired why don't you stay the night at my laboratory" stein said
"THAT'S A BIG FAT NO" everyone yelled at once
"oh before you leave a gotta a question" sora said
"ask away"
"so I've been thinking about this since we left the academy when we were talking to lord death it came up that you needed 99 kishin souls and a witches soul to become a deathscythe right" sora said
"yep go on you have a meister so that isn't your question" stein said
"your right my question is can you become a deathscythe four times" sora said
"huh" everyone said
"as of yesterday i have eaten 1054 kishin souls and 4 witches soul since that fox escaped me does that make me a deathscythe level four or something or beyond that or nothing because i didn't enroll at the academy beforehand" sora asked
everyone at that moment had an expression of shock and awe including elena they never got nearly that many together it was so wide that their pupils vanished they could only say one word about this phenomenon
"of course i even created my own original driver and powers from it" sora said
the next day at DWMA
tsubaki black star soul and maka were sitting there with exhausted looks on their faces elena was still shocked her partner was beyond strong he was godlike and she was still stunned how much he needed no and still forgave and excepted her
"i'm still worn out from last night" soul said
"i dreamt that stein was using me for experiments" maka said stuttering
sora was lost in thought as he was thinking about the future and then stein walked in
"oh this will be fun" sora said he and stein secretly agreed earlier that stein would use sora to scare every kid in the room every once in a while so this will be fun indeed for the both of them