episode 9 kid's beating

"what should our lesson be today" stein said the class was now very wary of both stein and sora who attacks at random intervals so everyone with the exception of elena were scared shitless and elena was left alone due to the fact that sora was her weapon and both stein and sora wanted to give them somewhat of a chance

"by the way where's soul and black star are they planning to come well they'll miss the new kid coming today" stein said

"oh crap i know exactly what they are up to if it is a new student" sora asked

a while later maka tsubaki sora and elena were sitting in class bored until gunshots got their attention

"Dr. stein it's soul and black star their fighting someone outside" a student said

"called it"

"i hate to stop here maka tsubaki their your partners come on sora elena you come as well to put these idiots down if need be the rest of you study something"

back outside the new student named death the kid was shooting at soul and black star's feet

"can't even get close to him" black star said

"what's that you want an up close and personal fight fine by me" kid said jumped in the air and started falling towards black star and kicked him in the head but black star blocked with his arms soul charged him with his arms as scythe blades and tried to slash kid just blocked it with his guns then slammed his gun into souls gut pulling the trigger causing him to go flying at that soul just stayed on the ground a moment before rolling in pain


meanwhile maka tsubaki and elena appeared she was holding sora in his diend driver mode but she didn't transform just in case

"oh my they probably should have picked a better opponent" stein said

"the guy with the guns must be the new kid everyone's talking about" elena said

"yep lord death's son death the kid it was his own decision to join DWMA but he won't be a normal student his abilities are far greater in fact i'd say he'd may be able give you two the challenging battle you have been looking for" stein said

they watched as black star and soul got the crap beat out of them then they had a cringe moment but during that cringe moment kid shot soul and black star

"...oops... sorry... my finger's slip" kid said before getting shot himself

"oops sorry my finger slipped" elena said walking in between them and sora transformed and stood next to her like a badass

"sorry but i don't like it when an enemy takes advantage of their opponent so i give them a taste of their own medicine" elena said

"and who are the two of you" kid asked

"of course" she said bowing

"i am elena lily McFarland and this is my stupidly overpowered partner sora heisei suzuki" she said

"i have eaten 1054 kishin souls and 4 witches souls one escaped me after i defeated it so it would have been five and i have hundreds of forms i can choose from i can also wield myself if push comes to shove i can also be wielded by anyone i just chose elena that may have been a bad idea we will see" sora said

"1054 kishin and 4 witches that is impossible your bluffing"

"no he's telling the truth lord death has counted them himself and it's exact and to top that the majority of them is without a meister he only recently reunited with elena after a falling out" stein said

"t-that's impossible" kid said

"all without a meister" one of his guns liz said

"so cool" the other gun patty said

kid quickly got on his guard and put all his focus on sora ignoring the partner next to him he then used soul perception to see if stein and sora were telling the truth only for his eyes to widen as a sudden feeling of fear washed over him soul and black star taunted him they knew that with elena and sora no matter who their opponent was they were going to die painfully

"im a freelance that will do anything that will bring hope to the world and nothing will stop me" sora said

"hmph fine if your so cocky about your abilities then i will show you the power of a grim reaper" kid said

"LET'S GO SOUL RESONANCE" kid liz and patty said sora sighed

"is that just every meister's panic button or something my word" sora said

"execution mode read prepare to die" kid said as spike came out of arms and his pistols turned onto cannons

"if you two don't want to die get behind me and elena when he is done we are going to show him what true power is" sora said smirking elena smirked back she loved sora's evil plans black star and soul did as they were told they knew sora was about to give the new guy a whole lot of pain

"resonance stable noise at 0.3%" liz said

"black needle soul wave link fully charged" patty said

"preparing to fire feedback in 4 seconds 3" liz said

"2" patty said

"1..." liz said

"firing now" patty said

kid aimed both cannons straight at sora who yawned as if this was nothing

"DEATH CANNON" kid said


two huge golden light bullets flew through the air at sora while soul and black star stood behind him



one the bullets made contact with something they exploded into a giant puff of smoke bloom that had the shape of skulls in it kid turned around as liz and patty reverted back to pistols

"is that your strongest attack if so i am truly disappointed" sora said

"what the" kid said

he quickly turned around to see smoke clearing and sora standing there in front of a massive crater and sora and black star were unconscious within however elena was right next to him


"umm kid he didn't dodge it" liz said

"what" kid said

"both shots were direct hits" patty said

"but the the brute force of the attack hit the other two instead of him" liz said

"your confused aren't you how could someone take the direct hit of a soul resonance but have the attack go right through your thinking something like that aren't you" sora said smirking

"...just who are you" kid asked

"i have answered that question and i don't like to repeat myself but i will explain i am known as the weapon anyone can wield no matter what soul wavelength you have any meister can still use me to my fullest my soul wavelength is a perfect balance meaning i can resonate with all wavelengths making attacks like witch hunter direct soul attacks and even death cannon complete useless against me and anyone who uses me" sora said kids eyes were wide with shock

"elena why don't we dance" sora said

"with pleasure i am looking forward to this fight" sora transformed elena grabbed him

"henshin" she said transforming into kamen rider kivala

"kamen rider kivala" she said

"hey since he used soul resonance why don't we" sora said still smirking so evilly

"oh i'm so down for that" she said now getting that evil look

"LETS GO SOUL RESONANCE" both sora and elena said and she was enveloped with a blinding aura when it subsided she stood there in empress form duel wielding twin kivala blades

"let's see if you can take our soul resonance" elena said and she began to slowly walk towards him

"amazing her armor and weapons are complex yet... completely symmetrical

"as amazing as that may or may not be we need to focus she is kinda our enemy and she is coming towards us" liz said

"right as much as i hate attacking such perfect armor i need to fight her" kid said

"heh good luck doing any damage" elena said as she continued walking towards him kid shot her with a barrage of bullets but when the dust cleared she just looked at him

"really" she said and continued walking

"how is it not working" kid said

"your weapons fire compressed versions of your soul wavelength meaning your attacks do nothing to elena" sora explained as kid continued to fire and elena continued to walk towards him

"then how about this" kid said charging her and tried to drop kick elena but she just caught his foot"

"i was hoping for more of a challenge from the son of lord death i guess i hoped for to much" elena said as she let go of his leg causing him to jump back

"sora i think its time to finish this" elena said

"agreed" sora said she pointed one of the swords in the air and a full moon appeared

"darkmoonlight slash" elena and sora said as she swung her swords in an X shaped cross slash and watching the arc go towards him it hit causing kid to fly backwards and land on his back then she slashed at black star and soul who standing in the crater watching causing them to fall on their backs once that was done elena untransformed

"we are the most powerful pair here remember that" sora said

"wazzup wazzup WAZZUP" lord death made an appearance

"hi there lord death" everyone said

"i heard that kid had an eventful first day at school i hope you didn't hurt him too much" death said

"nah he's fine" sora said while elena chuckled

"we wanted a challenge unfortunately even your son couldn't give it to us we even used our soul resonance and then promptly got very bored" elena said

"to be fair we did use it literally immediately and i wanted to prove a point first and foremost" sora said

"that would be" death asked

"we are the strongest pair here and anyone who thinks otherwise come at us i dare you" elena said she wanted the same thing he did although she also wanted a good fight she was a bit of a battle maniac