In Which They're Pissed

For a week, Lieutenant Clark didn't back away from Gael. He would corner him every chance he got. One time, Gael had just finished a meeting in a restaurant and had to relieve himself in the restroom before leaving.

He wasn't surprised that Clark followed him inside. Obviously, the motherfucker didn't know boundaries. Gael grew tired of being followed everywhere. He seriously considered whipping his dick out and peeing on Clark just to piss him off—or in this case, piss on him.

Gael stood by the urinal while facing Clark, who leaned against the sink a few feet away, and then he unzipped his pants, a sly grin ghosting his face as he nodded at the Lieutenant. He was ready to take out his junk, thinking the asshole must really want to see his dick if he didn't turn. The fucking pervert.

But then Clark scoffed and turned away, retrieving his phone from his pocket to answer a call and walking a few steps to the door.