In Which They Taunt

Gael shoved his hands into his pockets as he studied Malia, noticing her clenching her hands hard and checking the clock every two seconds as if that would make it go faster…or slower. She looked like she had somewhere to be, not looking scared—just a little nervous—despite Giovanni's outburst. He couldn't expect anything less from a Morelli.

Leaning forward, Giovanni rested his elbows on his knees and looked at the accountant, his brows drawn together, making him look intimidating. Gael wasn't sure what was going on yet, but he was certain it had something to do with KMH because of this accountant. 

"Mr. Ackerman. Why don't you tell him what you just told me a few minutes ago?" prodded Giovanni as he leaned back.

Gael shifted his stare at the accountant, waiting. He didn't know his surname, but he was familiar with his face. The company had hundreds of employees in the main office alone.