That’s Right

"Of course, the comrades in our rescue team are just as capable as theirs. They simply lack direction, coordination, and chemistry, and it's precisely these typically unobtrusive details that resulted in the gap in capability between our rescue team and County M. My proposal is to conduct a specialized training to combat these weaknesses and increase tacit understanding between the members of the team."

"Therefore, you would like to form a reinforcement team within your troops to carry out this special training?"

"That's right, Leader." Xu Qigang nodded his head.

"I've taken a look at your training content. It's very harsh." But as Shen Feihu said this, there wasn't a hint of condemnation in his tone, and his eyes even lit up with approval.

"The training content is very harsh, but also extremely effective." Xu Qigang blinked. He seemed to be recalling the fierce and violent battlefield and his teammates that he would never see again.

"How effective?" Shen Feihu asked.

"I've recorded much of my own daily training in the proposal. As long as they're able to pass the physical fitness requirements, I'll be able to train a new elite rescue team."

"All right!" Shen Feihu smacked his thigh. "That's how we'll do it, then. You may go back and start preparing. The approval letters will be sent to your department within a month at most." Having Xu Qigang alone was enough to enable Shen Feihu to rise above his peers. If there were more people like him around, he'd be the envy of all his old friends!

An imperceptible smile appeared on Xu Qigang's face, and he carefully explained the detailed training plan and a summary of his experiences to Shen Feihu.

After they were done discussing official business, Shen Feihu kept him back, as usual.

"Have a drink with me at noon."

Xu Qigang was about to refuse him, when Shen Feihu's secretary, Tao, interrupted to say, "President, you can't drink at noon."

Shen Feihu's face darkened, and Tao momentarily cowered back in fear before plucking up her courage to say, "You really can't. You drank once before attending a meeting at the Provincial Emergency Rescue Center and almost beat up the leader there!"

Shen Feihu adjusted his cap in embarrassment. "Um… one more thing."

"Please go ahead, President." Xu Qigang was filled with nothing but utmost respect for his old leader.

"Well, the standards of the civil servants at the bottom are a little too lax. The authorities in the capital plan to arrange a training camp for them, and we're intending to send a batch of them over to your unit."

"What departments will be included?"

"Communications, Logistics, Medical, and the Performing Arts. Added together, there's way too many people. Most of them have already been sent to the other units. Yours is the only unit without any of them at the moment." Shen Feihu couldn't bear to waste his best unit babysitting a group of girls and boys, but the numbers were too staggering, and he couldn't be too obvious in his favoritism.

A glimmer of light flashed in Xu Qigang's eyes when he heard "Performing Arts."

"I'm fine with it."

"Really? You're actually agreeing to it?" Shen Feihu didn't expect him to agree so readily. "But, seriously kid. Please don't kill them with your training."

Exasperation flashed across Xu Qigang's handsome face, and he didn't respond to his leader's doubts.

"Old Shen, it's unnecessary to say that to Xu Qigang. He's the captain. There'll be no need for him to train the female comrades personally. Just get Zhou Hong to make the necessary arrangements," Liang Ximing suggested.

"That makes sense." Shen Feihu hit his thigh. "Zhou Hong, I'll leave this to you."

Zhou Hong inwardly grumbled his discontent. His existence had finally been acknowledged. "Yes. Don't worry, Leader. I'll make sure everything is settled."

The boys in the unit would be thrilled by the arrival of the female comrades. In fact, they were probably going to fight each other for the chance to be an instructor at the training.