Field of Hope

The song and dance ensemble troupe was actually subdivided into those who sing, those who dance, and those who play instruments.

There were three departments, and each department consisted of ten smaller groups of five people each. Unless there was a large-scale performance or theater production, the coach in charge would select the best people from these three departments.

Normal training took place according to each department's respective expertise.

There were many members in the song and dance ensemble, and the annual appreciation showcase was a very important assignment. National Day had just passed, and there were no performances scheduled for the next two months. But training continued to be intense, and it was rumored that it was for a huge upcoming project.

At least, that was what Zhang Hongmei had told Sheng Ning.

She stood among the crowd, trying to remember what the huge project was. But before she could organize her thoughts, she saw a very slender figure in the crowd.

It was Coach Qiu Bai!

Sheng Ning's eyes lit up when she remembered what the project was. Qiu Bai was putting together a huge theatrical production called "Field of Hope." In her previous life, its success had caused a sensation throughout the capital and the arts world. The main leads of the production had also risen with the tide. Not only had they been promoted through the ranks, but they even obtained the opportunity to further their studies.

Sheng Ning felt her heart beat wildly. In her past life, because of her leg injury, she had missed out on the opportunity to perform in "Field of Hope." This had been a lifelong regret of hers.

This time around, she was determined to do her best.

Following behind Qiu Bai was Yang Wenying, who had a very strict expression on her face, and many other cadres. From the looks of it, they had come from various other training rooms.

"Attention!" Lu Xiaoshuang's voice rang out forcefully.

"Greetings, Director!"

"At ease!"

Yang Wenying's eyes swept through the multitude before settling on Sheng Ning. She paused for a moment before saying, "There are several reasons why I'm here today. The first is to address the lack of discipline in the troupe, which I believe you are all aware of. But awareness alone is useless. Action is what counts. In future, anyone who breaks the rules will be expelled immediately."

The crowd looked somberly at Yang Wenying. All of them were terrified, but didn't dare to voice any displeasure.

"The second matter is with regards to the overall quality of our ensemble." The disapproval in Yang Wenying's eyes was evident, and she asked sharply, "Just look around! Each one of you is limp and lifeless. If people found out you were from the General Union Song and Dance Ensemble, it would be a disgrace and embarrassment to the General Union."

The vigorous, young girls blushed at the scolding. They looked angry, but were afraid to speak out.

"What? Did I say anything wrong? How many of you here are truly qualified? Don't make the mistake of thinking your can breeze through without proper training."

Lu Xiaoshuang raised her hand in displeasure. "Report!"


"It's impossible to prepare for our performances and train our foundation at the same time. There simply isn't enough time."

Yang Wenying scoffed, and her thin lips turned up in a derisive smile.

Sheng Ning inwardly gave Yang Wenying a thumbs-up. She was definitely a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Yang Wenying icily called her name. "Sheng Ning, step out."

Sheng Ning was stunned for a moment, and quickly took a step forward. "Present!"

"Tell me what you think. Do you have time to train on a normal day?" At the question, everyone turned to look at Sheng Ning. Some were delighted at her misery, some shot her looks of warning, and others gazed at her with pity.