Joint Training

Qiu Bai shot Yang Wenying a disapproving look. Sheng Ning had already been ostracized by the troupe, and here she was making it worse.

Yang Wenying pretended not to notice and kept her eyes trained on Sheng Ning. "Answer me," she said.

"Director, I believe that our ensemble's overall quality is just as important as our individual performances, so I will do my best to raise our ensemble's overall quality," Sheng Ning replied thoughtfully as she looked unflinchingly at Yang Wenying.

"Very good! You have a well-developed sense of social awareness. Your self-criticism was also very insightful." For the first time since she entered the room, Yang Wenying flashed a smile. The whole room erupted in enthusiastic applause, and the few people who had been unhappy lowered their heads in shame.

Lu Xiaoshuang had obviously been defeated by Sheng Ning's response, and she stared at Sheng Ning absentmindedly.

Qin Cuifen was standing beside Lu Xiaoshuang. As she watched Sheng Ning, a scheming expression flashed across her face.

"In the coming month, the best of the War Wolf Rescue Troop will be conducting a special training for everyone," Yang Wenying continued. "Those who don't pass can leave the ensemble. I don't want to waste our resources on useless members."

The announcement hit everyone like a grenade. They were all blindsided by the news, but no one dared to voice their discontent.

Every member of the emergency rescue team was retired from the military. It would be an honor to train with them, and nobody dared to say no. "Yes! We will get the job done."

"And my third announcement is that from now on your fundamental training will be directed by Coach Qiubai."

The last announcement was like a light drizzle compared to the thunderstorm that was the first two.

Coach Qiubai had a gentle personality and was a professional dance teacher. Having her direct the training was everyone's dream come true.

After Yang Wenying left with her entourage, a gloomy cloud descended upon the training room. The few hundred members of the troupe all worried about the upcoming training.

There were quite a few well-informed people there with illustrious backgrounds who began to circulate rumors.

"I heard that the members of our troupe aren't the only ones involved this time around. The girls from the logistics department will also have to undergo training."

"I also heard that the union will be throwing us over to the emergency rescue department. The instructor won't be coming here."

"Will there be members from the War Wolf Rescue Troop there? I sure hope not! They're so scary."

The news that Beelzebub had punished a female comrade by making her do a five-kilometer cross-country run had been enough to terrify everyone. Many of them began to say their silent prayers. None of them wanted to fall into the hands of Beelzebub.

"Stop dreaming! The War Wolf Rescue Troop is the gem of the department. They're not going to have any time to babysit you." The one who spoke was a very handsome-looking woman named Chen Huaying. She was considered the de facto leader of the most recent batch of newcomers. It was rumored that she had come from a tertiary institution and was from a very prominent family.

As everyone busily discussed the training, Sheng Ning looked thoughtfully at Qiu Bai's back. "No matter what, I have to train harder," she thought to herself.

While on paper Qiu Bai was directing their fundamental training, she was actually silently observing them to select performers for the theatrical production.

Sheng Ning's basic dance skills were almost nonexistent, and she was lost in the troupe's sea of talent. It was going to be a challenging task to stand out among more than a thousand people in the ensemble.

Sheng Ning quietly glanced at Qin Cuifen, and her eyes darkened.

In the previous life, Sheng Ning didn't know what tricks Cuifen had used, but she managed to get selected for the production. However, her role was very minor. She wasn't even a supporting character.

The cast of "Field of Hope" would be confirmed at the end of December.

It was only two months away to the end of December, and there was still the joint training to account for. Time was of the essence, and she couldn't afford to waste a single minute.