Engagement Called Off

Hearing what she had just said, Shen Jiayu was stunned and looked puzzled for a moment. Then, he seemed to have recalled something, and his face turned pale.

"What exactly do you mean?" Mr. Song asked sternly, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

Since she had been stopped from hacking Shen Jiayu into pieces, Song Wenxin threw the cleaver away, crouched on the floor, and burst into tears.

Seeing their daughter in distress, the Songs appeared even angrier.

"Shen Jiayu, what on earth is going on? Is what Wenxin just told us true?" Song Jiamu demanded angrily, grabbing Shen Jiayu by his collar.

"I…" Shen Jiayu was about to explain when Song Jiamu raised his hand and punched Shen Jiayu fiercely in the face!

Take that for daring to bully my sister! You asked for it!

Trained in Taekwondo, Song Jiamu packed a mean punch. Shen Jiayu staggered backward and was floored by the power of his punch.

Gingerly fingering his mouth, Shen Jiayu realized that he was bleeding.

"I'm calling off the engagement. Get out of my sight!" Song Wenxin yelled at Shen Jiayu with tears streaming down her face.

Shen Jiayu was her unofficial fiancé. Their families had maintained a close-knit relationship, socially and commercially, for decades, and when they were still kids, their parents had decided that their union in marriage would strengthen the bond between the two families.

As the years went by and Song Wenxin had matured into a young adult, no one had sought her opinion on the proposed marriage agreed by the respective parents. Instead, they had just gone ahead with the official engagement ceremony.

The wedding had been scheduled to take place once she had graduated from university.

Song Wenxin had never really wanted to marry Shen Jiayu. Besides the fact that she had no feelings for him, there was another reason why she did not want to marry him.

A few months earlier, she had accidentally discovered that Shen Jiayu, while openly professing to have feelings for her and planning to marry her in the near future, had been having a clandestine affair with another girl!

She had wanted to call off the engagement, but her father had been reluctant to offend the Shen family, who, at the moment, were the top dogs in the commercial world.

For her, what had happened today was her opportunity to break it off.

"Wenxin, I really have no idea what happened. How could I possibly sell you off to another man?" Shen Jiayu proclaimed and wiped away the blood on his lips, although he could not completely suppress his guilty conscience as he explained.

"Shen Jiayu, you monster! How dare you bully my sister?!" Song Jiamu stepped forward in his rage and grabbed Shen Jiayu by the collar, preparing to give him another beating.

"Stop it!" Mr. Song intervened, the commanding tone in his voice restraining his enraged son from hitting Shen Jiayu.

"Uncle, I am innocent! Really!" Sensing a reprieve from what he had seen, Shen Jiayu clung on to the hope of being redeemed.

Mr. Song glanced at him and said, with controlled fury in his voice, "Shen Jiayu, do not, for a moment, think that I am not aware of your cavorting. I had kept quiet because I wanted to give you a chance to change for the better! But this time, you have gone too far, and we are extremely disappointed with you!"

In fact, Mr. Song had known all along that Shen Jiayu was not that faithful, but he had not intervened because, in the past, Shen Jiayu had never done anything to harm his daughter.

"I…" Shen Jiayu was left speechless by what Song Wenxin's father had just said.

"So we will call off your engagement with Wenxin!" Mr. Song added.

"Uncle, our proposed marriage was agreed between you and my father. How could we so easily…" Shen Jiayu protested, realizing the severity of the matter.

"There's nothing more to discuss. I will talk to your father! Please leave!"


"My father has just asked you to get out of here. Are you deaf?"