The Lost Necklace

"My father has just told you to get lost. Did you not hear him? Are you deaf?" Song Jiamu, who was still fuming mad, yelled as he bunched up his fist, preparing to give Shen Jiayu another punch!

Shen Jiayu scrambled to his feet very quickly and, adjusting his clothes, glared at the family confronting him, saying angrily, "You will live to regret this!"

He refused to believe that the Songs would dare to upset the powerful Shen family!

That said, he stormed out of the house.

With Shen Jiayu gone, Song Wenxin began to calm down slowly and stopped crying.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she looked at her father in surprise.

For her sake, he had actually stuck his neck out and crossed swords with the Shen family.

At the same time, Song Jiamu hurriedly approached his sister and asked with concern, "Wenxin, what actually happened today?"

In between sniffs, Song Wenxin recounted to her family what had happened in the past few hours, intentionally leaving out some details--for example, her being kissed by that man.

She did say that she had tried very hard to beg for mercy and that the man had eventually relented and let her go.

Listening to her, Song Jiamu was so angry that he had wanted to immediately confront the Shen's and demand an explanation. However, he was held back by Mrs. Song, who suggested that perhaps they should just let the matter rest since Wenxin had returned unharmed. He then agreed not to pursue the matter further.

The family had barely settled down to some peace when they received a call from Shen Jiayu's father, the chairman of Sanshen Group.

Although Song Chengtao had tried to maintain a civil tone in explaining his decision to call off the engagement, he was also adamant about not changing his mind, and that had incurred the wrath of Shen Jiayu's father!

"Since you people have stubbornly refused to give me face, we will not be held accountable for any future action taken against you. Song Chengtao, you will soon regret this and come kneeling before me for mercy!" With that threat, he hung up.

The silence that followed was deafening. Not saying a word, Song Wenxin's father just lit up and drew hard on his cigarette.

"Father, it's all my fault…" Song Wenxin began to speak, keeping her head lowered. She felt a sudden pang of guilt even though she had not done anything wrong.

Indeed, it was because of her that her family's relationship with the Shens had deteriorated to this stage!

"We had never been in favor of this engagement from the get-go, so it's for the better!" Song Chengtao sighed in relief, suddenly feeling the need to comfort Song Wenxin.

"Indeed, I don't believe that the Shens would have so much power in A City to be able to do us any real harm and get away with it!" Song Jiamu snorted. He had long harbored a dislike for that family!

Song Chengtao nodded in agreement before suggesting to his children and wife, "It's late. Get some rest, all of you!"

That night, Song Wenxin did not sleep a wink.

Thoughts of how the Shens could harm her family kept going through her head.

Since she had tried unsuccessfully to get some sleep, she decided to get out of bed and open her laptop to surf the internet.

She noticed some new messages in her inbox and proceeded to open them.

Her hopes were dashed once she had read the contents of the messages.

They were all spam messages, not information about her missing necklace.

Three years ago, she had lost a necklace of huge sentimental value. It was a necklace adorned with her name, handcrafted by her late grandmother. To her, it was the most precious treasure ever.

Over the years, she had posted ads with a forwarding email address, on the internet, to locate the person who had taken the necklace from her, hoping to get him to return it to her.

However, three years had flown by and she had not been successful in locating that man.

Sighing, she shut down her laptop in disappointment.

Then, she opened her jewelry box and took out the heavy gold chain.