Chapter 191: Even Buddha Has His Rage

It was only then that Song Yuhan remembered this fellow claiming he couldn't dance, and she immediately felt a headache coming on. She forgot to even ask him about it and had to hastily teach Ye Wudao a few simple dance steps, hoping devoutly that he wouldn't keep stepping on her feet.

Although Ye Wudao was not a dancer, he was a martial artist, with abnormal control over his body. The dance steps weren't complex, and after Song Yuhan taught them to him, he picked them up instantly.

At first, Ye Wudao was somewhat clumsy and even accidentally stepped on Song Yuhan's foot, but gradually, he became proficient, dancing impressively and astonishing Song Yuhan in the process.

If she hadn't known beforehand that Ye Wudao couldn't dance, she might have thought he was deliberately deceiving her. He now seemed like a dance expert, to the extent that Song Yuhan found herself struggling to keep up with his rhythm.