Chapter 0192: A-level Warrior

"Congratulations, you've finally achieved your wish, I'm really envious. Who knows when I'll be able to pass the A-level assessment," Yu Yan said with an envious tone.

"As long as you work hard, the opportunity will come sooner or later. Alright, Yu Yan, let's not gossip anymore. Our mission is to protect Song Yuhan, not to study my matters," the man said.

At this moment, Ye Wudao realized that the man and woman spying on him were not following him, but Song Yuhan instead, which infuriated him.

If they had come for him, Ye Wudao would not have been so angry, but interfering with Song Yuhan was crossing his red line. Without hesitating, Ye Wudao immediately followed them in his car, tailing behind them. If they dared to lay a hand on Song Yuhan, they would face Ye Wudao's wrath!